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Re: A base editor

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:11 pm
by klauss
No, i meant the issue tracker in VS's sourceforge page.

There's a lot of abandoned stuff there since it's little used, but I've been keeping track of it lately.

Re: A base editor

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:40 pm
by travists
Can't find the data on fixers:

Code: Select all

fixers.CreateFixers(room1,[(-.9, -0.61, 0.25, 0.667)])
I think the first 3 are xyz, what is the last? (scale perhaps)

I've noticed guilds in the python stuff, are they A currently supported, and B currently implemented? That way I know If I should include them.

Also, clearly the xyz coords and bounding boxes are not in pixels. This is understandable to allow for different resolutions, but what are they in?

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:11 am
by klauss
Coordinates all over the place are "normalized", (0,0) is the screen's center, (-1,-1) is top-left, (1,1) is bottom-right. IIRC. Some axis might be flipped (ie: top-left could be (-1,1)).

All sprites are given in the form of a center and dimensions, so center=(0,0) dimensions=(2,2) would fill the screen.

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:04 am
by travists
klauss wrote:@travists: that looks simple and intuitive enough. If you can output the kind of XML would take when finished, we have something.

Ran this test of my code before I got your note on the numbers. That may take some math.... Anyway, the numbers arn't valid yet, but this is a direct dump from my program so far:

Code: Select all

#Initial Imports
import Base
import dynamic_mission
import VS
import fixers
def MakeLandingAndConcourse(time_of_day):
	time_of_day=''#not used
plist=VS.musicAddList('C:\BaseMakerTest\music\02 - Axel F.mp3')
#rooms setup
room = ('bob')
room0= roomBase.Texture (room, 'background', C:\BaseMakerTest\marsTexture.jpg', 0, 0)
#Set Hotspots
Base.Link (0, 'my_Link_id',  281,  154,  100,  50, Room1);
Base.Comp (0, 'my_Comp_id',  93,  57,  50,  50, 'ShipDealer Info Upgrade Cargo Mission_Computer Missions News  ');
I think I about have the basics licked.

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:52 am
by pheonixstorm
Good job so far. Can't wait to see how it turns out. I wonder what might be easier to port it too though.. GTK or QT. GTK I could setup a new project for it but have no experience with gtk while QT I have used often but whoever wants to build from source (on windows) will have to download QT4 and thats a hefty 300-400mb download.

Digging into the cockpit files I think there is a way to adjust the radar views.

Code: Select all

<Radar file="" xcent=".5995" ycent="-.429" width=".23" height=".33"/>
for the radar itself with radar.sprite providing the image size. Its untested, but seems to me it should work else the privateer radars would be a mess.

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:28 am
by travists
QT I think is the one that has a plug in for visual studio. I simply grabed the 2008 Visual Basic side, but this next time I can grab the whole shooting match and run the plug in. I'd certainly post the source, but the exeicutable would be just as simple to upload, with a shorter time to get running! If you know some vb and want to play, I can post what I have now too.

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:51 am
by pheonixstorm
Well, there are too many apps and tools that were made for VS that no longer work and have NO source code that I am trying to make sure any future contributions have either and app or just the source so we don't loose any more tools/apps to abandonment.

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:00 am
by travists
Sure, makes perfect sense to me. Think I'll try to figure out what math I need for the convertion to usable then upload. -no editing yet just creation and launch may not have your ship, but useable.

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:09 am
by klauss
That portability issue is why a long time ago it was decided that python with tkInter was the best choice, python comes with tkInter in its standard library, so whereever python is installed, it would run.

tkInter is a bit harder to work with than Qt, but there are tools.

There are similar tools for PyQT and PyGTK, which would also be quite portable. For windows, there's a py2exe program that can package all the required modules in an executable form, so people don't have to install python.

So... it's a good choice. Python's not hard to learn at all, if you code in C++, you'll grasp python basics in no time, and you'll get rid of a ton of portability headaches.

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:51 am
by travists
Not ditching python just yet. First, I'm programming it in what I know to get a feel for what needs to be done. If I can port from VB to multi-platform, that's one less step. If not, I know more than when I started and can focus on picking up the new language. My C was limited at its best and now is rusty and limited. In the interests of a usable product as soon as possible, I'm starting with the familiar. It may end in python after all.

Soon isn't just a service, I've been working on and off on a 2D adventure game for eons. If I don't crack it soon, or hit a wall, my interests my just wander. Then all there would be is a nice thread that goes nowhere

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:58 pm
by travists
Could someone check my math here?

To convert from the pixel based top left is 0,0 that I currently have it should be:

(X/(window width/2))-1


Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:57 pm
by klauss
Pretty much, but it's more complex, since base screens have a configurable "margin".

You really want to use's GUIRect for that math ;-)

Do take a look at

Re: A base editor

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:45 am
by travists
Ok, I've looked at and see how that would simplify thing in one respect. But it looks it handles clicks completely differently from the rest of the bases. The, and base.comp are each designed to do something specific. Unless I'm missing something, to use the I'd have to completely redo the base structure. Other than fixers, I'm not placing decorative sprites...yet. Though, now that I think about it, it sounds like something to include after the main features are taken care of.

Code: Select all

   For H = 0 To 255
         If Hotspots(H).Type <> "" Then
               rtbCode.Text = rtbCode.Text + "Base." + Hotspots(H).Type + " (" + Hotspots(H).Inroom + ", 'my_" + Hotspots(H).Type + "_id', " + Str(Hotspots(H).X) + ", " + Str(Hotspots(H).Y) + ", " + Str(Hotspots(H).Width) + ", " + Str(Hotspots(H).Height) + ", " + Hotspots(H).Data + ");" + vbNewLine
         End If
Ok, I've looked at and see how that would simplify thing in one respect. But it looks it handles clicks completely differently from the rest of the bases. The, and base.comp are each designed to do something specific. Unless I'm missing something, to use the I'd have to completely redo the base structure. Other than fixers, I'm not placing decorative sprites...yet. Though, now that I think about it, it sounds like something to include after the main features are taken care of.

That is how I presently turn the internal inputs into useable script.

To place an item, you click on the center point, then enter width and height. Depending on type you either enter a room number, or select available displays for the computer.

I'll gladly import and use that, but I only see buttons and sprites in main_menu.

I understand you know a fair bit of the current code. Will accept a GUI statement in it? Is there a related command in's code? I do appreciate the help, just not sure how the two methods will work together. Thanks for all of your time!

Re: A base editor

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:50 pm
by klauss is a wrapper around stuff.

If you use, you stick to it. is simpler when you have to do complex stuff. If you want a button to do something, with you tell it to call a function when clicked (or you can override its onClick method).

You have more complex widgets too.
  • Elements:
    • GUIStaticImage: just a decorative image, or a base class for defining other widgets.
    • GUIStaticText: a text element
    • GUILineEdit: an editable text box
    • GUIButton: a skinnable press-button.
    • GUICompButton: A GUIButton that links to the built-in computer interface (like Base.Comp).
    • GUIRoomButton: A GUIButton that links to a room (like
    • GUICheckButton: A tristate checkbox. A button you toggle between checked, unchecked and neutral.
    • GUIRadioButton: A standard radio button
    • GUISimpleListPicker: A list of elements you can pick from
    • GUIVideoTexture: instead of an image, it takes a video that will be looped forever (untested)
    • GUIVideoStream: a movie, you can startPlaying, stopPlaying, if it has sound it will... sound... etc.
  • Room types:
    • GUIRoom: A normal room, you can attach elements to it
    • GUIMovieRoom: A cutscene. When you enter this room, a movie starts playing. When it finishes playing (or the user skips the movie), it takes you to the "nextroom".

I think that's a comprehensive yet superficial listing of what offers.

Building all that with Base.<blah> stuff isn't trivial, that's why I recommend using for new stuff.

If you really really just want the math to get coordinates right, you can obtain them through GUIRect.

Code: Select all

from GUI import GUIRect

# for drawing sprites
GUIRect( 0, 0, 100, 10, ref=(1024,768) ).getSpriteRect()

# for hotzones
GUIRect( 0, 0, 100, 10, ref=(1024,768) ).getHotRect()

# for text areas
GUIRect( 0, 0, 100, 10, ref=(1024,768) ).getTextRect()
You have different coordinate systems for sprites, hot zones and text elements. It's messy, Base.<whatever> stuff is just that messy, and we can't fix it without breaking just too much content, so is a nice way to get away from that madness.

Re: A base editor

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:07 pm
by travists
Most Excellent!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I'll take a look at those commands in further detail later. As for the fixer code I don't know what I was thinking, its x, y, H,w :oops:

perhaps can handle them too??

With Static images and movies, it may be possible to have quite fancy bases with the current setup. Thanks!!

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:21 am
by pheonixstorm
Any luck getting a working copy up and running?

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:20 pm
by travists
Close, Got a base output, had some trouble with link positions. Retooling with Will jpgs work?

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:50 pm
by klauss
jpgs, pngs and dxt1/3/5-coded dds all work

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:04 pm
by travists
But I need to use nvcompress to encode them? Having trouble seeing backgrounds when I test, that's why I ask.

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:14 pm
by klauss
Well, the tool should be able to decode them.

Encoding them should be a decision left to the artist, since there's a lot of things to weigh before taking that step. Some screens wouldn't benefit much from DXT compression, some might look noticeably degraded and the artists might choose not to compress them.

I'm of the idea that base interface stuff shouldn't be compressed with DXT, only png or jpg, since quality there is rather important and memory bandwidth within bases isn't a main concern.

But the tool should be able to take DXT images and display them.

Re: A base editor

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:59 pm
by travists
Sounds like a 1.01 thing, I'm kinda at .01; just barely functional. That would be ideal though.

Re: A base editor

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:12 am
by travists
GUI base is tanking fast... anyone have a base using working? May have to switch back. Ah well, till I figure out how to do the ship and fixers it won't be useable anyway.

Status Report:

Interface: working

Rooms, Standard mode: Iffy
Computers, standard mode: functional, but missplaced.
Links, standard mode: functional, but missplaced.
Ship placement, standard mode: Not sure how
Fixers, standard mode: Not sure how

Rooms, GUI mode: DOA
Computers, GUI mode: DOA
Links, GUI mode: DOA
Ship placement, GUI mode: Unknown Functionality
Fixers, GUI mode: Unknown Functionality

Saving: working(mostly)
Loading: Not sure how

Re: A base editor

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:07 am
by travists
:evil: That's where it was... need to debug again!

Re: A base editor

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:15 am
by pheonixstorm
Ah the joys of programming... For basemaker I am thinking if I would be better off taking out opengl and trying to copy it over to a directx app :roll:

Re: A base editor

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:07 pm
by klauss
travists wrote:Saving: working(mostly)
Loading: Not sure how
Build an XML, we'll make load the xml.

see how easy? :D