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ryzom, possible new open source game

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:28 pm
by Dawe
Ryzom, a MMORPG is maybe going go be released as an open source game due to the fact that the company Nevrax has gone bankrupt.
Now a small group of old developpers are raising money to buy the rights for the game, so far they have collected about 167 000 euros (many dollars!)

It's really interesting, because it seems to be fairly popular, and developped, and it would be fun to see such a developped game become available for the public.

Anyway the decision is being made any day now, so lets just hope they'll manage to free the game!

btw the money raising project is at and the game at

Re: ryzom, possible new open source game

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:38 pm
by www2

I wand also post about Ryzom i forgot this...
And i wand also to know a officially statement from hellcatv, ace123 or jacks about this...

from my i wish this project good luck....

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 12:50 pm
by micheal_andreas_stahl
Well i don't know the game but i say best of luck.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:51 am
by Dawe
It failed, seems like another company, gameforge beat them to it...
But now they have over 170000 euros in pledges, maybe they can make something good out of this anyway!
Their new idea seems to "free" any other MMORPG that is not going with profit, and with a staggering company. The first draft for the new project is here:
Hope they manage to free something, that would be cool!

I'm not in to MMORPGs myself, but i like the idea of making them free for everyone, even though if the game would be free the "official" game would cost to play in order to pay for the servers. BUt then it would be free for anyone to create their own shard if they want!

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 11:43 am
by cracken
was going to have a look but that's a pretty big download, what's it like? anything unique or worth mentioning?