[FeatureRequest] Factions log

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[FeatureRequest] Factions log

Post by MoonKid »

On the info-screen I can see home much other factions like or hate me.

It should be possible to see it with a time axis, too. I want to know if a faction hate or like me more after a completed mission or something like that.
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Re: [FeatureRequest] Factions log

Post by ace123 »

That would be really cool! We would need a way of logging this data without bloating the savegame files too much.

Now there might actually be an easy way to do this. There is now a savegame variable for each faction called "factionname_modifier". The 0th item in this variable is the current modifier. But since each variable is effectively a list (and we only use the 0th item for computation), we could add some code to push a new value to this variable every so often (say, after finishing a mission). Then, the graph could just show each item in order, starting with value 1. Then as the last data point show the 0th element (current value) for each faction.

It also stores faction relations per Flightgroup, something that I do not think we display in-game at all. But it could be cool to show this somewhere. Maybe if you target someone from that flightgroup it should show up below their faction name.
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Re: [FeatureRequest] Factions log

Post by burkshifter »

How hard would it be to just add a plus or minus point value after a mission or incident on the mission and info screens? For that matter, how important would it be?
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