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Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:29 pm
by klauss
Yes, that's roughly the idea.

And it doesn't beat the point of disonances at all... it just washes them up. You, with midi tracks and all, can do a much finer job and wash them up just the right amount.

And there's a lot of art in those filters. Most of them (most notably the Harmonischer and "Compander Instrumental") are pure heuristics. I can't really separate the instruments, they're mixed up - but I can "psychoacoustically" separate them - make you think I've separated them. That's what I do, with a 20-liner. It's a well crafted 20-liner, though. The secret (not much of a secret) is to listen to the results, and if they're not convincing, tweak the algorithm. I have a natural talent for heuristics, not so much for deterministic processes. Perhaps that's my artist side showing.

Anyway, if you want the code (if you know C++) I can send it over. It's not secret or anything.

Edit: Oh... what do I do in RL?

First, I'm a CS major. I've been a CS major since I was 7 years old... with my Commodore 128 (Oh... the nostalgia).

Then, I work as programmer in a small company over here, that handles tax collection. I started out providing the security systems: a custom VPN and PKI implementation, since they couldn't import it - too much crap out there to rely on third parties. Since they trusted me (I know the president of the company), once they asked me to work on that and so I did. Now, in that regard, my specialty is cryptography. I've studied a lot of cryptography in the years I've worked for this company. My work basically is supervising those systems, which is most of the time slow-paced since I only intervene when something goes wrong. Some other times, I help the php devs out a little who are working on the main app (the one that needs the cryptography).

Finally, I have a small recording studio. It started out as a hobby, but soon I got some jobs and, well, here I am. Not much of equipment: a couple of good AKG mikes (2x C414, 2xC1000), a 4-track ADC and lots of software. I do my magic with software, mostly, since I lack the hardware. I've studied signal processing on my own just for kicks, since I enjoy it. I perform best not recording (although my limited music knowledge helps me do some serious recording), but restoring old recordings. That's where Orfeo comes from: those filters are mostly aimed at restoration - lots of noise reduction algorithms, to choose the best, decompression, fine-grain equalization (decoloring), etc...

So... that's me.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:38 am
by kensuguro
wow, a cryptographer who decrypts and removes noise from old recordings.. Quite an interesting mix of jobs, makes sense in a strange way..

I guess I asked so I should follow with something about myself.. I'm a media arts major, or its equivalent in Japan. Studied lots of cinematography, computer music (intermediate level dsp stuff), and spent most of my time helping out with theater dance productions. From there I did some performances with a company of my own..

Somewhere along the line I did a collaboration with a friend and made an automatic techno machine with max/msp, and became interested in interactive audio and installations. Since then, the friend and I built a couple of prototypes, later creating a small company to market and distribute these installations. I've left the company in my friend's hands.

At the same time, I moved to Florida to persue a master's degree in music technology... but quit because the program wasn't really what I'd expected. So here I am now, trying to think of what to do next. I'm 26, married, and need a job. hehe.

So that's me.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:56 am
by zaydana
o0o o0o my turn!

<-- Bored student who seems to be able to make stuff in fruityloops that sounds good without any real musical knowledge :) Oh yeah... i guess i have a few yers on the piano n drums.

death screen theme ?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:12 pm
by loki1950
now that there is a beatiful death screen in cvs can we have a theme for the hag :(

Enjoy the Chice :)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:34 pm
by klauss
What about Barber's adagio for strings? Ever since they used it in Nam, it has that defeat feeling attached to it. Of course... having someone perform it for us will be hard. And making a synthesizer perform it decently will be even harder. If I had good string samples, I could try. Anyone knows where I can get some good samples?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:35 pm
by hurleybird
zaydana wrote:o0o o0o my turn!

<-- Bored student who seems to be able to make stuff in fruityloops that sounds good without any real musical knowledge :) Oh yeah... i guess i have a few yers on the piano n drums.
I'm in almost the same position as you, except I use reason, and I owe most of my feeble music creation to the reason tutorial CD :D

I've also played drums for most of my life. Did a couple years of piano.

Zay, you should try out reason. From what I hear, its not as easy as FL to learn, but is a lot more powerfull.

I havent been able to do any work lately, as midterms are hampering me down ATM.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 4:02 am
by zaydana
hmm, i did try reason once. Looked lots less powerful than FL tho at first glance. Maybe i should give it another shot sometime.

Barber's adagio... i'll have a look around for it. Synth Strings are my speciality, so i might be able to get something sounding decent.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:11 pm
by klauss
Remember that the bass is tuned differently. I think one of the strings is tuned a whole tone (or half tone) below normal, to remove harmonics. That's very important in the overall sound. You should achieve something like that with a slight lowpass of that track.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:21 pm
by klauss
Just wondering how are things going in this front.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:45 pm
by hurleybird
I cant speak for anyone else, but slowly for me. Need to get midterms out of the way.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:04 pm
by klauss
I know RL is unstoppable, but it would be a shame to loose the momentum.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:38 am
by CubOfJudahsLion
:shock: Whoa. That's a tremendous app. Viva el código hispanohablante.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:13 pm
by Guest
Glad you like it.
Is the interface understandable? I wrote it mostly for personal use, so I didn't care much about the interface.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:14 pm
by klauss
Erhm... That was me.
Damn those phpBB critical errors.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:10 pm
by Guest
For anyone looking for spacy electronica inspiration, I've temporarily uploaded 3 songs in a zip file Band and album by same name, "Like Children", they were two former Mahavishnu Orchestra musicians. I blind-bought the album back in the 70's and it's one of the albums I miss the most; so far I've only been able to find these 3 mp3's from it. Of the three, the song called No Fear, I think, might be a fitting style for VS. Enjoy.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 4:49 am
by grendel0226
First of all: Love the track with Pan pipes and beats.

Second: How about... well, it sounds stupid now, but "Midnight sonata" for the death girl? The blood relates to vampirism, witch in turn relates to "Midnight Sonata." Not sure if it's just personally for me, or if it has to do with pop culture in general (Faust or some other vampire/devil movie, possibly a game of some sort, I think).

Also, there's this remixed song that I LOVE that I found through illwillpress and one of the Foamy cartoons (rant about CD's) called "Son of a preacher man" that was free to download from the site, and I believe some of the remixes were under a GNU license (if not all). I could upload it if any are interested?