ar: boost/1_35/src/list.o: No such file or directory

Trying to build your own version of Vega Strike and having problems? Unix users, paste your config.log here (stderr output alone is not helpful).
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Bounty Hunter
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ar: boost/1_35/src/list.o: No such file or directory

Post by JsnMtth »

The code below is the relevant error (after typing make again). Perhaps I'm missing a dependancy?

jason@mobile:~/vegastrike/vegastrike.git/vegastrike$ make
make all-am
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/jason/vegastrike/vegastrike.git/vegastrike'
rm -f libboost_python.a
ar cru libboost_python.a boost/1_35/src/list.o boost/1_35/src/module.o boost/1_35/src/object_protocol.o boost/1_35/src/dict.o boost/1_35/src/numeric.o boost/1_35/src/errors.o boost/1_35/src/exec.o boost/1_35/src/str.o boost/1_35/src/import.o boost/1_35/src/wrapper.o boost/1_35/src/object_operators.o boost/1_35/src/long.o boost/1_35/src/object/pickle_support.o boost/1_35/src/object/life_support.o boost/1_35/src/object/inheritance.o boost/1_35/src/object/function_doc_signature.o boost/1_35/src/object/stl_iterator.o boost/1_35/src/object/class.o boost/1_35/src/object/enum.o boost/1_35/src/object/function.o boost/1_35/src/object/iterator.o boost/1_35/src/converter/from_python.o boost/1_35/src/converter/registry.o boost/1_35/src/converter/arg_to_python_base.o boost/1_35/src/converter/builtin_converters.o boost/1_35/src/converter/type_id.o boost/1_35/src/tuple.o
ar: boost/1_35/src/list.o: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [libboost_python.a] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jason/vegastrike/vegastrike.git/vegastrike'
make: *** [all] Error 2
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Re: ar: boost/1_35/src/list.o: No such file or directory

Post by JsnMtth »

evidently my git checkout doesn't have all the files.

What are the files in "boost/1_35/src" ?
They don't seem to be part of the boost library to me.
The Shepherd
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Re: ar: boost/1_35/src/list.o: No such file or directory

Post by loki1950 »

That may be because the Boost libs are externals now :wink: but i would try the cmake build script first it may catch something but the only thing i seen in the log was a few ffmepg functions that where not found but that's not critical as there's no content that uses it ATM.

Enjoy the Choice :)
my box::HP Envy i5-6400 @2Q70GHzx4 8 Gb ram/1 Tb(Win10 64)/3 Tb Mint 19.2/GTX745 4Gb acer S243HL K222HQL
Q8200/Asus P5QDLX/8 Gb ram/WD 2Tb 2-500 G HD/GF GT640 2Gb Mint 17.3 64 bit Win 10 32 bit acer and Lenovo ideapad 320-15ARB Win 10/Mint 19.2
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Re: ar: boost/1_35/src/list.o: No such file or directory

Post by JsnMtth »

I tried the cmake build too with no luck, but look at this:

folder of boost/1_35/src in subversion checkout of trunk

Code: Select all

[root@jsnmtth 1_35]# pwd
[root@jsnmtth 1_35]# ls src
converter  errors.cpp  exec.o      list.cpp  long.o      numeric.cpp  object_operators.cpp  object_protocol.o  str.o      wrapper.cpp
dict.cpp   errors.o    import.cpp  list.o    module.cpp  numeric.o    object_operators.o    slice.cpp          tuple.cpp  wrapper.o
dict.o     exec.cpp    import.o    long.cpp  module.o    object       object_protocol.cpp   str.cpp            tuple.o
[root@jsnmtth 1_35]# 
boost/1_35 missing boost and src folders of trunk

Code: Select all

[root@jsnmtth 1_35]# pwd
[root@jsnmtth 1_35]# ls
[root@jsnmtth 1_35]# 

boost/1_35 folder in subversion checkout of trunk

Code: Select all

====================Subversion Checkout==================================================================
[root@jsnmtth 1_35]# pwd
[root@jsnmtth 1_35]# ls
boost  CMakeLists.txt  src
[root@jsnmtth 1_35]# ls src
converter  errors.cpp  exec.o      list.cpp  long.o      numeric.cpp  object_operators.cpp  object_protocol.o  str.o      wrapper.cpp
dict.cpp   errors.o    import.cpp  list.o    module.cpp  numeric.o    object_operators.o    slice.cpp          tuple.cpp  wrapper.o
dict.o     exec.cpp    import.o    long.cpp  module.o    object       object_protocol.cpp   str.cpp            tuple.o
[root@jsnmtth 1_35]# ls boost
algorithm                current_function.hpp          io                             pending                        smart_cast.hpp
aligned_storage.hpp      date_time                     io_fwd.hpp                     pfto.hpp                       smart_ptr.hpp
any.hpp                  date_time.hpp                 iostreams                      pointee.hpp                    spirit
archive                  detail                        is_placeholder.hpp             pointer_cast.hpp               spirit.hpp
array.hpp                dynamic_bitset                iterator                       pointer_to_other.hpp           statechart
asio                     dynamic_bitset_fwd.hpp        iterator_adaptors.hpp          pool                           state_saver.hpp
asio.hpp                 dynamic_bitset.hpp            iterator.hpp                   preprocessor                   static_assert.hpp
assert.hpp               dynamic_property_map.hpp      lambda                         preprocessor.hpp               static_warning.hpp
assign                   enable_shared_from_this.hpp   last_value.hpp                 program_options                strong_typedef.hpp
assign.hpp               filesystem                    lexical_cast.hpp               program_options.hpp            system
bimap                    filesystem.hpp                limits.hpp                     progress.hpp                   test
bimap.hpp                foreach.hpp                   logic                          property_map.hpp               thread
bind                     format                        math                           property_map_iterator.hpp      thread.hpp
bind.hpp                 format.hpp                    math_fwd.hpp                   ptr_container                  throw_exception.hpp
blank_fwd.hpp            function                      mem_fn.hpp                     python                         timer.hpp
blank.hpp                functional                    mpi                            python.hpp                     token_functions.hpp
call_traits.hpp          functional.hpp                mpi.hpp                        random                         token_iterator.hpp
cast.hpp                 function_equal.hpp            mpl                            random.hpp                     tokenizer.hpp
cerrno.hpp               function.hpp                  multi_array                    range                          tr1
checked_delete.hpp       function_output_iterator.hpp  multi_array.hpp                range.hpp                      tuple
circular_buffer          function_types                multi_index                    rational.hpp                   type.hpp
circular_buffer_fwd.hpp  fusion                        multi_index_container_fwd.hpp  ref.hpp                        typeof
circular_buffer.hpp      generator_iterator.hpp        multi_index_container.hpp      regex                          type_traits
compatibility            get_pointer.hpp               next_prior.hpp                 regex_fwd.hpp                  type_traits.hpp
compressed_pair.hpp      gil                           noncopyable.hpp                regex.h                        utility
concept                  graph                         nondet_random.hpp              regex.hpp                      utility.hpp
concept_archetype.hpp    implicit_cast.hpp             none.hpp                       scoped_array.hpp               variant
concept_check            indirect_reference.hpp        none_t.hpp                     scoped_ptr.hpp                 variant.hpp
concept_check.hpp        integer                       non_type.hpp                   serialization                  vector_property_map.hpp
config                   integer_fwd.hpp               numeric                        shared_array.hpp               version.hpp
config.hpp               integer.hpp                   operators.hpp                  shared_container_iterator.hpp  visit_each.hpp
crc.hpp                  integer_traits.hpp            optional                       shared_ptr.hpp                 wave
cregex.hpp               interprocess                  optional.hpp                   signal.hpp                     wave.hpp
cstdint.hpp              intrusive                     parameter                      signals                        weak_ptr.hpp
cstdlib.hpp              intrusive_ptr.hpp             parameter.hpp                  signals.hpp                    xpressive
[root@jsnmtth 1_35]# 
boost checkout through subversion directly "not as an external" (NOTE: the lack of the src data listed as missing previously)
svn co ... 35_0/boost
Output of svn co skipped

Code: Select all

============================Boost Checkout Following Integration.txt instructions ... "Sort of" ==========================
[root@jsnmtth boost]# pwd
[root@jsnmtth boost]# ls
algorithm                current_function.hpp          io                             pending                        smart_cast.hpp
aligned_storage.hpp      date_time                     io_fwd.hpp                     pfto.hpp                       smart_ptr.hpp
any.hpp                  date_time.hpp                 iostreams                      pointee.hpp                    spirit
archive                  detail                        is_placeholder.hpp             pointer_cast.hpp               spirit.hpp
array.hpp                dynamic_bitset                iterator                       pointer_to_other.hpp           statechart
asio                     dynamic_bitset_fwd.hpp        iterator_adaptors.hpp          pool                           state_saver.hpp
asio.hpp                 dynamic_bitset.hpp            iterator.hpp                   preprocessor                   static_assert.hpp
assert.hpp               dynamic_property_map.hpp      lambda                         preprocessor.hpp               static_warning.hpp
assign                   enable_shared_from_this.hpp   last_value.hpp                 program_options                strong_typedef.hpp
assign.hpp               filesystem                    lexical_cast.hpp               program_options.hpp            system
bimap                    filesystem.hpp                limits.hpp                     progress.hpp                   test
bimap.hpp                foreach.hpp                   logic                          property_map.hpp               thread
bind                     format                        math                           property_map_iterator.hpp      thread.hpp
bind.hpp                 format.hpp                    math_fwd.hpp                   ptr_container                  throw_exception.hpp
blank_fwd.hpp            function                      mem_fn.hpp                     python                         timer.hpp
blank.hpp                functional                    mpi                            python.hpp                     token_functions.hpp
call_traits.hpp          functional.hpp                mpi.hpp                        random                         token_iterator.hpp
cast.hpp                 function_equal.hpp            mpl                            random.hpp                     tokenizer.hpp
cerrno.hpp               function.hpp                  multi_array                    range                          tr1
checked_delete.hpp       function_output_iterator.hpp  multi_array.hpp                range.hpp                      tuple
circular_buffer          function_types                multi_index                    rational.hpp                   type.hpp
circular_buffer_fwd.hpp  fusion                        multi_index_container_fwd.hpp  ref.hpp                        typeof
circular_buffer.hpp      generator_iterator.hpp        multi_index_container.hpp      regex                          type_traits
compatibility            get_pointer.hpp               next_prior.hpp                 regex_fwd.hpp                  type_traits.hpp
compressed_pair.hpp      gil                           noncopyable.hpp                regex.h                        utility
concept                  graph                         nondet_random.hpp              regex.hpp                      utility.hpp
concept_archetype.hpp    implicit_cast.hpp             none.hpp                       scoped_array.hpp               variant
concept_check            indirect_reference.hpp        none_t.hpp                     scoped_ptr.hpp                 variant.hpp
concept_check.hpp        integer                       non_type.hpp                   serialization                  vector_property_map.hpp
config                   integer_fwd.hpp               numeric                        shared_array.hpp               version.hpp
config.hpp               integer.hpp                   operators.hpp                  shared_container_iterator.hpp  visit_each.hpp
crc.hpp                  integer_traits.hpp            optional                       shared_ptr.hpp                 wave
cregex.hpp               interprocess                  optional.hpp                   signal.hpp                     wave.hpp
cstdint.hpp              intrusive                     parameter                      signals                        weak_ptr.hpp
cstdlib.hpp              intrusive_ptr.hpp             parameter.hpp                  signals.hpp                    xpressive
[root@jsnmtth boost]# 
The files in boost/1_35/src seem to have a different origin possibly another subversion external?
Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter
Posts: 174
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Re: ar: boost/1_35/src/list.o: No such file or directory

Post by JsnMtth »

Two Checks.

1: Copy Files from subversion's boost/1_35 to git's boost/1_35 and build

2:Copy Files from subversion's boost/1_35/src to git's boost/1_35/src and checkout with svn ... 35_0/boost into git's boost/1_35 and build

I'll post when complete.

EDIT: Check One and Two both worked.
The Shepherd
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Re: ar: boost/1_35/src/list.o: No such file or directory

Post by loki1950 »

That may relate to a bug that was present in the boost lib it was mentioned in that thread i pointed you to earlier so a patch might have been back ported to the older versions in the boost svn repo and IIRC ace123 did make a comment about it in his commit of a make file update.

Enjoy the Choice :)
my box::HP Envy i5-6400 @2Q70GHzx4 8 Gb ram/1 Tb(Win10 64)/3 Tb Mint 19.2/GTX745 4Gb acer S243HL K222HQL
Q8200/Asus P5QDLX/8 Gb ram/WD 2Tb 2-500 G HD/GF GT640 2Gb Mint 17.3 64 bit Win 10 32 bit acer and Lenovo ideapad 320-15ARB Win 10/Mint 19.2
Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter
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Location: Fresno, California - United States of America

Re: ar: boost/1_35/src/list.o: No such file or directory

Post by JsnMtth »

best I can tell ... the two ... lets call them "sets" are from the same revision in the same branch, I'll look into it and see if I can confirm that.

The difference is one I checked out using the subversion program, and the other using git-svn (not likely to be officially supported). It seems that git has trouble handling external resources used from subversion. I read a post on kerneltrap about a work around, but it seemed messy to me. Linus has a comment on the workaround but I didn't understand it at all.

I did see a post about compiling on Fedora 11 Alpha, they had boost issues as well, but I thought there config.log said they were using v1.37.
Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter
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Location: Fresno, California - United States of America

Re: ar: boost/1_35/src/list.o: No such file or directory

Post by JsnMtth »

I don't know why I didn't think of this yesterday. :oops:

svn info tells me what repository a path is in

Output from svn info

Code: Select all

[jason@jsnmtth src]$ pwd
[jason@jsnmtth src]$ svn info
Path: .
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: b8fc166d-592f-0410-95f2-cb63ce0dd405
Revision: 53186
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: grafik
Last Changed Rev: 43798
Last Changed Date: 2008-03-22 14:45:55 -0700 (Sat, 22 Mar 2008)

[jason@jsnmtth src]$ 
I inferred from integrating.txt that I only needed to checkout ... 35_0/boost
but I also needed ... python/src

Contents of internals.txt

Code: Select all

[jason@jsnmtth boost]$ pwd
[jason@jsnmtth boost]$ cat integrating.txt 
This file describes the integration process for adding new versions of the boost
python integrtion library to the Vega Strike build system.
Assuming that the version of boost works with Vega Strike, very little
developer time should be required.

1.  Create new directory under /boost of $VER, where $Ver has the . replaced with underscore.

2.  Add new dir to svn.   Run propedit svn:externals to point boost to desired release 
    For example,   boost

3.  svn copy src dir from last /boost/$VER to new /boost/$VER
    Use remote urls. 

4.  Modify m4scripts/VS_WITH_BOOST.m4
    a)  Modify the help string to show the new version.
    b)  Modify the case to treat the new version as valid
    c)  Copy one of the existing AM_CONDITIONAL lines and modify the
        version number to the version being added.
    d)  Optional:  Once the version is verified as working, modify the
        empty string case to set the version to the version being added.
    e)  Optional:  Delete references to obsolete versions of boost from
        the m4scripts/VS_WITH_BOOST.m4 file and remove the directory
        containing the obsolete version.
        useful commands:  
5.  Test new boost sources.
    a)  in vegastrike root directory, run autotools.
        (./bootstrap-sh --with-boost=${DOTTEDVER})
    b)  correct any errors seen in a) and repeat as necessary.
    c)  run make
    d)  correct any errors seen in c) and repeat as necessary.

[jason@jsnmtth boost]$ 
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