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Faking HDR Support ?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:53 pm
by bsperan
I was just wondering if the Vega Strike developers had considered some "Faking HDR" support for HDR-like effects, even for those of us lacking true HDR support on their graphics card?
If you're in my situation... with a overall good graphics card but just lacking floating-point target support (what makes HDR), and you want to both achieve and be able to see HDR-ish effects, then you must get creative.
The graphics effects themselves looks pretty good, even the "very dumbed-down version" they used as an example. And I kindof doubt their dumbed-down version uses a tremendous amount of CPU power, either. (Even if it did, such Faking HDR could be an optional feature to be turned on or off in the options menu...)

Re: Faking HDR Support ?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:40 pm
by loki1950
Don't know but it will most likely have to wait on our move to Ogre3d for our rendering back-end that and i am sure that chuck_starchaser will have some thoughts and most likely a couple of hacks to do the job :wink:

Enjoy the Choice :)