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Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:50 pm
by jackS
looks good :) Didn't see the "Vegastrike+logo" title atop the whole thing, as in the mockup jpg, but I'm assuming that just hasn't been put in yet. I'm really looking forward to seeing this go live.

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:01 pm
by www2
the site mockup look good...
and hoop soon this version of the site come online...

1 thing...
with fornt use for the logo?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:09 am
by www2
I hef rip the mockup of the server with wget and i hef chans few things
and make a mockup for the multiplay part of the site...
and all credits and love to zaydana for this fantestic mockup ;)
zip file
note the server stats img come for the official server of planeshift and is only for the display of my idea and not for day to day use...

this mockup is check by w3c ... ay-server/

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:40 am
by zaydana
Thanks for the positive feedback :-)

@www2: I think we'll leave multiplayer stuff out until we've got the rest of the website done, especially seeing its likely to change a bit.

I've made a .zip with the fonts, .psds, etc. for the layout, icons and line art. You can find it at: ...

The final version of the site before somebody integrates it with a CMS system is online at: ... final/web/

All that remains is to find a suitable CMS system and write themes for all of the PHP components. If anybody else is fairly skilled at that, they could do it and I'd help out with any graphical stuff needed. Otherwise, i'll put it into a CMS when I get a bit more time, and chances are that'll be a shorter wait than the last time :-)

- James

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:08 pm
by www2
zaydana wrote: @www2: I think we'll leave multiplayer stuff out until we've got the rest of the website done, especially seeing its likely to change a bit.
No problem...
This is only a idea how i think that the multiplay site look...
zaydana wrote: I've made a .zip with the fonts, .psds, etc. for the layout, icons and line art. You can find it at: ...

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:36 pm
by charlieg
zaydana: it comes down to understanding how html/css flows things.

I noticed from the css you are missing this:
#footer { clear: both; }

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:52 pm
by zaydana
charlieg: what do you mean by knowing how css/html things flow?

Also, i've got a clear: both, I just gave it its own div instead of putting it in the footer. Look above the footer in the HTML, theres a <div class="clear"> I do this because for some reason the footer's margin doesn't work if I put the clear in the footer itself.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:28 am
by jackS
Looking through the comments on the front-page's news section, some of the folks visiting the front page would really appreciate it if there was some dynamically updated metric for project activity, say, project activity percentile, time of most recent SVN commit, etc. pulled from the SourceForge stats - something that immediately lets people know that people are still doing "something" (although perhaps not as verbosely as some were suggesting).

How difficult would it be to include something like this, and where would it make sense to put the link/picture/whatever(s) that display(s) this/these if we were to do so?

On an unrelated, and unlikely to often be relevant note, are you planning to include the "donate with paypal" link somewhere in the page?

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:58 am
by zaydana
Well, if at all possible, it would be best to use the donations system, and put a button for it down with the rest of the button links, since thats what the "rules" say should happen, not to mention that is nice enough to host the project. However, if a donate with paypal link is required, i'm sure I could find a place for one somewhere.

As for project activity meter of some sort... that would probably be a very good idea. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to somehow list the last SVN commit or something, but even better would be to have an update log page where anybody who commits needs to put like a one or two sentence description of what they've done, or to have a monthly progress report or something. A monthly progress report in the news area would be probably the best thing that could happen, and i'm sure it wouldn't create too much extra work.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:01 am
by Oblivion
gimme! :D

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 6:12 pm
by jackS
zaydana wrote:Well, if at all possible, it would be best to use the donations system, and put a button for it down with the rest of the button links, since thats what the "rules" say should happen, not to mention that is nice enough to host the project. However, if a donate with paypal link is required, i'm sure I could find a place for one somewhere.

As for project activity meter of some sort... that would probably be a very good idea. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to somehow list the last SVN commit or something, but even better would be to have an update log page where anybody who commits needs to put like a one or two sentence description of what they've done, or to have a monthly progress report or something. A monthly progress report in the news area would be probably the best thing that could happen, and i'm sure it wouldn't create too much extra work.
BTW - Talked with HellcatV - he said that the paypal link should go away and we should switch to the donations.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:38 am
by zaydana
I probably won't have too much time in the next few weeks, so it might be at least a month before I get around to integrating this with anything. If anybody else wanted to give a go at integrating my HTML/CSS with wordpress, phpBB, etc. then that'd be great. Otherwise, i'll do it when I get some free time. The .zip linked in the previous page has all the stuff you should need to do it.