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My SPEC has a reverse function?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:54 am
by AzarWolf
I was heading to a military station to buy some upgrades. I'm decelerating, my current speed is at about 1000m/s. Suddenly, it hits zero then rebounds-I'm going BACKWARDS! :shock:
With the station getting smaller by the moment, and toggling the SPEC drive doesn't help, I manage to set it to travel mode and get back to the station. The bug seemed to have fixed itself after docking and I haven't encountered it since... :?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:37 pm
by loki1950
That can happen if you try to over ride the auto-pilot i think that it gets confused as to the state of SPEC had some of those things happen when we where tweaking the auto-pilot last summer.

Enjoy the Choice :)