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Comments on the New Campaign

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 2:17 pm
by Malfious
After finishing the Priv Campaign I decided to do the new campaign that has been made by the people here.

Its actually pretty good, it contains a lot of nice options such as the choices you make affecting the missions available making it different depending on how you want to play it.

I also like the Russian-esque voice work and music as a one off special faction in this campaign. I'm currently on the mission where you have to eradicate them in the Auriga system which is actually quite hard, as theres no where to repair but i think thats because of the lag on my laptop, even on minimum settings.

I thought I should note some odd glitches and quite funny things about it though.

Sometimes in the campaign when jumping, the front shield of your ship completely dissapears when it arrives in the next system (not good when theres 'friends' waiting). On the mission where you have to escort the Paradigm to the Pirate Base theres a Pirate on its Bar?!
When the Pirate base is taken over by the Confed, it still has Contraband in the exchange and kill Confed missions on its computer.
The rescue the pilot mission fluctuates in difficulty considerably. His location in the system greatly affects your success as does the Kilrathi attacking him. Sometimes he dies before you get close, other times you can beat the mission without taking any damage.

How longs this campaign anyway? I'll add more comments after I've finished it but wondering on how far to go.

Oh and while this may be a little off topic, its because I only realised you could dock with capital ships in this campaign and not earlier. This is an absolutely brilliant concept and I absolutely love it, its so fresh and original (for Privateer anyway). Is there any plans on making the interiors unique though so they're not just a mix of a Refinary and Agricultural base? Not that its bad anyway.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:23 pm
by masteroforion
I made some hangar-graphics for the Paradigm some time ago. Thats what it looks like. Still (sometimes) working on the main concourse and bar (and on importing into the game), but not much progress there so far...

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:32 am
by spiritplumber
Wheee! Please keep 'em coming!

Can we use those for WCU, too?