Lots of feature wishes...

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Lots of feature wishes...

Post by LukeX717 »

Hello Everybody!

I have just played Vegastrike 0.4.3. Nice game! This is my first post here. :)

What follows here is a buglist / feature wishlist i have collected during play
and maybe some already implemented features of Vegastrike 0.5:

(I've looked over the http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/wiki/ ... e_Requests
but most of my suggestions were not mentioned there anyway)

1. Give reasons for death. (I just died, who has killed me? - Sudden death happens too often anyway)
2. Collision detector! An utility to buy, which higlights a warning and gives an evasive direction.
3. I'd like to know how many ships are attacking me. An indicator for hostile ships would help much! (Combat HUD)
4. Where do sudden appearing ships come from? They are too easy to collide with.
5. I have never found useful news. Always if I reach a system, nothing is cheaper, often not even there.
6. What was my mission? Better mission summary!
7. Missions don't save. Nor does the ship state, like ECM system is fixed.
8. Is there a way to load/save a game from the ship?
9. Font problems with text. Shift-V instead of Shift-M is an example. (Windows XP 1024x768)
10. Mouse clicks: The spots where you click to come to the bar, landing pad etc are in nonintuitive places sometimes
11. Earning money is too slow! The averange mission pay should be higher.
12. Wingmen are too expensive, and they are always to few. I never used them with success.
13. Attack speed: I never use it, expect for setting to initial speed. (1440 in Llama - Afterburner is limited in attack speed)
14. Nonworking upgrades like ECM and HUD-Repair are a bad idea and just timewasters! They should work!
15. Some ships appear to be "inside" planets and are unreachable because I land on the planet
16. Which was my mission bounty ship? They all look the same! Mark them somehow.
17. Pressing "d" often docks on planets and not the target I have selected
18. I somehow cannot sell my Llama, although I also own another ship.
19. With initial Llama battles are very time wasting, because opponents get out of reach all the time
20. The Llama is in my opinion too much upgradeable. There should be a next step to sell the Llama and buy let's say an "Silverarrow".
21. Esc-Q should always work in the game.
22. Storyline: There seemed to be one with Jenek, but it suddenly dissapeared.
Except fraction ratings there is no storyline? (which you can influence)
Maybe a dynamic one would be good...
23. Which fraction do I belong to? Do I belong to one at all?
24. It has no further influence on gameplay which people I meet (in the bar)?
I would be interesting to have some partners in battle, etc.
25. Not really dying: If your ship is destroyed, you can still reach a planet, but you are ruined.
Maybe joining a fightgroup where getting a ship (not your own) could be a solution.
26. Many missions are just dogfighting. They don't have "mission character".
There are no raids on capital ships, where you would be part of a team for example.
The romanticism of a journey to the mission target is totally missing.
In other games a mission could be to ensure that a certain starship is destroyed.
You would for example support a group of torpedo ships, protect them, and at the end
attack yourself. Depending on the state of the battle your immediate goal may change.
Also I miss: Gameplay type like: following orders, communication with base, teamplay etc.
And the result of a mission has no strategical influence on the rest of the game.
27. Navigation should be improved. Using F9 and F10 only reduces time waste!
28. I have got trouble finding good cargo routes. This needs to be improved.
Managing a cargo transporter which does some transporting on its own might also be a good idea.
29. Cargo itself is totally useless. Only upgrades are directly useful. Cargo items cannot be applied.
It would be however interesting to have items that can be used outside of battle.
- Mission plans
- Enemy battle plans
- Treasure maps (!) :-) (ok, it was suggested before)
- Badges / Documents
- Religious / war / mission critical / artefacts
- Authorisations for requests of reinforcements
- Some storyline to read (which might help)
- Some creativity needed here!
30. I could never tractor any ship in. Also I was never "caught" myself that way.
31. After tractoring a pilot I wanted to set him free, however Vegastrike wanted me to sell him as a slave...
32. Useless space salvage should be marked as such before you tractor it.
33. Space events, like passing asteroid fields (interesting in teamplay), and real emergency landings.
34. The orange universe background makes it very difficult to distinguish targets.
35. Beautiful starship artworks wish.
36. The contrast in the forum (blue on black) is hard to read... ;-)

Maybe I'll queue the above in the FAQ:Feature_Requests, if I find time, but I wanted to write it as one post. Thanks for reading.
The Shepherd
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Post by loki1950 »

Welcome LukeX717 glad you like the stable version a lot of your concerns have actually been dealt with and are already in code it's called the beta :wink: or svn depending on who you talk to. some of your suggestions may be contrary to the vision of the lead developers and never see the light of day lots of the guys actually prefer trading to combat so your restriction of it may not be popular.Have Fun.

Enjoy the Choice :)
my box::HP Envy i5-6400 @2Q70GHzx4 8 Gb ram/1 Tb(Win10 64)/3 Tb Mint 19.2/GTX745 4Gb acer S243HL K222HQL
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Post by bgaskey »

Where do sudden appearing ships come from? They are too easy to collide with.
Yeah this was a big problem. It was fixed.

Missions have been improved somewhat so they are easier to complete and the radar works better.
Most of the broken items have been fixed.

Actually I'm not going to address most of the rest of these. Many (most?) of these features are already implemented. If you run Windoze, download the 'beta' 0.5 version and try it out. If you run linux (or mac :)) you'll have to compile the SVN version yourself. The instructions are alright but if you need help post and the community will help you through it (like they did for me :wink:). You'll find many more ships and much improved graphics. The campaign is still under development tho, so nothing has been added on that end.

Some ideas, like making cargo able to interact with the game, not just to be transported, are valid, but like I said. Try out the new version.
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Post by bgaskey »

not fair :cry: he can type faster than me :wink:
The Shepherd
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Post by loki1950 »

Not that fast bgaskey :lol:

Enjoy the Choice :)
my box::HP Envy i5-6400 @2Q70GHzx4 8 Gb ram/1 Tb(Win10 64)/3 Tb Mint 19.2/GTX745 4Gb acer S243HL K222HQL
Q8200/Asus P5QDLX/8 Gb ram/WD 2Tb 2-500 G HD/GF GT640 2Gb Mint 17.3 64 bit Win 10 32 bit acer and Lenovo ideapad 320-15ARB Win 10/Mint 19.2
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Post by LukeX717 »

You could say "snap" next time! :)

Well I tried to answer that quickly, but loki1950 was also faster than me!
Ok, I'll let know when I find more time and will try the 0.5 beta!
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Post by bgaskey »

Hope you have a blast its a great game (much better with the pretty main menu :wink: )
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Post by Zael »

I too really like the idea of points 25 and 26. It would really be awesome if you could start as part of a faction using one of their low-level ships. Once you have earned enough working for them, they either give you the ship or you buy your own ship. I really like the idea of having team missions with AI and other players once multiplayer is more complete. It would be really cool to be part of a confed fleet that is on the news defending some base. I played .5 beta download for windows and found it very enjoyable. An overall improvement from .43. I just recently downloaded the SVN on my linux partition, but have yet to get very far into it. If this kind of mission is already available, then I need to play further into the SVN. If it is not availabe I think these kinds of missions would add a lot to game play.

Elite Venturer
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Post by bgaskey »

A lot of scripting and data stuff is still relatively incomplete as much attention has been focused on the engine. With the release of 0.5 (hopefully soon) attention will probably shift more and more to adding depth like varied missions and campaigns. The main story campaign is under development and should be a blast when its done, featuring battles, real characters, etc. I personally can't wait. 8)
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Post by Zael »

Is there anywhere that has good information on where to start scripting missions? If so, I may take a crack at it in my spare time. I have coded in c++ and perl before, but python would be new for me. I just glanced at the wiki earlier today after my post here but found the sample mission link to be broken. If that is the best source though I may still try to learn it.

The Shepherd
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Post by loki1950 »

Have a look in the documentation folder of your install fixers_howto.html should get you started then a look at the modules folder for real thing the mission scripts that you piece together for a story.

Enjoy the Choice :)
my box::HP Envy i5-6400 @2Q70GHzx4 8 Gb ram/1 Tb(Win10 64)/3 Tb Mint 19.2/GTX745 4Gb acer S243HL K222HQL
Q8200/Asus P5QDLX/8 Gb ram/WD 2Tb 2-500 G HD/GF GT640 2Gb Mint 17.3 64 bit Win 10 32 bit acer and Lenovo ideapad 320-15ARB Win 10/Mint 19.2
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