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I shot a missile and killed 700 ships

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:50 am
by 2asueekim
I shot a missile and killed 700 ships.

It was a XbrAdvTorpedo
Which I could change it's explosion animation though:

<Missile name="XbrAdvTorpedo" mountsize="heavy-missile">
<Energy rate="0" refire="1" locktime="1">
<Damage rate="6400000000000000" phasedamage="3200000000000000" longrange="1" radius="55000000000000" radialspeed="3200" >
<Distance speed="8500000" pulsespeed="15" range="100000000000000000000" detonationrange="1000000" volume="100">
<Appearance file="torpedo" soundwav="missile_3.wav">

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:53 am
by ace123
:lol: I take it there were only 700 ships in the system? Did you also include planets in that count?

Make it's animation look like a big mushroom cloud (yes I know it's unrealistic, but it would be funny :) )

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:02 am
by ace123
oh, to change the animation, find the unit (it's the <Appearance file="capiff" /> tag)

Then go down to the row for that unit in units.csv ( do a search) and scroll over to the Explosion column, and there you can specify a custom animation for that unit (in this case, a missile) (i.e. explosion_nuke.ani). It helps to also Freeze Panes when looking through the csv file.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:39 am
by 2asueekim
Planets don't seem to be killable anymore for some reason.
Thanks for the CSV hack info. One problem is though this thing's explosion doesn't show up at all because im "too far away" from it (or so VS incorrectly assumes). Is there something I edit to make that work. Also I'm thinking using the wave explosion for this, that a good one you think?