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Farewell Steve Jobs

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:54 am
by pheonixstorm
For those living under a rock (or outside the US) Apple founder Steve Jobs died today. I didn't catch the whole story but I believe it was from some form of cancer. Even though many here may not like Apple or its products, it is always a tragedy when someone so talented and creative dies too soon. His ideas and innovations will be missed.

Re: Farewell Steve Jobs

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:05 am
by Adonn
Steve Jobs looked far ahead and came up with concepts that were ahead of their time, and wouldn't be here or still would be in a more primitive form today.
I didn't exist at the time, but when the first Macintosh came out, the idea behind it was that anybody could use it and it was as easy as point/click, as opposed to the command line interface.
The Macintosh (back then) completely reshaped the present personal computing era. Without it, I wonder what computers would be like if it hadn't been created.
His other products also sparked a revolution in certain technologies. When the iPod came out, and stored tons of songs in an easy to use interface, everybody (that I knew) had one if it was in their budget. When the iPhone came along, what we thought in terms of limitation of a cell phone, and its capabilities, diminished as the iPhone changed the world, and still does. The iPad wasn't as popular at first I though it would be, but that soon changed. I don't know anybody personally who actually has an iPad, but I've heard lots of people who have one are happy with it (it also still dominates the tablet market).

"Its not about how he died, but how he lived" was an interesting quote I read from somewhere (i don't remember where, but it pertains to the discussion).

Rest in peace Steve Jobs.

Re: Farewell Steve Jobs

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:01 am
by pheonixstorm
The thing about the iPad though.. tablet PCs had been around for years prior to its release but were never widely popular or seen as something important to own. That and up until the iPad few even knew of them, not to mention that at least half of them were rather clunky in their design and ease of operation. All Jobs really had to do was give it an overhaul and name it something catchy then release it. If it was from Apple and had an i in front of it he knew it would sell.

I just wonder if Apple can keep the bar high with regards to new tech gadgets w/o Jobs leading the way.