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Perma gentoo dev/dsp bug fix !! SEE LAST POST!

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 11:13 pm
by maverick777
Hiya since gentoo I havent compiled much source , sac religious I know :-) but its been so long since I used configure and theres 2 settings I need to ask about one is


and then theres

--with-data-dir=<DIR> ...

Ok so say I have a folder called VegaSVN which contains the svn files inside

Basically the configure option --with-png-inc is that looking for png libs in the downloaded vegastrike files or the png libs from libpng on my gentoo machine (e.g I emerged libpng so its needing a path to those)

and finally :-)

--with-data-dir=<DIR> ...

Is this me telling configure some random folder which I chose to have my vegastrike data files installed into for when the games complete and ready to run or have I to tell it some data directory in my folder VegaSVN which when compiling configure needs to know about?

Thanks :-)

Finally I followed the svn instructions to the letter, I got to the point where I ran make that was succesful and the guide says run make soundserver from within the VegaStrike/vegastrike sirectory but theres no soundserver file in that directory to make

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:08 am
by bgaskey
the --with-png-inc setting should be the path to your libpng (possibly /usr/include/libpng1.2) not to the png files

the datadir setting tells VS where to search for the data directory that includes all the data files. If data4.x/ is in the same directory as vegastrike/, you should be okay leaving this out.

Good luck with the compile 8)

edit: i compiled on my linux box without any arguments to configure. ./configure and make vegastrike without any errors.

also, I think the reference to make soundserver is antiquated, as soundserver is now a part of vegastrike

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:16 am
by maverick777
Everything went great , well nearly, the game started up I had all sound selected but heres the thing in the svn guide it says to do make soundserver from VegaStrike/vegastrike but it didnt work :-( there was no soundserver target to make or any soundserver file in any of the 2 directorys vega or data, can anyone tell me what configure flags I need to get it to build the soundserver file as following the svn to the letter doesnt work as it says it should work?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:18 am
by bgaskey
i'm sure make soundserver is no longer needed, I just built the svn w/o any make soundserver and it works with full sound

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:25 am
by maverick777
I dont get any sound :-( I did with the old one by using aoss but it was stuttery, now I get 0 , Im using alsa , Im just wandering whether I should remove my openal and asoundrc files now

strange as sound is working otherwise

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:26 am
by maverick777
I dont get any sound :-( I did with the old one by using aoss but it was stuttery, now I get 0 , Im using alsa , Im just wandering whether I should remove my openal and asoundrc files now

strange as sound is working otherwise

what was your configure flags etc?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:29 am
by bgaskey
i compiled with no configure flags. make sure you have libvorbis, libvorbis-dev, openal and openal-dev, sdl and sdl-dev. without any one of these, sound fails i think (same happened to me :()

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:32 am
by loki1950
Like bgaskey said the soundsever is dead no longer used and you you don't need most of the other utilities either. the only ones needed are the vegastrike,vssetup and the muti-player support accoutsever and if you what to run your own muti-player sever then vegasever.Of the others mesher converts obj mtl files into BFMX and back our internal mesh format so you don't need it if you don't plan on doing any modeling :wink: hope this clarifies all the make targets,and ow :shock: the wiki is out of date.

Edit:try this for an .openalrc

Code: Select all

(define devices '(alsa native))
(define alsa-out-device "nforce")
that works great for me.

Enjoy the Choice :)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:33 am
by maverick777
Thanks I think I have most of these packages but I emerged them again also I had oss emulation as my default sound when i configured as opposed to alsa so maybe that screwed things up?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:58 am
by maverick777
lol seems like I may never get this game fully working I def have all the packages now but it says /dev/sound device or resource busy but I cant see from ps -ef what its busy from , also do you think I should disable my previous asound and openalrc files from earlier?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:16 am
by loki1950
Go for it after all it is now a known state and easy to revert to.

Enjoy the Choice :)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:11 am
by maverick777
Hiya :-) well I actually have toothache from a wisom (More of a dumb tooth with the way things went earlier lol point is Im as well on the comp !)tooth so I have stayed up half the night and I got the sound working :-) , nothing was wrong with my config and nothing was wrong with th e svn , heck I didnt get a single compile error from it. Basically the alsa init script was set to load the desired driver and emulatation modules yet when I was doing lsmod they were comming out botched to how I had set them up then one minute they things would work for alsa but there would be no /dev/dsp for oss , the next min oss would work but alsa couldnt open the default device then other times it would be fine , things would work for a bit then just lots of subtle and infuruating things would happen, after checking the modules and guides LOTS my config was fine , and I thought what if this udev was mashing some of the modules from how I want them to load, anyway I re-installed it, no differance , next I unmerged it and got a big warning but i thought what the heck this gentoo install is buggy Im prepared to start from scratch. Anyway I restarted , without udev and everything worked, well sound was crazy and not working so I emerged udev with 98% the system working, anyway now both OSS & Alsa works np + I start the game and I get perfect sound :-))))))) no need to go through oss!

I used gentoo a good while back(I came on this site back then as well and installed a vega game np at all) and to be honest this time around Ive found it[gentoo] to be very buggy , In all fairness though Im running a reasnably high end rig on gentoo, a amd64 in 32 bit - dual core , raid - stripping ----pci express (2 cards but just running in single gpu mode with 1 card) and an onboard nforce 4 rt hda card so quite an evil setup for drivers!

Just a warning for others with gentoo theres alot of niggly little bugs that havent hit the forums yet, I also notice things like clicking a hyperlink in a browser page doesnt make a click sound (Yeah thats trivial but things like that can potentially be misleading and come from a bigger problem - I just hope gentoo aint letting unstable stuff on the portage tree now for the sake of becomming bigger I mean , it used to be the case if somethings on the portage stable tree its got a very good chance its gonna be running a long time -- I have another machine in my house up stairs and its had gentoo on it 2 years approx I believe and its never been re-installed) Still In gentoos favor I credit the successful source build to primarily good code on you folks part and secondary the fact that portage scripts are good and install all the libraries where they can be seen and link them in a universal way that helps packages cooperating(thats why I will put up with this as I am certain they will get things like they were and as a developer, small time! - , i have enough to think about fixing bugs in my own packages without having to get a masters degree in different versioning schemes and linking schemes , enviroment vars etc etc - the amount of dependencies heck you would be talking about total expertise and many fields eek! where open source is concerned, thats why portage I cant see past it hehe , more conducive to learning in chunks and not getting forced on wild detours from your goal)

Yeah I think I need to read up on udev as its caused me a knightmare tonight , What worries me is after running alconf it says couldn't update modules.conf, now I do update-modules to do that but Im afraid to in case I lose the games stability owing to the way gentoos handling some of the higher end hardware

Apologies for the big post , I just figured hopefully anyone on gentoo who hits the same problem will at least have an idea broadly what could cause it and maybe some of the post can save even a tiny bit of time!

See when the sound works well , Its like a differant game ) actually surprising by how much, the beta version as well you folks seem to have made it more clearer nice job!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:16 pm
by maverick777

I got the following exert from a site

Mixer/Midi/Dsp Devices: Some people, including me, report that the /dev/mixer isn't being created or /dev/midi or /dev/dsp. The problem is not udev. If you compiled your kernel with them as modules you have to load them in /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6. So if those devices aren't being created add: snd_pcm_oss & snd_seq_oss to kernel-2.6 file. The snd_pcm_oss #will load snd_mixer_oss itself.
snd_mixer_oss #alias is /dev/mixer
snd_pcm_oss #alias is /dev/dsp
snd_seq_oss #alias is /dev/midi

Maybe it isnt a bug as such but I though the alsa init script was suppossed to create those?

Either way if you are using udev and you cant always do /dev/dsp and see that directory then you probably need to load the above modules!

hehe Ive actually had a crash course in udev today also :-) but cant believe I managed to narrow it down as Ive searched lopts seen lots of people with the same problems but widly differant theorys to what was causing it , in my case the above 100% gets my sound perma working :-) , actually I wander if it will help with the stuttering in the older version? Im sticking with the beta now as its fast though :-), I have actually had problems with dsp acting strangely for a while its so great to get t6his sorted :-)

Finally while Im pleased commng to my own conclusions actually put me in the right direction for a change lol its only fair to credit the site I got this fix from (Apparently lots of users get the same but I havent seen to much said about it) ... rimer.html

Thanks for putting the above info on your site! ^^^

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:39 pm
by loki1950
Now to have some fun maverick777 glad you got things sorted i wonder is gentoo planing on using Pulse Audio i have avoided upgrading to fedora 8 because of there use of it i think i will wait for fedora 9 and it's bug fixes to it :lol:

Enjoy the Choice :)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:38 pm
by maverick777
Yeah definitely Im away on sp :-) to relax hehe. One final thing , off at a tangent but slightly trvial , do you know how I can get my browser to play a "click " sound when I click a hyper link? its just no matter what browser link I click I get no click sound.

Anyways away on sp :-) but once I get that final niggle sorted my installations sweet :-)

I just was checking out the pulse audio it seems to have heaps of problems I dont blame you for waiting , Im staying well clear hehe