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Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:41 pm
by SiroDJ
Derrick and I agreed with each other to host a Vega Strike server. I thank him for letting me host it on his machine.
Details to register and log in to it are below.

Account Registration:

Here is the link to Register an account for the server.

Log in to Server:

1. Open Vega strike,
2. Select Multiplayer in the Main Menu,
3. Enter your Username and Password which you made during registration.
4. Login!
5. Enjoy!

By default, the 'Account Server URL:' should read as, " ..."
This redirects to "", no changes are nessesary in the 'Account Server URL:' entry.

Server forums:

If you would like, you can participate with other players, in character, here on the forums provided for the server!

To chat in game you must be in flight. Use "]" to chat.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:18 pm
by loki1950
Great now to figure out how to sticky it with this new phpbb :lol:

Enjoy the Choice :)

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:47 am
by Captain{}Blood
How does one chat in game?

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:54 am
by loki1950
There is no chat option ATM but it is on ace123's to-do list although SiroDJ may come up with some work around in the interim 8)

Enjoy the Choice :)

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:04 am
by SiroDJ
To chat in game, you use "]". In flight only, I gather.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:19 am
by Derrick
We like to help the best we can..
And well i love MP game's so i hope everything works out.
I hope the server jumps up in use and every one is happy.


Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:50 am
by ace123
We should probably advertise it on the VS homepage--without this people might just not know that MP is working right now.

Also, it may be better not to require registration from the register page, since people may not know the URL.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:07 pm
by Derrick
We should probably advertise it on the VS homepage--without this people might just not know that MP is working right now.

Also, it may be better not to require registration from the register page, since people may not know the URL.
I do think the link on this site to the old register system is linked to ares now.. Im not 100% sure. But i think it is..

The register page ya were working on that...
But right now I'm trying to link the VS DB to the site DB.
So if you register on the site or the game you would have both..
I'm just having a little trouble getting the game to link to it..
Maybe some one here could us help.

As of right now we are working on a chat that will link to the site. so every one can chat.

I'm thinking of making it be able to like it to this site as well..

Well every one how does that sound?
Please let us know if there any chat commands you would like...

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:26 am
by SiroDJ
Sorry, accounts were wiped.

I've modified the galaxy, It only contains 8 sectors, for memory concerns.

The jumps that can be made from each system is as follows:

Code: Select all

Sol TO:
   Proxima Centauri, Alpha Centauri, Epsilon_Ind
Proxima Centauri TO:
   Sol, Alpha Canis Majoris, Red
Alpha Centauri TO:
   Sol, Alpha Canis Majoris, Alcestis
Alpha Canis Majoris TO:
   Alcestis, Alpha Centauri, Proxima Centauri
Red TO:
   Telamon, Proxima Centauri, Epsilon Ind
Epsilon Ind TO:
   Sol, Red, Telamon
Alcestis TO:
   Alpha Centauri, Telamon, Alpha Canis Majoris
Telamon TO:
   Red, Epsilon Ind, Alcestis

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:21 pm
by Genghis Prawn
I noticed I have been unable to connect to the server the last couple of days. The message box given by VS says that the server reported networking errors.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:27 pm
by charlieg
Perhaps it's worth inquiring as to whether the server can be moved to somewhere like or another place that might offer basic free services.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:09 am
by Leper
The system... is down.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:11 pm
by Captain{}Blood
have access to servers through my clan. I might be able to set something up there once I know what the system requirements are. The downside is they are using 2003 and 2008 server. Let me know what you think. I can get it as a member for a dollar a slot per month. So if 25 people are interested, I would need 12 bucks a head for the year. I have no idea what limit the seat is but 100 would not be that far out of the question. They can even set up a paypal donate for the server on their site.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:49 pm
by Captain{}Blood
I have a windows 2008n server available but need help in getting up and running. My plan is to get it running with 20 star systems and no ship limits. Be aware the I have tested every ship so I know their strengths and weaknesses. Even the Tesla has a very prominent weakness that I have exploited without cheating. And they do blow up nicely. I would also like to know how to administer it remotely.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:07 pm
by mccorkle
I've got about a dozen linux (debian / Ubuntu) servers scattered about the internet. I've also got some mad sys-admin skills and could setup some monitoring to keep the services (game daemon I'm assuming) up and restart it should they ever stop running.

Also, has anyone suggested standing up a teamspeak server along side a VS server? Both teamspeak-client and teamspeak-server are packages I could just apt-get on my ubuntu box here, so I'm guessing I could set one of those up pretty quick. My only requirement is that it be used if I go through the trouble of setting up. Any takers?

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:10 am
by Captain{}Blood
The main issue I am having is the server setup and the documentation I need for the MMO account server left a PM for ACE1`23 and have not received a reply to what exactly is required. MMO can be quite demanding on a server and I am not sure as to the hardware requirements for something like this. I know the account server runs through a python script to a MySQL db. I also need to set up a universe that is large enough yet not to big so as to avoid people from drifting apart. I have it installed on a GU server that is way overkill and now all that I need to do is get the account server up or use the source forge account server. I am working very actively at trying to get this off the ground and would hope SiroDJ would shed some light on what I need to do to get this up and running.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:15 am
by MC707
I hate to say this but I doubt siroDJ will help you at all. He was last active on october 2008! Hopefully someone will be able to help your awesome project.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:09 am
by mccorkle
Hmm, if the original people that set up the MP server are awol, then I guess we'll have to reverse engineer it :lol:

I've got the trunk/win32 module pulling down from SVN onto my fresh tinyXP box right now, so when it gets done, I'll stand up ethereal and watch how the multiplayer attempts to talk (I'm assuming its soap, or some other RPCXML to the python server). I notice that the 0.5 client in linux doesn't seem to have a start screen for me to choose multi-player from -- if I recompile my linux client from svn, do I get that ability?

If the client/server communications are pretty straitforward, we can re-implement them and then check in the python and mysqldump files this time. Is there anyone in the community that I could lean on for Python coding?

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:34 pm
by Captain{}Blood
I believe 5.0 has it . I installed it on my Linux and I used the version from Sourceforge. The repositories have a stripped down version of version 4.3. So I always use the latest version from the download page which also includes the binary for the server. I really wish the developers would have made a howto when setting up the test server so others can build on the MMO project. Loki might be able to get in touch with Ace123 since Ace was the one who set up the account server and is still running. Even if I could find a way to link up the server with his, that would work in the interim until more documentation comes along or he can set up the account database on the hosted server as well. Loki, if you are monitoring this thread, I would appreciate any leads on documentation to get this thing up and running.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:24 pm
by www2

I heft send a pm with the email and AIM adress of ace123 to you.


Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:30 pm
by mccorkle
Ok, I'll hold off on reverse engineering / packet sniffing it until next week then. If anyone hears back, please PM me.

Also, did anyone see my offer for a teamspeak server? Is everyone here anti-voip-during-game or something :-P

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:53 pm
by Captain{}Blood
If you do voip, it is better to do it on a separate server. Voip requires a QoS that may interfere with the game play on the server.There are a few open source options that may work as well and are cross platform compatible. Server licensing would not be an issue then.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:57 am
by ace123
Sorry that I haven't responded much -- but you can send me an email -- my best address is patrick.horn at
I'm excited about adding your server. If you can email me the IP address we can try to add it.

Also www2 has written a master server, so I'm working on getting that to interface with the vegaserver. This will allow for a public server listing so we don't have to rely on a single person to update the redirect each time. (right now I think the master server will just be for deathmatch because campaign mode is still incomplete without many AI ships)

Also I have AIM at phrh8 (there's the little Aim-y icon at the right side of the forums) or Google talk with my gmail address from above.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:42 pm
by Captain{}Blood
what do I need to get the multi-system working. Right now it only loads DM as a server. I need to know what file I have to edit to make a 20 start systems and about 6 to 8 planets each with stations and such.

Re: Custom Host Vega Strike Server

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:24 am
by ace123
The system is specified in the mission file. When in MMO (account server) mode, it runs "mission/explore_universe.mission" like normal. When in deathmatch mode, it runs "mission/networking.mission".

The MMO takes a bit of manual editing configuration to set up an account server, but not too much--there is an account server in the "accountserver" folder inside of data, and there's a Readme that describes some info about setting it up.

I can also make your IP address the primary server for "". Then the only change you have to make is go to "vegastrike.config", and and set the boolean "use_account_server" to true (I think under the server section near the bottom)