please make stations a little less touchy

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please make stations a little less touchy

Post by Drakna »

it seems that the slightest bump into a station or an accidental shot on thier shields makes them aggressive toward you. i have on occasion been stuck on some small thing that sticks out the side of a station and while i was lumbering around bumping into the stations protrusion it becomes hostile to me. this is especially aggravating when there are hostiles about shotting at you already
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Post by klauss »

I know how to do this, in theory, but don't know all the places where modifications should take place, so if anyone can...

Thing is stations are usually purely neutral (0 relationship), and AIs consider you hostile if relations are less than 0, so any kind of hostile action gets you shot. We need a "neutral zone", say... -10..10 is neutral.
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Post by Neskiairti »

in actuality it should probably work something like this.. maybe a few more tiers. possibly a goods price modifyer.. like 0% 1% and 2% increase/decrease.

100-50 allied (they assist you in combat, send a friendly hello when they see you.. and everybody knows your name.)

49-20 friendly (they are quite comfortable in your presence, and might ask you for assistance, or just say hello.)

19-(19) neutral (you ignore me, I ignore you. They wont give you the time of day if some one shoots at you.. wont be friendly, but wont be agressive either)

(20)-(49) hostile (get too close to them, they will fire on you.. but wont seek you out, your just a nuisence to them.)

(50)-(100) at war (you are enemy number one, sorties are sent out, specifically with your head in their sights. enemies, if they spot you on radar, will track you down, and hunt you untill they or you are dead. kinda like how it is now :P)
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Post by snow_Cat »

^ - -^ So 19-19 is the dead spot, depending on faction.
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Post by Neskiairti »

yep.. gives you good leeway..

and if they fix the retarded docking situation.. should solve all the troubles..

(half the things i run in to.. my ship cant dock with! should be two types of docking ports.. fighter bay/shuttle bay.. and capital ship docking!)
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