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I read "Time Compression Becoming Depreciated." Is

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:28 am
by jasonpsage
In searching for help and hints on running the latest SVN, someone said that Time Compression is being depreciated in the newer SVN version. (Meaning newer than 0.4.3)

Is it TRUE?

If not - Phew. If So - I can see why in some respects. I use time compression to get out of jams sometimes - not to mention - when it is simply more advantageous to do so for flying - usually SPEC if fine alone - but to leave gratity pits (like near planets) I time compress and watch the F4 (rear view mirror) view and when I see the planets starting to wisp away I quickly type F10 to stop time compression and then wait a sec or two until the blurs start and the spec ride really gets moving - which you naturally have to pay attention during to get where you want without an overshoot. Not to mention the value of time compression after an overshoot of say 300+ light seconds or whatever... because when you do miss (overshoot) its by much more than a mile.

I love that star blur though!

Anyways... I have not been able to get svn running yet so I can't see for myself. Almost got it running once - but it locked up. I'm in Windows.

My Linux box is a web server - ... so... gameplay there is out for now.

See Ya, Happy Simming!
Jason P Sage

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:56 pm
by loki1950
it's still there jason and probably for a long time yet :wink:

Enjoy the Choice :)

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 1:50 pm
by Reinski
Maybe a hint for new players wondering about time compression being depreciated:
There is a flight mode switch (key y, or z on german keyboards) that allows for much higher speed to quickly get away from gravity wells.
Have a look into the Manual.

It's not quite as quick as time compression, but esp. if you're looking forward to play this game online one day you shouldn't get too dependent on time compressing as this will definetely not be available there.


My comments are only valid for version 0.4.3.
I just played the current SVN version and have to admit that this one isn't really playable without time compression - unless you don't care that it can take ten minutes to get from one base to the next... :(

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:55 am
by targ collective
TC is good for one thing - capships. There is simply no better way to wait for the slowdown if you need to lose orthagonal velocity.