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Fear the swarm!

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:11 pm
by Miramor
I just had to throw away a perfectly good save file.

Why? Because I was being followed around by a swarm of hostile Kafkas. At least thirty of the damn things. They would all cluster together and slow the game down, and they'd always decide to go to SPEC en masse and appear in my general area whenever I got in a big fight.

Believe me, pirate Hyenas become very lethal when the space around you is jam-packed with ships. Never mind corvettes... Ugh.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:03 pm
by spiffariffic
Yeah, I had something like that. I had saved in a system that was free of them and when I jumped into the next system, there they were surrounding me like some insane swarm. Framerate was shot to hell and it seemed like everything was shooting at me. I did my best to run, and after two tries of this (dying, respawning and trying again through the same system) I escaped through to the next system on my route... just to find another swarm! Died again. So I backed up a few systems (fortunately the swarm was only in one direction) and ran a few quiet patrol missions, then tried to go through again. Fortunately they had moved on to places unknown...

Quite frustrating. :x

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:38 am
by Coragem
I have that problem with urns dodos and koalas.

Fortunatly they still apears in numbers i can still blow up. :twisted:

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:22 am
by Boaal
I havn't tried the new stable Mac build just yet (downloading as we speak), but when i was play 4.3.0 I remember being swarmed by sod loads of Dodo's. They'd tractor me and try and ram into me.... it was eally quite funny.

And then there was that one swarm of 10 highborn with lancelots. Oh my god. it was like I'd get out of the station go to a jump ppoint and bang - ten lancelots all whizzing around going "i hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" and blowing the utter crap out of me. Seems they had finally had enough of me blowing their singulr ships to bits.