Vegatrek 0.3.5 pre-release

Discuss the Star Trek mod(s) for the Vega Strike Engine

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Post by Dilloh »

You mean e.g. that a a Sovereign is attacking you upside down? I guess that's a pure AI question, since the AI doesn't care how it attacks you. I'd directly head for the admins with that question, that ought to be a really tough one.
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Post by ace123 »

Yeah I don't think anything cares what orientation ships are in... I guess there's no good reason that AI ships can't automatically rotate to be aligned with another ship?
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Post by Dilloh »

I think a possible approach would be to set a common fix point for "the bottom" of a ship, that could be for example the sun (I don't think that too many battles occur in the sun's center, so there's a good chance that ships visually are aligned the same).
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Post by ollobrains »

perhaps the ships could slowly align as the battle goes on. My guess is the programmers would need to run a few test battles to ascertain what the AI is doing and tweak it or give it options

A video replay aspect ( ie seeing battle from afar could really help out but havent had to many hassles here anyway)
Psyco Diver 69
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Post by Psyco Diver 69 »

I don't see the issue, if this was space I doubt they would be aligned anyways, esspecially in battle where ships are trying to out manuver each other, put strongest shields to bare, or bringing the most guns on the target
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Post by Dilloh »

I think tilias wants to recurr sceneries as we know from star trek battles on TV, and indeed I've never seen non-aligned ship... that doesn't look "good". In space-sims with many fighters, this is probably not a severe problem. But major sluggy ships...
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Post by esgaroth »

I guess it would be difficult to convince the klingons to align before attacking :-) ... but if its only for visuals, then you can easily rotate your ship manually and align to your enemy.
Another thing: is it only my impression or is the Theta class firing only with one phaser ? When i fly it or when i fight against it, i can only see one phaser firing. Nevertheless it has two phasers and they have their tag as "false", therefore they are not linked as a phaser bank. So why is only one phaser firing ?
Tillias, any idea ?
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Post by esgaroth »

<- result of esgaroth crashing his head repeatedly at the keyboard
I placed the second phaser at the same place as the first....
Seems there will be a patch before new year.
Technical question: My photoshop seems not to be capable of producing png pictures with transparent parts. Therefore my Hud images are rather ugly. Anyone who can do this for me ? (i´d supply the hud images, just make the background transparent)
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Post by loki1950 »

Have you tried with the Gimp there is a windows version :wink: and it's free :D

Enjoy the Choice :)
my box::HP Envy i5-6400 @2Q70GHzx4 8 Gb ram/1 Tb(Win10 64)/3 Tb Mint 19.2/GTX745 4Gb acer S243HL K222HQL
Q8200/Asus P5QDLX/8 Gb ram/WD 2Tb 2-500 G HD/GF GT640 2Gb Mint 17.3 64 bit Win 10 32 bit acer and Lenovo ideapad 320-15ARB Win 10/Mint 19.2
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Post by esgaroth »

Also, it struck me as odd that you would use the Privateer Remake, and not a "pure" vegastrike directory.
Well, priv remake is less work in modding (less factions, less scripts etc.) and I once tried it with a vegastrike plain vanilla and it simply didnt work (couldnt even rename the factions without crashing the game).
And vegastrike is progressing way faster than vegatrek (we are only 2 here), so we are always behind.....
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Post by Dilloh »

Since PU is being updated to the current SVN sooner or later, there might be an easy way to convert VT to it.

About the HUDs, I've been using Ultimate Paint for this long time ago, why don't you make a zip and post it here so I'll probably do it, or someone else might grap it as well.
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Post by esgaroth »

Since PU is being updated to the current SVN sooner or later, there might be an easy way to convert VT to it.
Well, we´ll deal with this when the time has come.
About the HUDs, I've been using Ultimate Paint for this long time ago, why don't you make a zip and post it here so I'll probably do it, or someone else might grap it as well.
And that is what i will do next.
BTW, here
you can find a zip file with
a) a new ship, the maquis raider (the ship Chakotay flies in the beginning of Voyager), just put the whole folder in the units folder
b) a new units.csv file with new flight dynamics for the danube, some others tweaked and correctly armed theta class, also put in units folder
c)a new, just put into modules folder

Feedback welcome !
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Post by esgaroth »

Maybe another questio to anyone who may know it:
when i press shift-M, then i come to the computer/nav screen. At the moment, this nav pad is way too small, ugly and not trekkish. Anyone knows where i find the pic/script for this so that i can change this ?

And to all:
Merry christmas and a happy new year !
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Post by esgaroth »

Short update about the progress so far:

-added 4 new ships, the maquis raider, peregrine class federation fighter and 2 federation shuttles.
-flight dynamics of smaller ships improved
-photon torps (federation) can now be reloaded and bought at most bases
-minor tweaks at the ai
-added new splash screen
-changed part of base art (ship dealer)
Quork Q'Tar
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Post by Quork Q'Tar »

edit: Problem is solved, I kicked out the log files, as they are too much scrolling...

I have a problem starting Vega Trek, all of a sudden, although it worked well until now. Sometimes it aborts loading without a warning message, just loads the splash screen and immediatly exits to Windows. And if not, I end up hanging in space without a ship. Even if I load a saved game (In the description of each one there's written "Starship: Refurbished Danube"), I finish in the same place again. Here's [edit: was] the logs:

Last edited by Quork Q'Tar on Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
(Mostly inactive) Crewman Apprentice Quork Q'Tar of the Austrian Star Fleet ÖSF
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Post by Quork Q'Tar »

Excuse me posting that much, the solution was quite simple: I opened Precess Explorer and found that soundserver.exe was active in about half a dozen instances. Killing them all solved the problem.
(Mostly inactive) Crewman Apprentice Quork Q'Tar of the Austrian Star Fleet ÖSF
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Post by loki1950 »

@Quork Q'Tar that has been an issue with soundsever for while one of the reasons that it was dropped in the new guys are still using the 0.4.3 version of the engine the privateer universe crew are the first mod moving to the beta till you guys do that checking that is died when you exit might be a good habit to cultivate :wink:

Enjoy the Choice :)
my box::HP Envy i5-6400 @2Q70GHzx4 8 Gb ram/1 Tb(Win10 64)/3 Tb Mint 19.2/GTX745 4Gb acer S243HL K222HQL
Q8200/Asus P5QDLX/8 Gb ram/WD 2Tb 2-500 G HD/GF GT640 2Gb Mint 17.3 64 bit Win 10 32 bit acer and Lenovo ideapad 320-15ARB Win 10/Mint 19.2
Quork Q'Tar
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Post by Quork Q'Tar »

Now I tried to install Vega Trek on another PC, and here I had those problems:

-Vega Trek crashed immediatly after initiating the program. I found in the config file, that Duel.mission is set as default mission, and as stdout stated, this file wasn't there. I looked - and really. (I can't understand why - I think I have it at home. Were the packages changed in the lately?) I changed the config file, and selected an existing mission file.

-Vega Trek still crashed, but way later. In stdout I read, that Sun, Mercury, Venus couldn't be found. So I downloaded the newest VegaStrike (Beta 0.5) and unzipped the folder "Textures" without overwriting.

Now I'm lost somehow. Vega Trek just breakes off loading. It exits to WIndows without even an error message (until now Windows asked every time: Das Programm Vega Trek hat einen Fehler gemacht. Debug? Schließen? (Debug? Close?)). And also stdout and stderr look as if there was no problem, until Vega Trek suddenly broke off writing the files and loading (I understand, these are the startup logs, right?). Funny enough, soundserver.exe closed by itself. The files:


Found data in ..
Using C:\vegatrek dev as data directory
USING HOMEDIR : C:\vegatrek dev/.privateer100 As the home directory
CONFIGFILE - No config found in home : C:\vegatrek dev/.privateer100/vegastrike.config
CONFIGFILE - No home config file found, using datadir config file : C:\vegatrek dev/vegastrike.config
MISSION_NAME is empty using : explore_universe.mission
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
running import sys
print sys.path
sys.path = [r"C:\vegatrek dev/modules/builtin/",r"C:\vegatrek dev/modules/",r"C:\vegatrek dev/bases/"]
testing VS randomrunning import sys
print sys.path
OpenGL Extensions supported: GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_swap_control GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_SGIS_multitexture GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_pixel_format WGL_EXT_swap_control
OpenGL::GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array supported
OpenGL::Accurate Fog Distance unsupported
OpenGL::Generic Texture Compression supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Compression unsupported
OpenGL::Multitexture supported (2 units)
OpenGL::TextureCubeMapExt supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Clamp-to-Edge supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Clamp-to-Border supported
OpenGL::EXTColorTable unsupported
::VSImage ERROR : Unknown image format


Vega Strike
See for license details.

Using .privateer100 as the home directory
Found MODDIR = C:\vegatrek dev/mods
WARNING: color orange not defined, using default (white)
DATADIR - No datadir specified in config file, using ; C:\vegatrek dev
['.\\DLLs', '.\\lib', '.\\lib\\plat-win', '.\\lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\vegatrek dev\\bin']
['C:\\vegatrek dev/modules/builtin/', 'C:\\vegatrek dev/modules/', 'C:\\vegatrek dev/bases/']
Setting Screen to w 1024 h 768 and pitch of 4096 and 32 bpp 4 bytes per pix mode
1 joysticks were found.

The names of the joysticks are:
5-Axis,12-Button with POV
axes: 5 buttons: 13 hats: 1
FactionXML:LoadXML factions.xml
Hi helper play 0
HereFound ship named : danube.blank
Found faction in save file : 0
Exiting ReadSavedPackets
Hi helper play 0

Im' not sure, but stdout doesn't normally end with "Here", does it?
(Mostly inactive) Crewman Apprentice Quork Q'Tar of the Austrian Star Fleet ÖSF
Former Cadet 1st Quork Q'Tar of the German Star Fleet DeSF
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Quork Q'Tar
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Post by Quork Q'Tar »

Now I tried to start in windowed mode. Windows stated vegastrike.exe had encountered a problem, I made it debug, the program exited, and soundserver.exe stayed opened in two instances. The files look again as if there was no problem:


Vega Strike
See for license details.

Using .privateer100 as the home directory
Found MODDIR = C:\vegatrek dev/mods
WARNING: color orange not defined, using default (white)
DATADIR - No datadir specified in config file, using ; C:\vegatrek dev
['.\\DLLs', '.\\lib', '.\\lib\\plat-win', '.\\lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\vegatrek dev\\bin']
['C:\\vegatrek dev/modules/builtin/', 'C:\\vegatrek dev/modules/', 'C:\\vegatrek dev/bases/']
Setting Screen to w 1280 h 1024 and pitch of 5120 and 32 bpp 4 bytes per pix mode
0 joysticks were found.

The names of the joysticks are:
FactionXML:LoadXML factions.xml


Found data in ..
Using C:\vegatrek dev as data directory
USING HOMEDIR : C:\vegatrek dev/.privateer100 As the home directory
CONFIGFILE - No config found in home : C:\vegatrek dev/.privateer100/vegastrike.config
CONFIGFILE - No home config file found, using datadir config file : C:\vegatrek dev/vegastrike.config
MISSION_NAME is empty using : explore_universe.mission
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
running import sys
print sys.path
sys.path = [r"C:\vegatrek dev/modules/builtin/",r"C:\vegatrek dev/modules/",r"C:\vegatrek dev/bases/"]
testing VS randomrunning import sys
print sys.path
OpenGL Extensions supported: GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_swap_control GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_SGIS_multitexture GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_pixel_format WGL_EXT_swap_control
OpenGL::GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array supported
OpenGL::Accurate Fog Distance unsupported
OpenGL::Generic Texture Compression supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Compression unsupported
OpenGL::Multitexture supported (2 units)
OpenGL::TextureCubeMapExt supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Clamp-to-Edge supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Clamp-to-Border supported
OpenGL::EXTColorTable unsupported


Current Path C:\vegatrek dev\bin
Final Path C:\vegatrek dev
Using .privateer100 as the home directory
Opened audio at 44100 Hz 16 bit stereo, 4096 bytes audio buffer


Look rather normally, don't they?

Could there possibly be a problem with the PC/Windows itself? (Apart from the fact that WIndows itself is a problem -.-)
(Mostly inactive) Crewman Apprentice Quork Q'Tar of the Austrian Star Fleet ÖSF
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Post by loki1950 »

That unknown image is because all of the textures in the new vegastike beta are compressed into DDS format and 0.4.3 does not understand what they are.and the new version of the engine has not been built for vega trek as i remember you guys need a specially built version of the engine as you don't use the SPEC drive or jump points i could be all wrong though :wink:

Enjoy the Choice :)
my box::HP Envy i5-6400 @2Q70GHzx4 8 Gb ram/1 Tb(Win10 64)/3 Tb Mint 19.2/GTX745 4Gb acer S243HL K222HQL
Q8200/Asus P5QDLX/8 Gb ram/WD 2Tb 2-500 G HD/GF GT640 2Gb Mint 17.3 64 bit Win 10 32 bit acer and Lenovo ideapad 320-15ARB Win 10/Mint 19.2
Quork Q'Tar
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Post by Quork Q'Tar »

loki1950 wrote:That unknown image is because all of the textures in the new vegastike beta are compressed into DDS format and 0.4.3 does not understand what they are.and the new version of the engine has not been built for vega trek as i remember you guys need a specially built version of the engine as you don't use the SPEC drive or jump points i could be all wrong though :wink:

Enjoy the Choice :)
Oh, thanks for the quick response, Loki! Where can I get images suitable for Vega Trek?
(Mostly inactive) Crewman Apprentice Quork Q'Tar of the Austrian Star Fleet ÖSF
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Post by loki1950 »

There is a plug-in for IfranVieuw that will open them so that you can convert them back to jpg as for the reason they are in DDS format load times with out compression got out of hand in vegastrike like 10 minutes :shock: the data set is getting big :wink:

Enjoy the Choice :)
my box::HP Envy i5-6400 @2Q70GHzx4 8 Gb ram/1 Tb(Win10 64)/3 Tb Mint 19.2/GTX745 4Gb acer S243HL K222HQL
Q8200/Asus P5QDLX/8 Gb ram/WD 2Tb 2-500 G HD/GF GT640 2Gb Mint 17.3 64 bit Win 10 32 bit acer and Lenovo ideapad 320-15ARB Win 10/Mint 19.2
Quork Q'Tar
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Post by Quork Q'Tar »

Hm. I think I'll just copy the files from my home PC. Shouldn't be a problem with my USB-"Stick" being twice as big as the drive in this PC here :roll: Thank you very much, Loki!
(Mostly inactive) Crewman Apprentice Quork Q'Tar of the Austrian Star Fleet ÖSF
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Post by esgaroth »

Oh, thanks for the quick response, Loki! Where can I get images suitable for Vega Trek?
They should be in the textures folder which has to be downloaded separately from the download site, as well as the units folder. Did you download both and have you put them into the main vegatrek directory ?
The main download is lacking this two folders (had size problems when uploading and therefore split it...). Cant comment on the other things, though.
I looked - and really. (I can't understand why - I think I have it at home. Were the packages changed in the lately?) I changed the config file, and selected an existing mission file.
The package wasnt changed, but the_duel is indeed missing. However, the engine automatically then chooses explore_universe which should work...
Except that, we had here another guy who did not get vegatrek working on his machine. Never found out why. Try exchanging the vegastrike engine with the most recent one, that might work. Or it doesnt.....
Maybe you could also try to get the whole vegatrek install from your computer where it is working and transfer it to the new one. If it doesnt run there, then it seems to be a computer-specific problem...
Ah, and did you run setup ?
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Post by ace123 »

I think the latest version of the engine might work with vega trek... it's worth a try before converting the images back.
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