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Welcome to PiArmada

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:28 am
by Omega
Hellcat was nice enough to set up this forum for discussion of PiArmada. It's been around a couple years now, but he said that a lot of folks here probably aren't even aware of it, so let me give you a little background.

I've always wished that the games I used to love were less buggy, more easily playable on modern systems, and infinitely customizable. To those ends, the idea of reproducing or cloning games has always appealed to me. Wing Commander Armada is foremost among those games. When I first learned C eight years ago, one of the first structs I ever created was for a corvette. I had no idea what I was doing, but I learned a lot poking around. Two years ago, having learned much much more about what I was getting into, and having discovered Python, I finally dove back in.

My original intention was to create a generic turn-based space strategy engine, so I could reproduce and fix other games, like Star Wars Rebellion and Birth of the Federation. However, Armada just took over. After a year, the game was finally playable in strategic mode. Thanks to the hard work of Hellcat and Spirit, the fourth release last summer included a roughly integrated flight engine. Just recently, I released version .09, which was much more polished. Gameplay is now very similar to the original game, but with a far more flexible interface and better graphics.

However, the game is far from done! Right now, my biggest need is feedback. I've gotten much less than I'd like over the years, so anything you've got to say, any suggestions at all, would be very much appreciated. Really, the game is a giant prototype. Very little pre-planning was done, and what there was has been thrown out and redone since then! Because of that, a lot could probably stand some touching up. Game balance is a definite question, as with all games. If anyone has suggestions for better music to use at different points in the game, those would be nice. The interface was designed by me, with better replacement graphics provided by others, but I think the whole thing could stand to be redone with a better unifying theme. All the images can be easily replaced by any user, but I'm open to repositioning things as well. Since I wrote the buton handling code myself, it's kinda raw. I'm tempted to redo the whole thing in the PGU sub-library of Pygame now that it's more mature, but that's way down the line.

The next release, .1, will have a lot of new features that make things even more interesting. I'm planning to have empires totally modular, so that the player can select who to play as and who to play against. Terran and Kilrathi already exist, obviously, but others should be relatively easy to make if anyone cares to. Of course, integrating those into the flight engine might be a little more difficult, but knowing VS, most of the material is probably already out there somewhere. :) I also plan on adding an interface to select what map the player wants to play on. I have the giant XML WC universe map to work from there, but if anyone wants to create more, they're more than welcome. I'd like to include gauntlet mode, so a VS mission file for that would be great.

Help with coding is also welcome, if anyone's talents lean that way. The source is included in the main download. Further down the line, I'll be adding network play. I'd also like to extend the concept of Armada past its original boundaries. One proposal was for a game that doesn't allow construction, but gives you a larger fleet with many kinds of ships. In addition to being fun, it would be a good stepping stone to a game that would allow for expanded building possibilities as well.

Right now, it's a decent game. It's playable, and looks like it has a lot of potential. However, it's far more likely to reach that potential with your help. The next release is .1, in which I want to reproduce the single-player Armada experience as well as possible. .2, I want to include multiplayer, and at least one spinoff game idea. Beyond that, who knows what this could turn into? My ultimate goal is to hear people say, "Yes, we could play the original game, but... why would we want to?" :)

Anyway, that's PiArmada. I hope it seems interesting to you. If you have any questions, comments, whatever, feel free to post in this forum. I'll be here.

Oh, and the link!

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 1:19 am
by loki1950
Yo Omega which of the xml files do i have to edit for screen res first run gives me a monitor out of range :( so i can't do the in game config

Enjoy the Choice :)

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 1:56 am
by Omega
armada\strategic\dist\settings.xml, you should be able to change screen width and height to what you like. I probably should have set it lower by default, sorry about that.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 5:12 am
by klauss
You know... I also had some killer ideas for a rebellion clone.
We should exchange notes some day - though now I'm a bit overworked, and don't have time to pursue even more parallel projects.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:20 pm
by loki1950
THX Omega.

Enjoy the Choice :)

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:53 pm
by Halleck
Hello there!

I saw this right after you posted it, and downloaded PiArmada. Sorry that I couldn't log in to reply until today since I didn't have time to read the rest of the VS Forum. :)

This is a cool initiative... I was impressed to see that you were able to create a bona fide strategy component for Vega Strike. I never played the original Armada, but from a newcomer's perspective this is a cool concept with a pretty good implementation. I was a bit confused about some of the game mechanics/interface (although I presume this would not be a problem for players of the original Armada)- mostly what those little things were that my capship could transfer.. crew? to? What are those numbers in the first place? :D
Maybe you can point me to a manual somewhere.

Anyway, here's my writeup of the problems I had when first running PiArmada. Some of these have been mentioned before, but I'm leaving it as I wrote it for the sake of completion.
I wrote: Problems:

I first tried to start the game by running armada.bat. This failed. I then tried just_fly.bat. Vegastrike started up, then quit immediately. I follwed the batch file to strategic\dist\ and ran Armada.exe, which crashed and, like earler, told me to look at Armada.exe.log. It was complaining about not being able to find settings.xml. I saw settings.xml in \dist\, so I copied it into \default\ and the game was able to start.

Then my monitor went black and said "out of scan range". Looking at settings.xml revealed that the resolution was set to 1280x1024, larger than my current resolution of 1024x768. Changing the resolution in settings.xml to 1024x768 fixed the issue, and the game started up.

The game played fine until I tried occupying the same planet as an enemy fighter. A screen popped up telling me that a battle was about to ensue. I tried clicking on the fight battle button, but the game seemed to have frozen. At this point, two mouse cursors were appearing, and I could only control one. I tried alt-tabbing out of the game, which revealed a dialogue box telling me there was a crash and to check Armada.exe.log. I did, and here's what it said:

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 26, in ?
  File "xml\dom\minidom.pyc", line 1915, in parse
  File "xml\dom\expatbuilder.pyc", line 922, in parse
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'settings.xml'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 99, in ?
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 25, in __init__
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 151, in Loop
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 190, in Handle_Mouse_Up
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 83, in Strategic_Button_Function
  File "Armada_Game.pyc", line 185, in __init__
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 190, in Handle_Mouse_Up
TypeError: Flight_Button_Function() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
(I cut out the beginning, which was the same IOError traceback repeated multiple times)
So yeah... make sure that default resolution is set lower. 1024x768 is pretty standard nowadays, but 800x600 is safer.

Also... I wonder if you can reproduce that settings issue on your end.

As for the final (and what looks to be the nastiest) bug, I am at your disposal for testing, but you'll have to give me an idea of what to do in order to help.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:06 pm
by loki1950
my turn got past the out of bounds but it hangs after i press "Strategic Game" here's Amada.exe.log

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 60, in ?
  File "telnetlib.pyc", line 208, in __init__
  File "telnetlib.pyc", line 237, in open
socket.error: (10061, 'Connection refused')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 99, in ?
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 25, in __init__
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 151, in Loop
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 190, in Handle_Mouse_Up
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 83, in Strategic_Button_Function
  File "Armada_Game.pyc", line 169, in __init__
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 499, in Advance_Turn
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 614, in Center_On_Carrier
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 599, in Update_Sector_View
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 160, in draw
ValueError: unsupported bit depth for aaline draw (supports 32 & 24 bit)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 99, in ?
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 25, in __init__
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 151, in Loop
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 190, in Handle_Mouse_Up
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 83, in Strategic_Button_Function
  File "Armada_Game.pyc", line 169, in __init__
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 499, in Advance_Turn
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 614, in Center_On_Carrier
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 599, in Update_Sector_View
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 160, in draw
ValueError: unsupported bit depth for aaline draw (supports 32 & 24 bit)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 99, in ?
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 25, in __init__
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 151, in Loop
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 190, in Handle_Mouse_Up
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 83, in Strategic_Button_Function
  File "Armada_Game.pyc", line 169, in __init__
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 499, in Advance_Turn
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 614, in Center_On_Carrier
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 599, in Update_Sector_View
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 160, in draw
ValueError: unsupported bit depth for aaline draw (supports 32 & 24 bit)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 99, in ?
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 25, in __init__
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 151, in Loop
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 190, in Handle_Mouse_Up
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 83, in Strategic_Button_Function
  File "Armada_Game.pyc", line 169, in __init__
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 499, in Advance_Turn
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 614, in Center_On_Carrier
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 599, in Update_Sector_View
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 160, in draw
ValueError: unsupported bit depth for aaline draw (supports 32 & 24 bit)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 99, in ?
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 25, in __init__
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 151, in Loop
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 190, in Handle_Mouse_Up
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 83, in Strategic_Button_Function
  File "Armada_Game.pyc", line 169, in __init__
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 499, in Advance_Turn
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 614, in Center_On_Carrier
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 599, in Update_Sector_View
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 160, in draw
ValueError: unsupported bit depth for aaline draw (supports 32 & 24 bit)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 99, in ?
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 25, in __init__
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 151, in Loop
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 190, in Handle_Mouse_Up
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 83, in Strategic_Button_Function
  File "Armada_Game.pyc", line 169, in __init__
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 499, in Advance_Turn
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 614, in Center_On_Carrier
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 599, in Update_Sector_View
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 160, in draw
ValueError: unsupported bit depth for aaline draw (supports 32 & 24 bit)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 99, in ?
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 25, in __init__
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 151, in Loop
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 190, in Handle_Mouse_Up
  File "Armada_Root_Menu.pyc", line 83, in Strategic_Button_Function
  File "Armada_Game.pyc", line 169, in __init__
  File "Armada_GUI.pyc", line 499, in Advance_Turn
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 614, in Center_On_Carrier
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 599, in Update_Sector_View
  File "Sector_Screen.pyc", line 160, in draw
ValueError: unsupported bit depth for aaline ]draw (supports 32 & 24 bit)
i am getting music so the sound sever is running

Enjoy the Choice :)

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 6:17 pm
by Omega
was a bit confused about some of the game mechanics/interface (although I presume this would not be a problem for players of the original Armada)- mostly what those little things were that my capship could transfer.. crew? to? What are those numbers in the first place?
Good point, until now I wasn't expecting anyone who didn't know the original game to play it. As such, I didn't provide actual gameplay instructions! This is the first time that's come up. :-) I'll see what I can do for the next release. For now:

You and your enemy each have a carrier. That carrier has a certain number of resources, which can be used to build facilities on planets. The facilities you can build include mines, shipyards, and fortresses. Mines extract resources from the planet. Once resources are mined, you can move them to the carrier or to a transport. Wanna build more stuff, your carrier needs more resources. Mines extract some number of resources per turn, depending on how many unmined resources are there. They can also be set to stripmine the planet, extracting twice that number of resources, but also wasting the same amount as you gain.

Shipyards can build five different kinds of fighter, and also transports. Each ship costs a certain number of resources per turn, so there has to be that quantity of mined resources on the planet for progress to be made. Each ship also takes a different number of turns to complete, even assuming all necessary resources are present. The two heaviest kinds of fighters are bombers, carrying torpedoes.

The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy carrier. To do that, you've got to attack it with a bomber. Automated combat has a little algorithm that works, so you'll need to attack with enough firepower to take out whatever defenses the carrier has. If you fly into combat, though, you might have a better shot at taking out the carrier manually before getting smote.

SO. Build mines and gather more resources, build shipyards and build more fighters, explore the universe, find the enemy carrier, and destroy it with bombers. Gameplay at the moment is pretty well like the original game. We'll make it more complex later. :)

As for bugs! Yeah, 1280x1024 is to high a res for default, I'll fix that. I've NEVER had trouble with it finding the settings file, though. I don't have any idea why that would be. Keep in mind, though, that the Armada.exe.log file doesn't clear itself, it appends. Only the last error in the file is the error you want to look at. As such, I'd almost suspect that you were having the resolution error all along, and that I might have accidentally included the setting file error in the distribution archive. However, since you seem to be running the first version of the release, which I've since replaced with one with a couple bug fixes, I can't really say. I don't suppose you could do a couple more experiments?

As for the flight button, it has been removed from the archive. If you redownload, it shouldnt' be there. Otherwise, just don't hit the flight button. Leaving it in was an error.

Did you change the bit depth in settings.xml, Loki? Looks like it's saying it needs to be 24 or 32. Default is 32, but if you've changed it, I'm not sure what happens.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 10:27 pm
by Halleck
Thanks! I was able to deduce most of that (except for the goals and the specifics), but I'm still confused as to what those thingies are that orbit a planet. You can create them by moving resources to them from your carrier. I thought they were transport ships at first, but then I saw you had to build those in the shipyard.

Some kind of orbital defense battery, perhaps? Scrap metal?
Omega wrote:I've NEVER had trouble with it finding the settings file, though. I don't have any idea why that would be. Keep in mind, though, that the Armada.exe.log file doesn't clear itself, it appends. Only the last error in the file is the error you want to look at. As such, I'd almost suspect that you were having the resolution error all along, and that I might have accidentally included the setting file error in the distribution archive.
Nope. When running Armada.exe, it crashed and told me to look at Armada.exe.log, which told me about not being able to find Settings.xml.

Once I got that sorted by copying it into /default/, then came the resolution issue. The game started without any problems, but my monitor said "out of scan range" so I had to quit the program.

By flight button, do you mean the in-game "fight battle" thing or the just_fly.bat file?

I'll try getting the new release before testing this again. Do I just download again?

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 10:41 pm
by Omega
Just_fly.bat is part of vega strike, and I have relatively little knowledge of how all that works. All my stuff is in the "strategic" subdirectory. What I mean is that, when you go into combat, a screen should pop up listing what ships are about to go into battle, and giving you the option of how you want to fight that battle. Either pick a fighter or hit the "auto" button. In the original upload, there was a "flight" button, which I have since removed. Just redownload, and the flight button should be gone. At this point I'm also planning to do an incremental update to fix a few issues as soon as I can. No promises on when that might be, unfortunately, but I'm hoping soon. :)

As for what you're looking at that you say is built when you move resources from the carrier, I can't tell from your description what you're seeing. Can you describe the screens you're looking at when this happens?

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 12:36 am
by loki1950
i did not change the color depth, is on the default 32 in the setting file is it possiable that the vidieo driver returns some value that your function does not expect useing latest nvida XP driver 84.21

Enjoy the Choice :)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:16 pm
by Paslowo
Stupid question..

This is like a space trading games but with RTS aspects added to it.

Am I correct?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:23 am
by loki1950
Paslowo sorry but i think that it's more combat and strategy based. i haven't got it to run yet :( but Halleck has 8)

Enjoy the Choice:)

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:37 am
by Halleck
@Pasowlo: It's a combination of wing commander and turn-based strategy as far as I can tell. Pretty awesome!

@Omega: I re-downloaded and will try again. You might consider using small verion number increments, like 0.9.0 and 0.9.1 so people can tell the difference between their incremented versions!

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:00 am
by loki1950
i just changed the name of the zip so i can keep them seperate locally still get the color depth error tho :(

Enjoy the Choice :)

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:56 am
by loki1950
got it runnig my desktop was set for 16-bit color :oops: why i had that i don't know.

Enjoy the Choice:)

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:42 pm
by Omega
Glad you got it running! As for version numbers, I thought I fixed it before more than two or three people had it down. Given that so many people still see the flight button, though, I'm starting to wonder if I actually updated it at all!

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 2:52 pm
by rockstar
I've downloaded the game short time after you've published the link here. Stragety Games - especially turn-based ones - are not really the kind of game I like. But I have to honor your efforts here. Leaving my personal flavour aside I have to admit that it's a really interesting game.
I would like to test it more just to have the possibility to give you some feedback, but unfortunatly I experience some errors. Well, maybe it's quite easy to solve as soons as I took some time to read the documention files and additional information you've posted here.

The artwork of your game is quite nice - I especially like this very simple and plain look. Two thumbs up here!
And one thumb down for the beveled menu and buttons - I HATE it. For me beveled stuff like this makes the design look crappy. You can rather use a simple, colored field - I beleive in less beeing more sometimes. Anyways, it might be just me :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:55 am
by Omega
I'm glad you like the simple interface, rockstar! Things should frequently be as simple as possible (but no simpler). I actually had a simple colored field for the buttons in the first release, and it looks much better now. Not to say it couldn't still use improvement, though! I've got minimal graphical skill, so if anyone wants to update the buttons (or anything else), feel free to submit your work.

And I'm sorry you don't like it, abolakomadic. Anything I can do about that? :)

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 1:29 pm
by loki1950
i don't think that abolakomadic cares that much he's a bot :roll:

Enjoy the Choice :)

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:04 pm
by JoeB4226
I liked the game. Good Job! :o

I'm having a little trouble winning though.
Sometimes when I kill a ship manually, instead of letting the game simulate the fighting, it wont count. For example i killed the enemy heavy fighter (something with a J) with a phantom (the only ship at the planet) and after the battle it told me that Confed Phantom 11 destroyed by enemy jhrathrek(or whatever).

Can i fix this?

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 6:26 pm
by Omega
I'm not sure what causes that. I've run into some occasions where the summary didn't report what I thought it should, but it appeared that the battle results were correct anyway. I'll check the combat code for the next release, see if I can find the bug. Sorry about that.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:09 pm
by Viper168
Omega wrote:Glad you got it running! As for version numbers, I thought I fixed it before more than two or three people had it down. Given that so many people still see the flight button, though, I'm starting to wonder if I actually updated it at all!
I'd say no, it did not update. I just d/led the game for the first time today, June 29th. and I still have the Flight button. I misread it and thought it said 'Fight', so I clicked it. oops.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:59 pm
by legine
WEEE, WC Armada!
I loved that game..

Okey hmm lets see. Windows binaries :( , sources :) .
Yay! Got the sources. What do I do now for installing them on my Linux box?

I am quite inexperienced with mods. Do I need Vegastrike alread installed and which version would I need?
Simply copy into vegastrike and where?

ty for the help.

xml folders?

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:52 pm
by jamesy
i cant change the xml folders for some wiered reason so unfortunatly i cant change the resolution and therefore i cant play the game.
this is what it looks like just incase it helps
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <settings>
<var name="screen_width" value="1280" />
<var name="screen_height" value="1024" />
<var name="screen_bit_depth" value="32" />
<var name="fullscreen" value="1" />
<var name="sound_server_port" value="14159" />
<var name="fight_music" value="music/wc1-scramble.mp3" />
<var name="menu_music" value="music/armda333.ogg" />
<var name="strategy_music" value="music/Final_Fantasy_7_On_That_Day_OC_ReMix.mp3" />
<var name="map_file_name" value="vega" />
any bright ideas lol