Does anyone wanna bother to skin these ship models?

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Mr. Robotica
Insys Pilot
Insys Pilot
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:27 pm

Does anyone wanna bother to skin these ship models?

Post by Mr. Robotica »

Originally, I was doing them for another 3D space flight trading clone game, called "Diaspora in 3D! (Take me to another universe!)" however, I have never got the time to do them since I am always busy with work and other stuff in real life. And the only way I can access the internet is with a public computer which is at least a mile away from home and I can only use the internet at the pubs up to 2 hours a day.

These two set of ships are, Arista(Red with Yellow markings), and Chelone(Grey with Blue&Purple Markings).

Actually I have at least 2 more but I don't have the time to put two more here.

(IC)The purpose of these people who create known as these ship chassias, are not really factions at all.. However, they do defend their stations/shipyards when under attack. They have a reputation as well, mostly neutrial to almost everyone unless under attack, they do not participate in any politics of any type. They are pretty much corperations. There are also subfactions which are not affliciated with ship chassias manufactures who use these types of ships as well.

These unskinned models are in .wings format, and the hard edges are marked in its place ready to be smoothed properly.

The pictures can be located here:
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