Make vegastrike more rpg

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Make vegastrike more rpg

Post by mithrandir1984cz »

Hi, I have a few ideas which can make vs much playable (just my opinion :)). Some of them are inspired by old elite games.

Pilot reputations

When you have rubbished llama, nobody in sector heard about you, it's hard to get good work. Pilot reputation should grow with successfull missions, kills and fail with unsuccessfull missions, pirating and so on.

Mission dialogues.

When you open mission terminal, nobody on public board will ask you: Please transport some forbidden biological weapon to system x, base y, but: I am looking for man to transport some delicate goods etc.

Then you can ask.. what is this cargo, who you are working for, I want more money (depends on your reputation?), how much is this mission dangerous...

Mission have to be done in limited time

Patrol (Maybe scout sound better) missions should require advanced radar or sensor equipment or something :)

Working for military

More experiences => higer rank => more interesting missions. (Player can work only for one faction military?)

(Idea: you are transporting some goods and you are contacted by your superior who told you that transport ship with important cargo is under attack and you are only ship in the sector... good way how to get quick promotion)

Criminal records (When you are guilty e. g. from transporting contraband, you can't dock on confed base, but it doesn't mean that every confed cargo ship try to shoot you down in neutral space)

Distinction, Merits

Being criminal can make you hero in eyes of your enemies :) Or e.g. when you passing through Andolian space and destroy several Aera ship, Andolian goverment can send you offical thanks (Visible in your pilot profile)

Of course this should be really rare you shouldn't get medal for each mission.

Crew... One man can't drive galactic cruiser by himself... you have to hide crew to work on your ship, pay them... (I have more idea here, cheap crew can panic in battle or you can hire enemy agent but I am not sure whether this don't complicate game in bad way).

Any ideas, opinions...?
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Post by Lonestar »

Seconded. However, that sort of thing is probably several releases away - there's a lot of basic stuff being reworked right now.
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Post by Paslowo »

As for RPG, as long as you don't add a dice rolling combat system in vegastrike.

It would be great for online too.
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Post by mithrandir1984cz »

No roll dice, but I am like when I can really identify my game character, have pilots name, name of my ship, history, reputation... not to be only one unit amongs milions others :)
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Post by Shark »

I've been playing Mount & Blade, and they have a system whereby putting points in different combat skills increases your proficiency with that particular weapon type -- e.g., increasing your archery skill increases your accuracy with bows, as well as allowing you to hold the bow in its drawn position for longer periods of time.
This system works pretty well and think it would fit well with VegaStrike.
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Post by Oblivion »

No roll dice either. I like D&D but D&D in a space shooter is more than confusing (I still have problems translating 2d6 into actual numbers :x ).

RPG. Thirded, fourthed, :)

Crews - hiring crews based on skills system. Some crews better at repair, others at accuracy, others at diplomacy (higher prices at trading :)). Maybe crews with optional sidequests? :) I'm thinking KOTOR with more space combat. More crews - more upkeep. Better ship handling :)

Reputation - absolutely. Like morrowind. :) The more you do, the more known you will be. Be it as someone to kill on sight or someone to defend at all costs. :)

More missions - I'm currently downloading all ogre and python thingies so I could learn them at home. :) I'm itching to create missions I can offer to add to the VS. Missions are soo generic. And excluding the trader and the gangster mission I think all the mission are random. (Hit me if I'm wrong).

Customizable player - faction, race, etc. Though I'm thinking the player should be one of the Forsaken (colonizers who left first arrived last) to be immediately identifiable with us, as we too have no idea about the VS universe at start of game. However the andolians would make a nice neutral faction to start with. I do wish video communications would be coded soon. (Anyone?) Players can then choose how they look like. :) Wouldn't that be nice? :roll:

naming the ships. I would like to call my Llama "Titanic". How do I do that without having to wade through code and manually changing them? :lol:

Having one main plot. Finishing that plot will not mean the game ends. More plots will be downloadable. :) Players will not have to make a new character for each one. That way players gain experience. :)

Base. you could buy a headquarters. Not all locations. :) probably just a select few locations that can be bought. Will house your fleet, etc. Can be a capship, a station, or a planet. And you can name it!

and a whole lot more dreams of things that will never be. :)

Try to learn python/ogre coding ok? And we could learn to deal with these ourselves instead of having to ask those already busy. :wink:
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Post by www2 »

good ideas!!!

the most ideas your say is good for the multyplay/mmo versions...

and for carater creation can we use a ingame version of makehuman and also order tools (e.g. the carater creasing of the sims 1/2)...
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Post by prolog »

mithrandir1984cz wrote:No roll dice, but I am like when I can really identify my game character, have pilots name, name of my ship, history, reputation... not to be only one unit amongs milions others :)
One of my earlier posts was a request to, at the very least, be able to set the name of the pilot, and the name of each ship. At the moment, it's kinda nameless and bland.
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Post by Paslowo »

Nice ideas however...

How don't know how the crew idea and the customisable player faction idea will work for multiplayer. The feature where players hire AI crews in order to control a capital ship, I don't know how this will work in multiplayer.. I'm afraid that all the indivisual players will be sticking with flying large capital ships of they happen to be extremely rich where you have a group of players flying those large crafts instead of those stranderd menuverable space crafts for PvP so pretty much it would not be any fun if you were flying one of the battleworthy menuver fighters that fits best for the player if not balanced right.. But thats a different story for another thread.

On the customizable player faction thing, this is also a good idea since I am good at coming up with different styles of ships however.. customizable things comes with a price.. such as a player wants to make a faction that resembles from an extremely popular sci-fi franchise such as star-wars, wing-commander, babylon 5, etc. Though I think it would never to too late to have a section in the wiki called the "Player Created Factions" for the vegastrike universe which will have some descriptions about it's background, what race it uses, what artwork does it has, etc and so on.
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Post by prolog »

Well, there's always ways around it. If Torpedoes/AdvTorpedoes were made truly autotracking (they don't seem to be right now?), a wing of Dostoevskies could take on the bigger ships (due to being able to hold a single torpedo each). In my current game, I can take down Mules and Corvettes in a single AdvTorpedo hit, though I usually don't bother, due to the cargo issues I've mentioned elsewhere. This makes sense, really, since those torpedoes are supposedly to be wickedly powerful.

Jump in, fire your torpedo, and get away, using your superior speed and handling.

Of course, that's fine against capships. But there are certainly superior fighter craft that, with the right mods (I assume no autotracking on guns in multi?), and skill, could easily take out a Dos. The Dos only has two guns, after all - only the Schroedinger (& maybe others?) has less. Ideally, any fighter should be able to put up a good fight against any other. Balancing them'll be a good test, once the game goes multi.

I can't wait for multiplayer. I'd love to be able to start and name my own flight squadron with friends (similar to "clans" in online FPS games), so you'd get stuff like:

"PrivateerSquadron: PrivateerShipName"
(with different ship names for the different ships in your squad)
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Post by Oblivion »

I'm not so keen on multiplayer. As MMORPGs go, I don't like the diea of having to compete withe everyone else. And besides, all MMORPGs are very difficult to maintain questwise. :) Problems? Hacking. Tanking. Griefing. To name a few. Ouch!

However that's just me. I would love to see VS in MMORPG or in Multiplayer, but don't forget the Single player experience. :)
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Post by prolog »

Personally, I'd just like it to be an option. If you want to play single-player, you can. If you want to do simple multiplayer with a bunch of friends (the oft-mentioned "Quake in Space"), you can. If you want a richer multiplayer, you could connect to some VS MMO server and join some set universe.
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Post by klauss »

Though MMO (no RPG) would be nice... I don't think it's feasible. I never saw any non-RPG go MMO, mostly because of bandwidth problems - a realtime game, to be MMO, needs some serious infrastructure supporting it.

So... for now, I'll be happy to have LAN (or limited WAN) network play.
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Post by prolog »

Maybe not right now. But if you look at what MMOs are like now, and compare it to where they were 8-10 years ago (Ultima Online being the king of the hill, and other than that, just MUDs, etc), what's possible has increased tremendously. So yeah, I agree - right now, the game should focus on being the best single-player space sim it can be.
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Post by www2 »

I Agree with this...
only note that ar free mmog networks that run on a non profert base (e.g. the flight sim networks som one hef on a 700+ user at the time online and use only low end computer's in a distrubuter game cluster network)
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Post by Privateer Ferrius »

klauss wrote:Though MMO (no RPG) would be nice... I don't think it's feasible. I never saw any non-RPG go MMO, mostly because of bandwidth problems - a realtime game, to be MMO, needs some serious infrastructure supporting it.

So... for now, I'll be happy to have LAN (or limited WAN) network play.
I agree. VS just doesn't have the architecture to run MMO. If someone could set it up though, it'd be killer. Just remember that kind of thing is extremely pricey to run.
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Post by Mohammer »

I agree. VS just doesn't have the architecture to run MMO. If someone could set it up though, it'd be killer. Just remember that kind of thing is extremely pricey to run.
Yeah it might be extremely pricy unless if you can find the most efficent and the most cheapest way to run a multiplayer veersion of VS.. May I recommend RakNet. I'm pretty sure some french, german or any euro companies that are very willing to host the VS universe for free as a sponsor as long as you translate the game into their language.

Vegastrike's multiplayer should be like what freelancer's multiplayer was. Including the ability where players can make their own squad/clan whatever along with balanced weapons and ships so everyone does not fly the same ship with the same maxed out weapons in the long run.

Though multiplayers like that not supposed to be exactly like what the vegastrike's game plays supposed to be since this game is very customisable, other server admins can turn it in to a star-wars universe, babylon-5 universe, make flying capital ships more fun or have a bunch of mixed up junk there.

What you will not see in the vegastrike multiplayer is, hundreds or thousands of players online since everyone can host their own server..

Thinkin' that this suggestion has been mentioned over and over I hate to be annoying but I have to do this again.

With the default vegastrike multiplayer with it's universe, I expect the game to have it's main gameplay focus to be based on small crafts that can be menuverable where one players can control most of the small-medium range crafts. Large ships like the capital ships can be obtained by players as well however, capital ships should have a hard time taking out a smaller crafts while turrets should have slow menuverability. Capital ships should be very expensive to obtain as well so a player does not come into the game thinking that it's a race to get a capital ship to own everyone. In a nutshell, a player is mostly supposed to be a pilot.

The capital ship system is somewhat very complex apart from small crafts. Like if a players manning a capital ship logs off, is it gonna stay in space and is gonna be vulnerable for other online players to destroy? Thats one thing to worry about when capships come into the multiplayer gameplay system.

Unlike allegiance, capital ships can be controlled because the universe does not last forever while it is more like a match.

Players should only fly one craft(mostly small ones) at a time, however they can own as many ships as possible but if they blow up they lose that ship.

I don't know how the death system should be except Vegastrike is supposed to be a game so(a lot of players demanding realistic calls it magic) mostly non-realistic aspects should be applied to it. Besides respawning I can think up of the following:

* Ship explodes, you automatticaly get ejected and your pod gets teleported back to the station you are homed at.
* There is some ancient, sophisticated, or yet unexplainable technology where your pilot gets beamed back to your home station right before your ship explodes.

More to come soon... thats all I have for now.
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Post by triato »

I would not like to have to spend time learning skills to get the most of my ship, and also have oponents who are already much more "skilled" than me.
Let your piloting get you as far as it can, not the play and play hours and hours to get experience to finally do the interesting stuff. That kind of gameplay is good for Mount and Blade (really like it) but I would not like it in vegastrike.

I see I disagree with many, so I ask:

Please, if this is implemented, make it optional.
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Post by Paslowo »

I wonder if this is legitimate for vegastrike.

When you purchase something like a weapon or a ship, sometimes shops require you to have some special things like licenses or permits that can be obtained doing mostly non-combat missions or buying them from an underground market at a very high price..

Along with a reputation requirement for a faction as well.
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Post by darthbob88 »

Paslowo wrote:Along with a reputation requirement for a faction as well.
"If you want to join the People's Front of Judea, you have to really hate the Romans."
"I do!"
"Oh yeah, how much?"
"A lot!"
"Right, you're in. "
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Post by Paslowo »

Well in a computer game simulation, you have to do missions for that certain type of faction and not piss them off in order to get a higher reputation rating.

Yeah it's not realistic but it adds some gameplay fundamentals to it.
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Post by darthbob88 »

Paslowo wrote:Well in a computer game simulation, you have to do missions for that certain type of faction and not piss them off in order to get a higher reputation rating.
I was thinking of something like the situation between the Aera and the Rlaan. Re-read my above post, but replace "People's Front of Judea" and "Romans" with "Rlaan Enforcers" and "Aerans", respectively.
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Post by Paslowo »

I get it now.
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