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Better place than.....that other

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 9:18 pm
by RFBurns
Welp, Im going to spend my spare time here at the VS forums instead of that other place. They have a problem with someone who is smarter than they are, thus they ban for that. Quite funny amazes me how easy ego's over there can be knocked down a peg or two and their response is to ban. Very childish and very unprofessional. All over a post about removing a tv logo in some cartoons not even worth watching because of bad script and storylines and terrible animation. But again, big ego's are easy to be burst. Oh and BTW Mr. Loafie, TV Land doesnt have a problem with it...why should you? (you know what Im talking about cod war wannabe)

Im sure some here probably went thru their power game too, I recognize a few nics here from the other place. Im sure those admins come here to read this very carefully meatLoaf.

Keep running off folks like you are and you wont have much left other than yourselves...which is fine for the rest of us. Quite frankly I think your forum over there should be a private forum, not public. really should get down from your high horse there in Austin. Or I could take a quick trip down I-10 East and show you how to climb down to the real world like the rest of us.

Welp, thats all I have to say about that other place.

For those interested, I have a un-censored opinion, but that is only available via email.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 9:55 pm
by peteyg
The WCCIC chatzone can be a pretty brutal place, for all kinds of reasons. The VS forums are much less flamish, and the people friendly.

I would encourage people to keep the flame wars of other boards from spilling out onto Vega Strike's peaceful countryside.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 10:31 pm
by Guest
LOAF here - yes, I do read these boards. Bob McDob has had me replying to some technical issues (re: ramscoops) in another thread of late.

I'm certainly never happy to have to ban someone, but it's occasionally necessary. I'm certainly not happy that you're angry about it - (though I'll admit I'm honored that you feel the CICCZ is important enough to become this emotional over). Rest assured that almost all bans are temporary, and all first time bans are generally rescinded within days. In fact, our ban list currently stands at only five: two gimmick accounts ('WCSUCKS!' and 'ihatechrisreid'), one Yahoo!Groups spammer (X-Ray) and two regular contributors (yourself and Antman).

Anyway, it would certainly be fine if you're serious about wanting to discuss this in person; I'm happy to buy a drink for any other Wing Commander fan, and I can promise that I'm not silly enough to put any 'real life' stigma on something as dumb as message board politics. I'll be in Maryland for the rest of the summer (if that's more convenient for you) and then I'll be back in Austin starting August 15th.

Anyway, drop me an e-mail and let me know what's up. Thanks!

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:27 pm
by hellcatv
*sigh* that guy AntMan

flamed Vega Strike too

luckily not on these boards

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:58 pm
by RFBurns
Feel free to contact me anytime Loaf. My email addy is clearly visible both here and at your forum in my profile. BTW, I tried to reach you via email yesterday and IM on the forum, but that ban prevented me from linking I did attempt to reach you about this.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 6:53 pm
by Guest
Um, maybe I'm just a little slow. What is that "other place?" Does it have something to do with Wing Commander? I don't want to flame, I just want to know. I loved WC.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 9:19 pm
by peteyg
The WC CIC forums at,
which are run by the WC CIC at