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Post by CoffeeBot »

ROFL! That's awesome.

Reminds me of the story my dad told me about when the Coast Guard (in which he served) started replacing old clunky telephones in their building with multi-line digital jobs. A lot of people flipped out over how crappy the phones were -- why? because the digital components and newer speakers/mics weighed a lot less than the old ones, and therefore gave the impression of being cheaply made. So, as a result, they bought new handsets for every phone, and the only difference between the two was a small weight in the deadspace in the center of the handset.

Suddenly, everyone loved the great new phones.

I've also been informed that this wasn't an isolated incident, and not necessarily involving only phones, either. It's crazy to think that we've been brought up to think that heavier=sturdier=better. But then again, look at office furniture in the 50s and 60s -- thick metal, and american made, and compare it to the thin, plastic, and asian-made materials of most modern equipment.
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Post by klauss »

Or the solid metal "Made in Argentina" floor fans, which lasted decades, as opposed to the current plastic "Made in Taiwan" ones, which last minutes.

But that one is not an illusion. Old ones lasted decades, and new ones last minutes. Well... perhaps days. Not kidding.
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
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