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Splashscreen Example

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:28 am
by Gustav



The idea is a bit strange,... maybe not too open space-like enough. Could be usable, but I'll post some more in a few days (choose the best). More space-battle action oriented. If I'm working too weird or fantasy like please let me know. I need guidance. Thanks.

Oh yes, the black space on the right is for the VS logo.


I hope this image displays right. Thanks for the replies on the previous posts. Since the universe is randomly generated this could actually be pretty interesting.

I dunno who to give full credit for the ship and station design...

I know it's not very realistic (planets too close, atmosphere on a moon way too small to hold it in it's gravity, etc.) but I kinda got lost in my own universe. :lol:

I'll be making two more and then I need to get back to other work I planned on doing originally (listed in a previous post).

Have no idea where this could be used (or the others). Maybe dump it in the Gallery or somewhere?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:07 am
by rivalin
OH MY! :D I have to say that is awesome. I know I'm a bit new around here but I'd recommend convincing Gustav to do around 5 of these and then using these as the only regular splash screens, just showing one each time the game is loaded. I think someone said in another thread that the current advertising splash screens would look good being used as in game advertising, on billboards and vidscreens around bases and so on. The current purpose made splash screens (like the fraternal war one) could be used for the splash screens used when starting a new game, to get a feel for the universe.

A more coherent and "pro" and less hotch potch feel to the loading screens would give a real boost to the impression the players would get of the game. Anyway sorry for hijacking the thread, and again, nice work.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:47 am
by safemode
I only suggest that you make your dimensions as close to a power of 2 as possible, since in-game it will be compressed. An un-modified version can be included in the high quality texture pack. Otherwise one of us would resize is to the nearest power of 2 and that will almost certainly alter the aspect ratio.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:33 pm
by Gustav
Well, if I have to make five scenes I will. It's just not a quick 2 hours of work so it will propably take me well into next week if not longer. But thanks rivalin, for the suggestion. And I will, if moe is needed :)

Safemode: If I take this image and stretch it from say 1024x768 into a 1024x1024 2:1 would that help? In a previous post someone mentioned to me I should squash the image and my graphics card would stretch it back into my screens aspect ratio...? Did I understand this right...?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:21 pm
by safemode
true, it will stretch it to fit. I suppose you dont need to scale your original image down at all, you would only scale the intermediate image used to create the DDS file that gets put in the game.

Just ignore the last comment i made then :)

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:43 pm
by Breakable
This screen should make a great wallpaper!

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:16 pm
by rigelan
I really like the background you used in that picture, and was wondering if that background was in the game already or if you had made it up? I don't recognize it.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:06 pm
by Fendorin
Yes is a such nice ad for vegastrike !!!

i have idea :
make it more and put it in gaming website/linux software presentation and other website (MAC.PC,FREE GAMING)

maybe some new player and new contributor come here and help us!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:17 am
by Gustav
Sounds like a good idea,... advertising! Mmm, I'm still busy with the others but when they are finished we can put them together and see what happens. If someone has some good multimedia presentation building skills we could make a small advert... yes!!!

I need something... the font type used in the Vega strike logo - or the logo itself or anything (for use on the screens).

Rigelan: It's all made from scratch. Except the ships and base... don't know who to give credit there.

I was thinking of trying to build up some images from ingame screenshots. Use the same models, similar composition, but basically enhance the 'atmosphere', explosive effects or texture details to get a more commercial quality. So if anyone has got some really nice camera angles :wink: please post them. For now I'll be using some of those in the gallery. Just a idea.

I'll post another image soon... and another... and another

and then I'll start working on some planetary base images, interface designs etc (depends if someone else is already working on those or where my help might be needed).

Thanks for the great replies! The game only needs a bit of tweaking (depends) on it's current Gfx and soon it might well hold up against commercial titles, if not better :D. I believe so. Hope I'm not too optimistic. Nothing wrong with the gameplay,... a story, campaign?

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:18 am
by Phlogios
Fendorin made the ship and I believe Stranj made the station (not sure).

I bet it's all GPL so it doesn't matter anyway :P I dunno.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:20 am
by pyramid
To get the fonts you'll need to checkout "trunk/vega-proj/webpage/". There are 2 fonts, Megalomania and Andromeda. The logo is made with Megalomania. In "data/documentation/vs_font_guideline.txt" you can find a small information on color scheme and how to create the logo glow effect in GIMP. The Andromeda font is used for text like you see on top right of this page.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:33 pm
by Fendorin
Hello Gustav

if you want ( and if you can ) you could make a such cinematic backround maybe for some of planet
the lunar one for first step
if you have a good model of "human futuristic city" remake the university background

and personnaly i like a artstyle like 50' anticipation:

follow the link i think because Vegastrike is a free project we could put all we like and all we want like big all space inspiration world ALL WE LIKE
We can create manny species faction for render this world very fully nice thing i post some link: ... ma_vid.htm ... r%26sa%3DX ... 99901.html

and again ........ many and more
and i m sure each contributor want see a little part of us in VS becaus eall grown with manny kind off different culture and different sci fi style ( star trek never be diffuse on french tv for exemple but we have a lot of other sci fi never diffuse in USA)

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 6:39 pm
by Gustav
Cinematic background? You mentioned the University background. Does that need to be redone or just improved? Some of the 3D backgrounds on stations are very well done! Don't think I can improve on those.

I've checked your links and am quite inspired... and overwhelmed. Hectic work! But I'll do my best to be as professional as possible. It will take time though.

Varied artistic styles is definately a good thing but also needs guidance. I understood you correctly...?

Anyway, will post again soon...

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:26 pm
by Fendorin
When i said cinematic is mean =good quality
I spoke about Planet background "the landing screen"

But for university i thought they need to be change for a new one no?

and rocky planet ,ocean ammoniac, and some of other planet haven't background

If you can do it is a very good job for sure and very helpfull

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:37 am
by Gustav
Someone else also mentioned the landing screen. I will try to do somehting there,... no problem :wink: .

Is anyone working on the interface screen at the moment. I meant the trading/buying, mission etc. screen? I hope so! I think it is quite important that it has a general sophisticated and exciting 'look & feel'. It should make you feel that you are interacting with a living breathing universe, something tangible. Make sense...?

Anyway, will get to your requests as soon as possible.

(If I reply a bit late, sorry. Don't always have aconnection.)

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:03 pm
by pyramid
The computer screens definitely need an overhaul that's long-time outstanding. Nobody is working on that though a new technology has been proposed in another thread by klauss/chuck to integrate animations, 3d models, and more. That however seems very far away still, so it's better to start improving the screens sooner that later.

If you want to start on the planet landings, I'd definitely recommend the university which is badly in need of modernization.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:35 pm
by Gustav
Sorry to be a bother about this. I tried to find the previous work that needs to be redone in the svn:

Is it /trunk/masters/sprites/bases? I can't find anything about a uiversity except some planet png for the HUD display. Has anyone ever done anything? What does this image require. And what others can I look into. Some are quite well done.

Can I use my own discretion in choosing those I think I can improve on?

It might seem like I need spoon feeding but I am a bit lost... :?

Thanks again.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:42 pm
by pyramid
Sure you're free to choose what you want to work on. The university landing backgrounds are strangely stored in "masters\sprites\bases\industrial". All the base images are stored in sprites/bases subdirectories.

In order to test your university background, you'll need to edit the function "MakeCorisc" in the "data/bases/" file.

For other backgrounds, there are other python base definition files. There is some preliminary help to be found on the wiki base backgrounds page.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:07 pm
by pyramid
The first image found its way into the gallery. The second one is also very nice but I can't seem to get hold of a hires version of it.