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Another report

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:35 am
by cappyra
- So far I have purchased an Orion and a Galaxy. Each ship came with cargo in the hold.

- If you take two missions to the same destination, one will fail due to lack of cargo space... even though you have plenty of cargo space. This has happened several times. I don't know if it happens every time.

- I was able to buy Milspec Tachyon guns on Hector in Troy. Not sure if this is a bug or a feature =P

- I landed on a base and stepped away from my PC for about 45 minutes without (P) Pausing the game. When I returned the game was minimized. I maxed the game again to play. When I hit my ship to launch the game crashed.

- More on mining. Today I took my Galaxy with cargo extension to do some mining. I wanted to see just how many creds I could make on a mining run. I mined for about 40 minutes and gathered 14 Iron and 26 tungsten. I then discovered that my bay was full. Ore takes up 5 cargo spaces each unit :( . Back to Troy to sell.

Total time mining including travel 40 minutes
Approx creds from the sale of ore 5000
Approx cost of repairs from collisions 3000
Profit 2000
Feeling :x

I like the concept of mining but with figures like this... well I'll just say that I won't be doing any mining.

- Kills and faction are still out of whack. I started a new game and after I would say less than half a dozen kills I check under INFO and it said I had 142 kills. after the factions only one resistered a number... and it was 5. This seems to be having a serious crazy effect on faction. I take a mission and blue peeps are blasting me. I press H for hostile and a friendly blue dot... is actually a nasty red enemy. Being blue also makes my turrets not work properly with CTRL+W

- When I tried to land on New Constantinople the screen freezes for about 10 to 15 seconds before it shows my ship on the pad.

- And now the reason I am making this post instead of playing... Uber pimped out Kilrathi deathships. I was in a Galaxy (Tach x2, Tach Turrets x2, 20 FF missles, Reator 3/Shields 2, ECM Tungsten Armor and Hull. vs. 2 Gothri and 1 Dralthi.

Round 1. I take off from Jolson and bam pa bam bam pabambambambam BOOM! No red on the radar... OooooKaaaay... freaky faction stuff.. and yes I lasted about as long as it took you to read the bampabam line... :wink:

Round 2. See Round 1

........................... Restart Game........................

Round 3. Kilrathi were not at the base so I actually got to move and went to the first nav point. All blue but the immediate missle lock tipped me off. I *cough TURN MY SHIP so that my radar (don't they have swivels in the future? I mean we have omni directional radar here... on planet earth... ) can point at the enemy. I hit H and there is the Gothri. I head in his direction, Try to lock the target which doesn't seem to work when they are blue... Hit CTRL+t to get my tach turrets to fire at him, open up with my dual tachs up front and drop 2 FF missles. Both FF missles hit... as well as about six glowing tachyon balls ... did even drop his from shields...

Me on the other hand... his guns grazed my front and dropped my forward shields and bit into my armor. 2 seconds later the Drathi parks on my six... drops my shields and starts tearing into my armor... as I TURN MY SHIP to point my radar at another enemy. Since the ships are all behind me (which they stay 80% of the time) I could not target them, and I could not lock my turrets on them... and before you say CTRL+w... hehe they are all blue remember... even as they blow me into oblivion.

Round 4. See Round one. After I respawned they were back at the base.

Round 5. I got to travel to the nav point again... only to be decimated much quicker than the last.

Round 6. I actually killed one of the Gothris. 12 missles and turrets and guns on him... of course... I died nano-seconds later.

Seriously... what has been done with the Kilrathi. Earlier I was on a cargo mission and I entered a jump point. A single Dralthi was taking on 4 ships. I jumped into the fray... With both Tach turrets targeting him, my dual front tachs, I went through 20 FF missles and still he didn't die. I don't think my guns touch him a single time. He took out 2 of the 4 other ships... and I left after shooting at him for about 15 minutes and let him play with the Stellettos. I would hit his shields with 2 FF missles and that would take down that side shields ONLY... which seemed to almost immediately regenerate.

LOL OK thats it... =P

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 3:33 pm
by klauss
If you take two missions to the same destination, one will fail due to lack of cargo space... even though you have plenty of cargo space. This has happened several times. I don't know if it happens every time.
Curious... I do that all the time and it never happened. Perhaps the trigger is something else.