best storage solution????

Let the flames roll in...
Err... yeah, well I suppose you can talk about other stuff as well, maybe?

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etheral walker
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best storage solution????

Post by etheral walker »

As some might have noticed, I lost ALL my finished work for babylon 5 due to a gmail bug. So I want to know which backup solution you use
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Post by dandandaman »

Depending on how important it is to me, i put it in up to four places. My working copy, a backup pcopy on another partition, another backup on some webspace, and a cd ....

That said, I don't do this constantly, about once a month I go and do backups .... so I can still lose up to a month of work :-/

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Post by mkruer »

Although I am not as anal as Dan about my backups, I think a viable solution for you might be to make a RAID-1 array. If you can purchase two of the most massive HDs. (I prefer Western Digital, and if you have a mother board that supports RAID-1 great. In not you can pick up a Promise raid Card for and extra $100.

True this will not prevent mass disasters, virus, or accidental deletion, but it will remove the majority of Hardware issues. Then you can use your current HD and use it to make a quick backup with whatever software you want.
I know you believe you understand what you think I said.
But I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

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Post by energyman76b »


I put small stuff (or big one) on cdr, and do complete backups on tape one time a month. This will eat two tapes, but they can be used several times and is not sooo expensive. 35/70gb tape, on ebay less than 10?. Try to burn 100GB on data/system on cd... that would need a minimum of 150 cdrs...

The drives are expensive :o(, even second hand at ebay. But the media are relatively cheap, dlt's are very longliving (travan and dat is not so robust, but have some other advantages) and doing backups on tape is a lot easier than burning a cd.. and does not stress the system. (Exspecially with a drive with hardware compression). So, it is a matter of how often you are doing backups, and the amount of data. If you are only burning away a gig or two, a dvd burner, would be the cheaper solution, but when you plan to backup whole partitions, with tens of gigabytes, tapes are becoming the most economical solution, because of the cheaper media (per mb/gb).

But, I am a little bit of a tape-freak ;o)
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A bit of advice from the designer of my OS

Post by hellcatv »

* "Only wimps use tape backup: real men just upload their important stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it." (1996)
Linus Torvalds
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Post by peteyg »

Didn't he say a few years before that backup of any kind was for pussies (or something)?

The Lin-man is softening in his old age.
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Post by energyman76b »

@hellcatv: that does not work for me... I can not up/download all of my favorite 'files' without getting some ass kicking by our admins ;)
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