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Screen resolutions

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:25 pm
by shenle
Not sure this is the right place for this thread. Is it a bug? not really. Is it a feature? yes, mostly. So I'm posting here.

Some screen resolutions are supported in a weird way. I hadn't realized it until today even though I've been using VS for quite some time. But now I finally have a laptop with a 1920x1080 screen, and I was trying to set it up in the best way to use VS in windowed mode. 1680x1050 is a bit too big vertically, so I tried the next one down, 1600x900. Except that this particular resolution isn't really what it says it is - the game window is those dimensions, but the display area inside the window is much smaller and non-widescreen, looks more like 1400x900 with 2 wide black margins to the right and left. The display area actually appears to be smaller than the next setting down, 1440x900.

If there are technical reasons why the actual display area is smaller than the game window, I don't think it should be labeled in the setup program by the window size but by the actual display area.

(edit) here is what I mean:

Re: Screen resolutions

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:36 pm
by klauss
That's in bases only, flying should work normally.

However, 1920x1080 stretches bases, and I would have thought 1600x900 would too. I'll have to check the config file.