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Game freezes after jumping

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:33 pm
by ZZarek
Always after I jump game freezes within a few seconds. sometimes I can hear music for a while, then nothing. No controls are working, and I have to reboot. Everything else is fine, graphics, sound.. everythig.

After reinstalling the game i was able to jump once and it didnt freeze. I jumped back to troy and tried another jump somewhere else.. freezing again. It happens no matter where i try to jump.

I searched the forums, but couldnt find anything similar.

the last lines of stdout:
WARNING: no var named jumpleave in section unitaudio using default: sfx43.wav
WARNING: no section named sound
SITUATION IS 1force change 1 bool 1
WARNING: no var named jumpanimationshrink in section graphics using default: .95
WARNING: no var named update_nav_after_jump in section graphics using default: false
WARNING: no var named jumparrive in section unitaudio using default: sfx43.wav
WARNING: no var named warpbleed in section physics using default: 20

Loading a starsystem
Loading Star System Gemini/War
Next To: Gemini/Troy
Next To: Gemini/PestilenceUnit is the active player character...changing scene graph

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:29 am
by spiritplumber
Thanks for the stdout, please send us the stderr also :)

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:04 am
by ace123
You should never have to hard-reset your computer.

You didn't say any system specifications (are you Macintosh, Linux or Windows 2000/XP or something else).
What graphics card do you have?

If you are in Windows, either Alt-tab or Ctrl-alt-delete for taskmgr should work.

In Linux, you should be able to get to a console (Ctrl-alt-F1 or F2 or F3,...) and log in, then run "killall vegastrine" or "killall -9 vegastrile" to kill it. You may also be able to hit Ctrl-alt-backspace (not delete) which will shut down the X server, if it is really frozen.

On Macs you might want to try

Try running in Windowed mode (in the vssetup program). Then, if the crash happens you have some way to exit.

In windows, it would be nice to have the stderr.txt and stdout.txt attached. In linux, copy and paste you console output (doesn't matter if you can't get it all... the last lines (100) are the most important generally)

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:00 pm
by ZZarek
I am running WinXP professional on a notebook with 512MB RAM, ATI radeon 7500 mobility, all drivers are up to date.

I posted last lines of both stderr and stdout, only the lines that had anything unusual in them. It mentions some vaiables missing, and stderr mentions generating a new system. I also tried waiting for a few minutes.. nothing.

I tried alt+tab, alt+F4, ctrl+alt+del, ... windowed and fullscreen modes, highest and lowest graphic settings... Nothing works.

Since this if probably not a game bug (nobody else mentions it) but my computers "feature" any suggestions about what to do would be nice.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:40 pm
by klauss
Open units.csv, inside the units folder, inside your installation folder.
(You may open it with excel, or perhaps some other editor).

Find the rows which say "asteroid<n>" (with n a number) in the first column.

Find the 9th column (Column I on excel) on those rows. It should say something (not empty)... something like af-hud.spr. Delete its contents (just make those cells empty).



It was a "bug" - not a bug per-se, but the engine is very inefficient at loading thousands of sprites, and having a non-empty entry in those rows make the engine loads thousands of sprites, which not only takes very very very long, but also eats memory like candy.

If you can't make heads or tails of what I say... you could also replace units.csv by this one.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:49 pm
by ZZarek
I modified the units.csv and ran the game .. freeze
I downloaded that file and ran again .. freeze

This time I was flying a centurion (yes, I have been in this system for a while) as long as i didnt touch anything, the game was running fine, then i hit F4 (I wanted to see the wormhole, but i only saw the interior of my ship) and it got below zero again:)

here are the links to the stderr and and stdout files (if anyone cares to look at them):

I will uninstall Privateer now and try Vega strike or Privateer Gold, then I will know, where is the catch.

Thanx for help, anyway

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:44 pm
by klauss
Oh... just to let you know... if you're on the easier difficulty levels, the file you have to modify is units180.csv - just thought I'd mention.

PS: Jumping to penders star? Classic sprite-related thing - with all the asteroid fields on penders star. Really... try modifying units180.csv now.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:52 pm
by ZZarek
Played VS for some time.. Privateer is much better.


Simply deleted all asteroids from .system files (only the asteroid fields).

I have been playing it for few days now, no crashes, freezes or anything even remotely like that.

Are those fields maybe mission - specific? will i be able to finish?

Thank you all guys for all your help!!