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Hit "f" game bailed

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 5:36 am
by Shrike
Win2k, fresh install, all old versions uninstalled.

Started the game, clicked on ship to launch, was just screwing around hitting buttons and when I hit "f" the game exited.

Not reproducable, nothing in the logs to indicate the problem.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 6:21 am
by hellcatv
this doesn't sound like 'f' caused the crash the 'f' key only touches memory that's always it can't have caused a nonreproducable bug

do you get crashes at any other time? or has this been the one time....

very strange... wish we had a stack trace-but alas we do not...I'll run some simulations to see if I can reproduce anything

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 7:31 am
by Shrike
Yes, it did bomb out on me one other time, but I was on the phone when it happened, so I didn't really take note of what exactly I did.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 8:44 am
by hellcatv
hmmm did it tell you what module vega strike caused errors in when you did details

sometimes it says

vegastrike.exe has produced errors in module vegastrike

vegastrike.exe has produced errors in module OpenAL

and so forth

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 8:47 am
by peteyg
if you hit the escape key... 'f' is one of the keys you can press to quit immediately.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 8:19 pm
by hellcatv
hmm I just produced a similar bug once after a long number of tests

the problem happened in the nvidia driver (which is closed source)
not sure if there's gonna be a workaround this time....

when you get a bug try to at least see which module the bug happened
at least windows98 you could hit "details" and it would tell you "Happened in module NVOPENGL" or something.... or "Happened in module vegastrike.exe"

cus that's what would help more than nothing--
if it's vegastrike.exe then I haven't reproduced it--but if it's in nvidia's driver then I have---

if it's in vegastrike.exe, however, if I can reproduce it, then I can fix it