Can't find setup prog in Linux

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Can't find setup prog in Linux

Post by chuck_starchaser »

Downloaded CVS and managed to compile VS under Fedora Core 3, and was playing it till 3am to celebrate. Only problem is, I can't find the setup program, and by default it has no music and is in a window rather than full screen. I found the vegastrike executable under /usr/local/bin/, but I see no vssetup there.
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

Nevermind, I found vssetup in the cvs, checked it out. No instructions for compiling, that I could find. After trying make unsuccessfuly, I tried ./config and that seemed to work; but I don't know where it put the executable, or whether I need to run make. I found a DOS-like setup under the bin subdirectory, but I'm not sure what it is for..
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Post by klauss »

Just for knowledge sake... did you try make vssetup?
Then, for finding it, locate vssetup
(perhaps you don't have locatedb running, so you could use find)
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

Yeah, but where?
There's the vssetup folder from cvs, inside it there's a folder 'src'. I went in it and ran ./build, which said

Code: Select all

Compiling Vega Strike Setup... 
But if I try 'make' it says "*** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop."

And if I try 'make vssetup' it says "*** No rule to make target `vssetup'. Stop."

I tried the same in the subfolders bin, c and include, just in case, but same thing.

I also tried 'make vssetup' in the vegastrike cvs folder and the src subfolder. No luck.

I tried 'locate' but it finds nothing.

Using the gui Find Files only finds the cvs folders.
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Post by dandandaman »

./build should should but the binary in src/bin or something (the bin dir below where the build and Config scripts are)

Is it there?

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Post by klauss »

Odd. I'll try at home, even if my Linux system can't run vegastrike, it most certainly will be able to compile it. That'll be fun. Well, actually it'll be boring: my linux system is running in a slow PC, it usually takes like half an hour to compile the most simple things (except hello world, of course), so I guess VS will take a couple of hours.

If you don't fix it by then, perhaps I will.
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

dandandaman wrote:./build should should but the binary in src/bin or something (the bin dir below where the build and Config scripts are)
Is it there?
Doesn't seem to be there. I'm in ...cvs/VS/vssetup/src/bin/ and what I see is,

1) a folder CVS
2) a program 'setup' that is dos-like when I tried running it (dos-like as in Borland-ish, not as in command-line)
3) a file 'setup.config'
4) a file 'vegastrike.config'
5) a file 'vegastrike.config.temp'

Could it be that this is the cvsroot of an older setup, and that the new setup is called something else?
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Post by dandandaman »

ah, you got the dialog need to change the file so that near the top, you have:

Code: Select all

$USE_GTK = 1;
That'll fix it :-)

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Post by chuck_starchaser »

It already says that. Here's's contents:

Code: Select all


$USE_GTK = 1;

$root = "../";
$name = "Vega Strike Setup";

$exec_bin = "g++";

$exec_include = "-Wall -g3 -I/Users/daniel/Vega/dialog-1.0-20040920 -I/home/daniel/install/dialog-1.0-20040920";
$exec_compile = "-g3 -L/Users/daniel/Vega/dialog-1.0-20040920 -L/home/daniel/install/dialog-1.0-20040920 -ldialog -lcurses";
$exec_defines = "-DCONSOLE";

if ($USE_GTK) {
	$exec_include = "-Wall -O3 `gtk-config --cflags`";
	$exec_compile = "-O3 `gtk-config --libs`";
	$exec_defines = "-DGTK";

$do_c = 1;
$do_cpp = 1;

@BUILD = (
		"name" => $name,
		"include" => $root."src/include/",
		"src" => $root."src/c/",
		"build" => $root."src/bin/",
		"install" => $root."bin/"
And here's the contents of 'build', just in case...

Code: Select all

# Source Code Builder
#       - David Ranger
# Version: 1.1
# Aug 09, 2001:   1.0 - Initial Release
# Aug 14, 2001:   1.1 - Fixed bug where a changed include file didn't cause the source files to
#                       recompile. Fixed display bug when compiling multiple source files
# Jan 08, 2001:   1.2 - Added support for NoLink and $exec_bin
# Jan 12, 2001:   1.3 - Added support for $do_c and $do_cpp (both default to 1)
# Jan 14, 2001:   1.4 - Fixed bug where binary would be .cpp

use POSIX;

$do_c = 1;
$do_cpp = 1;

require '';

sub ShowCompile;
sub BuildSource;
sub BuildInclude;
sub BuildDir;
sub BuildFile;
sub InstallFile;
sub BuildCont;
sub GetFileName;
sub ClearLine;
sub ShowLine;

$start_time = strftime "%s", localtime;
$clean = 0; $do_install = 0; $sent_parm = 0;
unless ($exec_bin) { $exec_bin = "gcc"; }

@AVAIL_PARMS = ("Clean","Install","Details","NoLink");

# You can pass the following parameters:
# clean   - Removes all the compiled binaries and .o and compiles everything from scratch
# install - Copies compiled binaries to the install path (This is so you can have a seperate
#                  directory for new binaries. Very useful if you're working on a production machine
# nolink  - Compile the .c to .o, but don't do any linking. This is useful if there are many errors

while ($parm = shift) { $C{lc($parm)} = 1; }
foreach $parm (@AVAIL_PARMS) {
	unless ($C{lc($parm)}) { next; }
	unless ($sent_parm) { print STDERR "Options:"; $sent_parm = 1; }
	print STDERR " +".$parm;
if ($sent_parm) { print STDERR "\n"; }

foreach $hash_ref (@BUILD) {
	%data = %{$hash_ref};
	my (@ar_included, $include);
	$included = "";

	$DID_INC = 0;
	@ar_included = BuildInclude(\%data);
	foreach $include (@ar_included) {
		$include =~ s/\.[A-Za-z]{0,}$/\.o/;
		$included .= $include.' ';
	unless ($C{"nolink"}) { BuildSource(\%data); }

$end_time = strftime "%s", localtime;
$dif = $end_time - $start_time;
print "Time Elapsed: $dif second\n";

sub ShowCompile {
	my $data = shift;
	print STDERR "Compiling";
	if ($data->{name}) { print STDERR " $data->{name}"; }
	elsif ($name) { print STDERR " $name"; }
	print STDERR "... ";

sub BuildSource {
	my %data = %{$_[0]};
	my ($dir, @files);
	if ($data{src}) { $dir = $data{src}; }
	elsif ($src) { $dir = $src; }
	else { return ""; }
	return BuildDir($dir,"source",\%data);

sub BuildInclude {
	my %data = %{$_[0]};
	my ($dir, @files, $included);
	if ($data{include}) { $dir = $data{include}; }
	elsif ($include) { $dir = $include; }
	else { return ""; }
	@files = BuildDir($dir,"include",\%data);
	return @files;

sub BuildDir {
	my $dir = shift;
	my $type = shift;
	my $data_ref = shift;
	my (@files, $exec, $file, $cont, $out, $f_name, $last, $max);
	unless ($dir) { return ""; }
	unless ($dir =~ /\/$/) { $dir .= "/"; }
	@files = ();
	if ($do_c) { @files = glob($dir."*.c"); }
	if ($do_cpp) { push @files, glob($dir."*.cpp"); }
	if ($C{details}) { print "\n"; }
	foreach $file (@files) {
		BuildFile($file, $type, $data_ref);
		if ($C{install} && $type =~ /source/i) { InstallFile($file,$data_ref); }
		if ($type =~ /source/i) {
			print STDERR "\n";
	unless ($C{details}) {
	#	ShowLine("Done");
		print STDERR "\n";
	return (@files);

sub BuildFile {
	my $file = shift;
	my $type = shift;
	my $data_ref = shift;
	my ($out, $exec, $SOURCE, $dir);
	if ($DID{$file}) { return; }
	$DID{$file} = 1;
	unless (BuildCont($file,$type)) { return; }
	if ($type =~ /include/i) { $DID_INC = 1; }
	$out = $file;
	$out =~ s/\.c(pp)?$/\.o/;
	$f_name = GetFileName($file);
	if ($data_ref->{build}) { $dir = $data_ref->{build}; }
	elsif ($dir_build) { $dir = $dir_build; }
	unless ($dir =~ /\/$/) { $dir .= "/"; }
	if ($C{details}) { }
	elsif ($type =~ /source/i) { print STDERR "\t$f_name... "; }
	elsif ($type =~ /include/i) { ShowLine($f_name); }

	if ($type =~ /source/i) { $SOURCE = 1; }

	$exec = $exec_bin." ".$exec_include." -o $out -g ".$exec_defines." -c $file";
	if ($C{details}) { print $exec."\n"; }
	elsif ($SOURCE) { ShowLine("Building"); }
	if ($SOURCE) {
		$exec = $exec_bin." -g -o $dir$f_name $out $included $exec_compile";
		if ($C{details}) { print STDERR $exec."\n"; }
	return 1;

sub InstallFile {
	my $file = shift;
	my $data_ref = shift;
	my ($exec, $dir, $f_name);
	$f_name = GetFileName($file);
	if ($data_ref->{build}) { $dir = $data_ref->{build}; }
        elsif ($dir_build) { $dir = $dir_build; }
        unless ($dir =~ /\/$/) { $dir .= "/"; }
	if ($data_ref->{install}) { $exec = "cp $dir$f_name ".$data_ref->{install}.$f_name; }
	elsif ($dir_install) { $exec = "cp $dir$f_name $dir_install$f_name"; }
	else { return 0; }
	if ($C{details}) { print STDERR $exec."\n"; }
	else { ShowLine("Installing"); }
	return 1;

sub BuildCont {
	if ($C{clean}) { return 1; }
	my $file = shift;
	my $type = shift;
	if ($type =~ /source/ && $DID_INC) { return 1; }
	my $check = $file;
	my $header = $file;
	my (@stats, $a_time, $b_time, $out_time);
	$check =~ s/\.c(pp)?$/\.o/;
	unless (-e $check) { return 1; }

	$header =~ s/\.c(pp)?$/\.h/;
	@stats = stat($check);
	$out_time = $stats[9];

	@stats = stat($header);
	$a_time = $stats[9];

	@stats = stat($file);
	$b_time = $stats[9];

	if ($out_time < $a_time || $out_time < $b_time) { return 1; }
	else { return 0; }

sub GetFileName {
	my $file = shift;
	my (@parts) = split(/\//,$file);
	my $f_name = pop @parts;
	$f_name =~ s/\.\w{1,3}$//i;
	return $f_name;

sub ClearLine {
	$last = "";
	$max = 0;

sub ShowLine {
	my $line = shift;
	my ($current, $dif);
	if ($C{details}) { print STDERR $line."\n"; return; }
	$current = length($line);
	$dif = 0;
	print STDERR "\b" x length($last);
	print STDERR $line;
	if ($current >= $max) { $max = $current; }
	else { $dif = $max - $current; print STDERR " " x $dif; print STDERR "\b" x $dif; }
	$last = $line;
And here's what 'setup' in the bin folder, looks like...


Come to think of it, that looks "old Hat", and a bit reddish... nothing to do with Vegastrike... What's it doing there? I'm in Fedora Core 3, for Pete's sake! ;-)

Damn! I hope I haven't got a virus, now...
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Post by dandandaman »

If you're doing what I think you're doing then "d'oh"

You are, in the bin/ dir, running:


When, you really should be running:


What you are doing is launching redhat's app 'setup' which is being found elsewhere in your path (/usr/bin or whatever)

If there is no bin/setup ... then the build isn't working right......paste the entire sequence of cammands/output you are trying to get this baby running :-)

Or, alternatively, take what's below (my version on FC3).

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Post by chuck_starchaser »

Doh! I forgot to type "./" before "setup".
Now it works, but I still have a problem: vegastrike doesn't see the setup changes.
I cp'd setup as vssetup to /usr/local/bin, where vegastrike seems to be, but it did not help. Also, I only seem to be able to run setup when su'd as root. I thought maybe this was the problem, but even running vegastrike as root doesn't seem to see that I've selected full-screen in setup.
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Post by dandandaman »

hmm......what does the Version.txt say in the data dir? if you move the setup app to either the hidden home directory, or into the bin/ folder in data4.x, then it should work for me at least :-)

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Post by chuck_starchaser »

Works!!! You're the man, dan. Now the only problem is it seems to have sold my afterburner... It's working time tho, so, after 5pm I'll try manually loading a save game, see if the problem is that it forgot which savegame to load. Thanks!
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

Very strange; I just tried the game again, now at lunch time, and there are a lot of differences. Spec drive is ON all the time but it doesn't work. Max speed used to be 1176 or so in afterburner, now it's 120. Pressing A auto-pilots instead of spec-ing. But going planet-bound, it de-autopilots far enough that at a speed of 120 I'd have to wait till my next re-incarnation to land. And the game is super slow, even at bases I get like 10 FPS. Well, I selected 1280 x 1024, per-pixel specular, ridiculous detail; but it works fine like this in Windows. I got Nvidia 6600GT, and I got the latest driver, 2 days ago, which in fact re-compiled my kernel during installation. (Hmm, but I think I forced 16 tap anisotropic and 4x1 9-tap FSAA... I'll see if that's what causes the speed problem.)
I just tried removing FSAA and anisotropic and it didn't make a difference.
I notice one problem is that now my reactor is reportedly undersized, even though it's size 5. I sold my shields an upgraded capacitors, and my speed went up to 225.
Also, time compression doesn't work anymore.
Last edited by chuck_starchaser on Wed Jun 08, 2005 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by klauss »

Anisotropic filtering should be no problem, since it only applies when textures are squished, and that happens little, statistically speaking, less than 10% of the time.

However, I learned that if you get off the scale with texture dimensions, you overload the video memory and your FPS drop quickly. Windows and Linux's OGL may have different memory management, so that could be the source of differences. Try to see if performance improves drastically by changing the max_texture_dimension config variable, or the max_cubemap_dimension (I think that's the correct name, but I'm not sure). If it does, then you're in the (weird, since 6600GT has lots of memory) face of memory starvation. Just tweak the max_texture_dimension until things run smooth but nice.

PS: I also get those FPS values (and less) when I compile for debugging, which means no optimizations and lots of debugging symbols. Debugging symbols would be unintrusive, but lack of optimization makes the rendering pipeline stall on the CPU side. Make sure you have the -O3 option around somewhere (or was it -o3?)
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

Sorry, I didn't notice your post and just edited my previous post. I agree about anisotropic; I didn't think it would be causing trouble. FSAA could have easily been the culprit, but turns out it wasn't. I did compile with debug, though; that's probably it.
I don't understand why the strange behaviours, though --r.e.: Spec drive, time compression, etc.; or why my reactor was too good before and too bad now.
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Post by klauss »

I didn't comment on strange behaviors because I'm clueless.
Only thing I could imagine be the reason is wide corruption of configuration files. Perhaps updating them from the cvs would be nice.

Also, if you just downloaded from cvs, there's a bug: don't set max_texture_dimension below 512, or VS will be likely to crash.
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

I didn't see a setting for texture dimension in the NVidia driver; I doubt it would be so low by default. I sold my shields, afterburner and all weapons, and upgraded the reactor to 6. Now I have no report of underpowerment but the speed still maxes out at 120. Spec is still always on but not functioning, and A autopilots to destination.
One thing: In the instructions for compiling in the Wiki it says 'use either data or data4X', so I flipped a coin and went for 4X. Is that relevant?
Also, when I copied setup to ~/.vegastrike, I copied the other 3 files, config.setup, config.vegastrike and config.vegastrike.temp. Might that have been a booboo?
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Post by klauss »

max_texture_dimension is not in the driver, it's in vegastrike.config.

As for the rest, it could be so, since the CVS for VS is under massive rebalancing. But I've checked out the cvs before and it wasn't that broken, just a little. But that was quite a while ago, I don't update the data often, just the code. So that may be the reason.

Did you try re-updating (deleting, then checking out) data4.x?
(And, of course, after that, starting a new game since your serialized_xml will be all screwed up)
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Post by smbarbour »

You said that it works under Windows right? Have you tried the config file from Windows? AFAIK the files are not platform specific.
I've stopped playing. I'm waiting for a new release.

I've kicked the MMO habit for now, but if I maintain enough money for an EVE-Online subscription, I'll be gone again.
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

That was THE solution. Works exactly like my Windows version now. Thanks!
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Post by dandandaman »

Reactor etc problems are likely to be due to the rebalance (upgrading may or may not be broken .... but we certainly haven't put effort into keeping it working atm ;-) ).

But yeah, general brokenness with ship upgrades may be expected atm ... but who knows, you might be lucky ;-)

Glad you got it working :-)

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Post by chuck_starchaser »

Dan, I hope that setup wasn't representative of what to expect from the rebalancing, in the sense that, for instance, what most people that have been asking for an autopilot want, AFAIK, is not like disappearing from one place in a flash of light and appearing in another, but rather on-ship AI that takes over the controls of the ship. In more detail, I would envision it as, I select my destination, press A, then...

1) I watch the speed go up as the AI presses Y for me and sets speed to 2000
2) Spec comes on by itself, multiplier starts going up
3) Stars get streaky
5) Planets and suns woosh by
6) Destination becomes visible as multiplier goes down
7) Spec goes off at say 3000 klicks but speed is still high
8) Shields have fully regenerated by the time I'm at say 1000 klicks
9) Speed back to non-Y mode, then slows even more
10) Ship maneuvers to nearest docking point and docks

And if there are hostiles at any point, it switches to combat mode, by which it tries to shake off hostiles/missiles in one's six. Fast mouse-motions on my part would indicate to the autopilot that, for the moment, I want to take control, and once I leave the mouse unattended for 10 seconds, autopilot takes over again, kind of thing. Or else I press A to toggle back to manual mode, and so on.

In terms of weapons' and stuff, what I'd say is the priority it to reduce the numbers of enemies one encounters at a time. Best philosophy for rebalancing is geography based, so the numbers of enemies to expect increases with jump distance away from a few safe areas, so the player can choose their level of hostility comfort. Myself I'm generally not good at space fighting, and I believe that difficulty should increase very gradually. I was doing fine while I stayed in Cephid 17. After I got my ship maxed out I took a 1st mission to Wetland and managed to complete it on second attempt. But then I took a mission from a Confed and, along the way, I came under attack by a whole bunch of Aera, and didn't even know where they were; but they kept pounding me and then got destroyed. I ESC-Q'd and I'm not playing VS anymore, already. Too frustrating for me. I just don't think it's fair or logical. What about all the time and money I spent improving my ship? What was it all for?

My theory is that what the VS engine does is increase enemy strength as I improve my ship. This is unfair and WRONG. If my eye hand coordination is 50% of the average, I should still be able to compensate for it with hard work and patience, by souping up my ship and staying well ahead technologically. But as it is I can't play VS for the same reasons I was reporting years ago and many versions back. The game assumes that everybody has the same eye hand coordination level, AND assumes everyone wants to be challenged to the max all the time. Both assumptions are wrong.

Geography based difficulty has the beauty of making no such assumptions. Instead of increasing the weapons and skills of hostiles as the player improves, the hostiles skills and powers are constant throughout the game, but the player may choose to go further into more troublesome areas.

I've been arguing for hardcore mode; but it doesn't look like the devs agree with me. In any case, it would be good to assume the game were hardcore when rebalancing: Going from easy situations, to where one is outnumbered, would be intolerable with hardcore; therefore it should be addressed in the rebalancing.

There are a lot of problems in VS that have been reported again and again and need URGENT addressing: For instance, being able to select nearest target, or "hostile in my 6"; and the erradication of this feature whereby one hears sounds of combat coming from everywhere in the system, which is *ultra*-annoying. That would be a good start in terms of rebalancing. Another one is this feature of shields going to zero during jumps. What use ARE shields then? Coming out of jump-points is one situation where being surrounded by enemies is horribly unfair, though in some way justifiable. But if one comes out without shields, then shields are just a waste of money. Not to mention the problem of ships materializing out of nowhere when arriving to destinations... (not only, un-realistic and unfair, but also the kind of feature one discards a game for, since missions take so long sometimes, to see it trashed at the very end by a cargo ship materializing in front of one's nose is definitely basket-case qualifying).

IOW, there are a number of very basic problems that need attention *before* rebalancing, because they will affect balance, when they are solved; and so might require to rebalance the game again, if left for later.
2) Difficulty should increase gradually and linearly, and NOT with time, or ship or weapons or skills, but with *distance* from safe corridors. And game difficulty settings should make a difference. Right now they hardly do.
3) Autopilot should work like an autopilot, NOT like a teleport.
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

Yeah, talking about game balancing; I just fired up VS again, to try and make it back to Cephid 17 and came across an aera ship: Endless stream of bolts coming out of that thing, and no matter which way I maneuvered of afterburned it was hitting me constantly with clockwork precision... Same as when I tried to play this game 2 or 3 years ago, and back then I was begging to please not make the game so hard and unfair... There's no point in even trying.
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Post by dandandaman »

Sounds like you're using either a very old config file, or the config file from privateer (or, if you were unlucky, the config file from one of the broken (and since removed) binary linux builds)....this is the reason for the teleport (it is *not* ever coming back to VS ;-) )

If this is still cvs you are playing, then don't worry about damage rates that is the stuff that is being worked on (about half way through).

The precision thing, I don't know as I've never come across it in recent releases (check the difficulty level? anything above moderate is untested with any changed settings in cvs)

wrt ship loading/fighting ... valid points, but even more offtopic than the current discussion :-P And as long as any changes take into account any other changes, this won't matter (and yes, in case you want to press for a response, there are plans to address the upgraded enemies thing)

In general though, you're playing cvs ;-) Try to remember that what is in there is not finished, ie never take cvs in the middle of a release cycle as "representative of what to expect" :-)

"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."
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