vega strike under mandriva 2010.1

Find any bugs in Vega Strike? See if someone has already found it, or report them here!
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Atmospheric Pilot
Atmospheric Pilot
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:40 pm

vega strike under mandriva 2010.1

Post by local1907 »

[local1907@localhost ~]$ vegastrike
In path /usr/games
Vega Strike
See for license details.

Found data in /usr/share/games/vegastrike
Using /usr/share/games/vegastrike as data directory
Using .vegastrike-0.5.0 as the home directory
Found MODDIR = /usr/share/games/vegastrike/mods
USING HOMEDIR : /home/local1907/.vegastrike-0.5.0 As the home directory
CONFIGFILE - No config found in home : /home/local1907/.vegastrike-0.5.0/vegastrike.config
CONFIGFILE - No home config file found, using datadir config file : /usr/share/games/vegastrike/vegastrike.config
DATADIR - No datadir specified in config file, using ; /usr/share/games/vegastrike
MISSION_NAME is empty using : main_menu.mission
running import sys
print sys.path
sys.path += [r"/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules",r"/usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases"]
['/usr/lib/ooo/basis-link/program', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python2.6', '/usr/lib/python2.6/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Numeric', '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/PIL', '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gst-0.10', '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gtk-2.0', '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode']
testing VS randomrunning import sys
print sys.path
['/usr/lib/ooo/basis-link/program', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python2.6', '/usr/lib/python2.6/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Numeric', '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/PIL', '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gst-0.10', '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gtk-2.0', '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode', '/usr/share/games/vegastrike/modules', '/usr/share/games/vegastrike/bases']
Setting Screen to w 1024 h 768 and pitch of 4096 and 32 bpp 4 bytes per pix mode
OpenGL Extensions supported: GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_MESAX_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_logic_op GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_convolution GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_histogram GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_INGR_blend_func_separate GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_vertex_program GL_OES_read_format GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGI_color_table GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays
OpenGL::GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array unsupported
OpenGL::Accurate Fog Distance unsupported
OpenGL::Generic Texture Compression supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Compression unsupported
OpenGL::Multitexture supported (8 units)
OpenGL::TextureCubeMapExt supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Clamp-to-Edge supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Clamp-to-Border supported
Note: 'for (li ... )' body is too large/complex to unroll

Error: texture2DLod: undeclared function name.

Fragment Program Error: Failed to compile highend
Note: 'for (li ... )' body is too large/complex to unroll

OpenGL::EXTColorTable unsupported
1 joysticks were found.

The names of the joysticks are:
DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick
axes: 1 buttons: 12 hats: 0
FactionXML:LoadXML factions.xml
Contents of star system:
<system name="Empty" background="backgrounds/black" nearstars="0" stars="0" starspread="0" y="0" z="0" x="0">

Min (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) Max(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) MinLumin 1.000000, MaxLumin 1.000000Read In Star Count 0 used: 2000
Min (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) Max(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) MinLumin 1.000000, MaxLumin 1.000000Read In Star Count 0 used: 38
Loading a starsystem
Loading Star System Special/EmptyFOUND MODIFICATION = player FOR PLAYER #0
Hi helper play 0
HereInitializing optimizer
pox 119990000000.000000 -9000000.000000 -109990000000.000000
Force feedback support disabled when compiled
Loading completed, now network init
Loading active missions True
IS NOW AT Special/Empty

Launching bases for Special/Empty
Launching units for Special/Empty
finding quest
UNIT HAS DIED: dumbfire dumbfire (file dumbfire)
Found ship named : Llama.begin
Faction not found assigning default one : privateer !!!
Exiting ReadSavedPackets
Error: Cannot Open Unit Llama.begin from save file New_Game.
Contents of star system:
<system name="Cephid_17" background="backgrounds/green" nearstars="500" stars="1000" starspread="150" scalesystem="1000">
<ambient red="0.000000" green="0.000000" blue="0.000000"/>
<diffuse red="0.866025" green="0.853710" blue="0.667231"/>
<specular red="1.000000" green="0.971760" blue="0.593597"/>
<ambient red="0.000000" green="0.000000" blue="0.000000"/>
<diffuse red="0.866025" green="0.455290" blue="0.345211"/>
<specular red="1.000000" green="0.276385" blue="0.158894"/>
<Asteroid name="" file="AFieldJumpThin" ri="0.000000" rj="0.000000" rk="0.000000" si="0.000000" sj="0.000000" sk="0.000000" x="-81750376.000000" y="-30150176.000000" z="-70781912.000000" />
<Planet name="JumpTo17-ar" file="jump.png" ri="0.000000" rj="0.000000" rk="0.000000" si="0.000000" sj="0.000000" sk="0.000000" radius="2.00000000" x="-81750376.000000" y="-30150176.000000" z="-70781912.000000" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Crucible/17-ar" faction="klkk" >
<Planet name="Cephid_17 A" file="stars/white_star.png" ri="0.000000" rj="0.000000" rk="0.000000" si="0.000000" sj="0.000000" sk="0.000000" radius="746000.000000" x="0" y="0" z="0" Red="0.950000" Green="0.928820" Blue="0.645198" ReflectNoLight="true" light="0">
<Planet name="Atlantis" file="planets/oceanBase.png|planets/ocean.png" ri="120000000" rj="-8436.0" rk="-110000000" si="-120000000.000000" sj="-150000.000000" sk="110000000.000000" radius="5000.00312500" x="120000000" y="-10000" z="-110000000" year= "8000000000" day="80000" >
<Atmosphere file="sol/earthcloudmaptrans2.png" alpha="SRCALPHA INVSRCALPHA" radius="5020.00481875"/>
<FogElement file="atmXatm.bfxm" ScaleAtmosphereHeight="1.000" red=".8" blue="1" green=".85" alpha="0.5" dired="1" diblue="1" digreen="1" dialpha=".5" concavity=".3" focus=".6" minalpha="0" maxalpha=".5"/>
<FogElement file="atmXhalo.bfxm" ScaleAtmosphereHeight="1.000" red=".8" blue="1" green=".85" alpha=".5" dired="1" diblue="1" digreen="1" dialpha=".5" concavity=".3" focus=".6" minalpha="0" maxalpha=".5"/>

<!-- <Fog>
<FogElement file="atmXhalo.xmesh" ScaleAtmosphereHeight="1.0" red="0.900000" blue="0.900000" green="1.000000" alpha="1.000000" dired="0.900000" diblue="0.900000" digreen="1.000000" dialpha="1.000000" concavity="1" focus=".6" minalpha="0" maxalpha="0.7"/>
</Fog> -->
<Planet name="Phillies" file="planets/rock.png" ri="-468434.7" rj="-361541" rk="433559.750000" si="-412172.000000" sj="300463.5" sk="-498163.5" radius="1661.98062500" x="-468434" y="-361541" z="433559" year="80000000" day="498000.276794" >
<Planet name="JumpToEnyo" file="jump.png" ri="234340.000000" rj="103060.007812" rk="920958.875000" si="471364.750000" sj="-517154.250000" sk="-62067.574219" radius="0.95771751" x="-1312920.250000" y="-717132.625000" z="1060315.625000" year= "80000000.750000" day="303.621857" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Crucible/Enyo" faction="klkk" >
<Planet name="JumpToCardell" file="jump.png" ri="-254216.593750" rj="-423678.437500" rk="-372411.875000" si="-455824.562500" sj="479803.437500" sk="-234697.656250" radius="1.30477371" x="997000.562500" y="-455441.750000" z="753232.687500" year= "80000000.500000" day="761.770081" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Crucible/Cardell" faction="klkk" >
<Unit name="Ataraxia" file="fighter_barracks" rj="-40000.593750" ri="-42.437500" rk="-47000.875000" sj="40000.562500" sk="47000" si="42" radius="130.477371" x="-42" y="-40000" z="-47000" year= "4381063.5" day="761" faction="klkk" >
<Planet name="JumpToOldziey" file="jump.png" ri="141807924.000000" rj="43125792.000000" rk="10400903.000000" si="-3642116.500000" sj="-5128123.000000" sk="-141807924.000000" radius="2.63800079" year= "7057770400.000000" day="536.628845" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Crucible/Oldziey" faction="klkk" >
<Unit name="Plainfield" file="relay" ri="25000" rj="25000" rk="0.0" si="-26000" sj="-24000" sk="0.00" x="25000" y="25000" z="0.0" year= "8000000" faction="klkk">
<Planet name="JumpToEverett" file="jump.png" ri="-20080682.000000" rj="42690276.000000" rk="157634672.000000" si="72114176.000000" sj="-61331199.000000" sk="-96111560.000000" radius="3.11738037" year= "7778511200.000000" day="431.547974" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Crucible/Everett" faction="klkk" >
<Planet name="JumpToStirling" file="jump.png" ri="-182282287.000000" rj="-15947974.000000" rk="-23532624.000000" si="-31423934.000000" sj="94449516.000000" sk="-168381.671875" radius="2.10078888" x="77007976.000000" y="-28267140.000000" z="-51236048.000000" year= "3688542800.000000" day="212.563385" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Crucible/Stirling" faction="klkk" >
<Planet name="Cephid_17 B" file="stars/red_star.png" ri="0.000000" rj="7500000000.000000" rk="1500000000.000000" si="-1500000000.000000" sj="0.000000" sk="0.000000" radius="102620.000000" x="0" y="0" z="0" Red="0.950000" Green="0.207289" Blue="0.119170" ReflectNoLight="true" light="1">
<Planet name="Wiley" file="planets/molten.png" ri="-65226760.000000" rj="19793218.000000" rk="30020006.000000" si="23492010.000000" sj="-254089232.000000" sk="-116486856.000000" radius="3564.39250000" year= "9138671360.000000" day="721.044067" >
<Unit name="Serenity" file="MiningBase" rj="-25421.593750" ri="-22367.437500" rk="-27241.875000" sj="-25582.562500" sk="27980.437500" si="-23469.656250" radius="130.477371" x="997000.562500" y="-455441.750000" z="753232.687500" year= "93000000.500000" day="761.770081" faction="klkk" >
<Planet name="Broadway" file="sol/ganymede.png|planets/rock.png" ri="30215382.000000" rj="18258252.000000" rk="-30780302.000000" si="-52761992.000000" sj="-133019048.000000" sk="-130697848.000000" radius="4305.06218750" x="-37981648.000000" y="187513920.000000" z="42497932.000000" year= "7862598400.000000" day="652.678345" >
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.stable wormhole (file wormhole.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.neutral.stable wormhole (file wormhole.neutral.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: jump Jump (file jump)
UNIT HAS DIED: white_star White_Star (file white_star)
UNIT HAS DIED: ocean ocean (file ocean)
UNIT HAS DIED: rock Rocky (file rock)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.stable wormhole (file wormhole.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.neutral.stable wormhole (file wormhole.neutral.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: jump Jump (file jump)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.stable wormhole (file wormhole.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.neutral.stable wormhole (file wormhole.neutral.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: jump Jump (file jump)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.stable wormhole (file wormhole.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.neutral.stable wormhole (file wormhole.neutral.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: jump Jump (file jump)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.stable wormhole (file wormhole.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.neutral.stable wormhole (file wormhole.neutral.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: jump Jump (file jump)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.stable wormhole (file wormhole.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: wormhole.neutral.stable wormhole (file wormhole.neutral.stable)
UNIT HAS DIED: jump Jump (file jump)
UNIT HAS DIED: red_star red_star (file red_star)
UNIT HAS DIED: molten Molten (file molten)
UNIT HAS DIED: rock Rocky (file rock)
Min (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) Max(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) MinLumin 1.000000, MaxLumin 1.000000Read In Star Count 0 used: 2000
Min (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) Max(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) MinLumin 1.000000, MaxLumin 1.000000Read In Star Count 0 used: 38
Loading a starsystem
Loading Star System Crucible/Cephid_17
Next To: Crucible/17-ar
Next To: Crucible/Cardell
Next To: Crucible/Cephid_17
Next To: Crucible/Enyo
Next To: Crucible/Cephid_17
Next To: Crucible/OldzieyLoading active missions True
Special/Empty IS NOW AT Crucible/Cephid_17
Showing splash screen!
Launching bases for Crucible/Cephid_17
Launching units for Crucible/Cephid_17
Python launched merchant_guild Plowshare.stock FG Redstone with 19 ships
Unit file engine00 not found
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield03 percent 0.285714
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield03 percent 0.250000
Upgrading Shield2 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield4 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield2 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield4 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield03 percent 0.285714
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield03 percent 0.285714
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield03 percent 0.285714
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield03 percent 0.250000
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield03 percent 0.285714
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield03 percent 0.250000
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield03 percent 0.285714
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield03 percent 0.250000
Upgrading Shield2 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield4 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Shield2 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield4 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield2 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield4 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield2 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield4 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield03 percent 0.257143
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield03 percent 0.285714
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield03 percent 0.285714
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield03 percent 0.250000
Python launched luddites Redeemer FG Loire with 5 ships
Python launched homeland-security Admonisher FG Vici with 8 ships
Python launched homeland-security Admonisher FG Clinton with 5 ships
Python launched homeland-security Admonisher FG Montevarchi with 11 ships
Python launched homeland-security Admonisher FG Niceville with 20 ships
Python launched homeland-security Admonisher FG Bullhead_City with 7 ships
Python launched andolian Schroedinger FG Robinson with 3 ships
Python launched andolian Schroedinger FG Benson with 10 ships
Python launched andolian Schroedinger FG Warren with 9 ships
Python launched andolian Schroedinger FG Marietta with 2 ships
Python launched forsaken Hyena.stock FG Lisse with 1 ships
Upgrading Shield2 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield4 level 0... percent=1.0
Python launched forsaken Hyena.stock FG Zeist with 4 ships
Upgrading Shield2 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield4 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield03 percent 0.285714
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield01 percent 1.000000
Upgrading Shield2 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield4 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield2 level 0... percent=1.0
Upgrading Shield4 level 0... percent=1.0
Python launched LIHW Robin.stock FG Moab with 1 ships
Upgrading Engine engine00 percent 0.500000
Upgrading Shield dualshield03 percent 0.261905
Upgrading Shield4 quadshield03 percent 1.000000
Python launched rlaan_briin huldra FG Nehru with 5 ships
Python launched rlaan_briin Shenzong FG Nehru with 2 ships
Python launched rlaan_briin Zhuangzong FG Nehru with 1 ships
Python launched rlaan_briin Gaozong FG Nehru with 1 ships
Python launched rlaan_citizen Shenzong FG Foley with 10 ships
Python launched rlaan_citizen Shizu.civvie FG Foley with 13 ships
Python launched rlaan_citizen Gaozong FG Foley with 6 ships
Python launched rlaan_citizen Shizong FG Foley with 12 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Entourage FG Ginsberg with 14 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Quicksilver.civvie FG Ginsberg with 14 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Llama.civvie FG Ginsberg with 12 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Mule FG Ginsberg with 7 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Clydesdale FG Ginsberg with 1 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Plowshare.civvie FG Ginsberg with 11 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Mule.civvie FG Ginsberg with 12 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Ox FG Ginsberg with 2 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Llama.civvie FG Bristol with 14 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Plowshare.civvie FG Zeiss with 1 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Plowshare.civvie FG Benares with 17 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Mule.civvie FG Racine with 10 ships
Python launched merchant_guild_citizen Plowshare.civvie FG Honshu with 11 ships
Python launched andolian_citizen Sartre.civvie FG Bolton with 4 ships
Python launched andolian_citizen Kafka.civvie FG Bolton with 4 ships
Python launched andolian_citizen Quicksilver.civvie FG Bolton with 6 ships
Python launched andolian_citizen Llama.civvie FG Bolton with 5 ships
Python launched andolian_citizen Franklin.civvie FG Bolton with 3 ships
Python launched andolian_citizen Mule FG Bolton with 2 ships
Python launched andolian_citizen MacGyver FG Bolton with 3 ships
Python launched andolian_citizen Ox FG Bolton with 4 ships
Python launched andolian_citizen MacGyver FG Bouvier with 20 ships
Python launched andolian_citizen Sartre.civvie FG Sikkim with 2 ships
Python launched andolian_citizen Kafka.civvie FG Enlil with 18 ships
Python launched highborn_citizen Entourage FG Lindbergh with 11 ships
Python launched highborn_citizen GTIO.civvie FG Lindbergh with 4 ships
Python launched highborn_citizen H496 FG Lindbergh with 3 ships
Python launched highborn_citizen Mule FG Lindbergh with 4 ships
Python launched highborn_citizen Hidalgo.civvie FG Lindbergh with 2 ships
Python launched highborn_citizen Ox FG Lindbergh with 1 ships
Python launched shaper_citizen Entourage FG Schuyler with 2 ships
Python launched shaper_citizen Llama.civvie FG Schuyler with 4 ships
Python launched shaper_citizen Mule FG Schuyler with 5 ships
Python launched shaper_citizen Cultivator FG Schuyler with 3 ships
Python launched shaper_citizen Plowshare.civvie FG Schuyler with 5 ships
Python launched shaper_citizen Mule.civvie FG Schuyler with 6 ships
Python launched shaper_citizen Ox FG Schuyler with 1 ships
Python launched unadorned_citizen Llama.civvie FG Breton with 16 ships
Python launched unadorned_citizen Plowshare.civvie FG Breton with 7 ships
Python launched unadorned_citizen Mule.civvie FG Breton with 1 ships
Python launched unadorned_citizen Mule FG Breton with 2 ships
Python launched purist_citizen Entourage FG Kirkwood with 5 ships
Python launched purist_citizen GTIO.civvie FG Kirkwood with 1 ships
Python launched purist_citizen Diligence FG Kirkwood with 3 ships
Python launched purist_citizen Quicksilver.civvie FG Kirkwood with 5 ships
Python launched purist_citizen Llama.civvie FG Kirkwood with 3 ships
Python launched purist_citizen Mule FG Kirkwood with 5 ships
Python launched purist_citizen Plowshare.civvie FG Kirkwood with 2 ships
Python launched purist_citizen Mule.civvie FG Kirkwood with 6 ships
Python launched forsaken_citizen Yeoman FG Willy with 3 ships
Python launched forsaken_citizen Mule FG Willy with 1 ships
Python launched forsaken_citizen Gleaner FG Willy with 2 ships
Python launched forsaken_citizen H496 FG Willy with 2 ships
Python launched forsaken_citizen Hyena.civvie FG Willy with 1 ships
Python launched LIHW_citizen H496 FG Montgomery with 2 ships
Python launched LIHW_citizen Quicksilver.civvie FG Montgomery with 3 ships
Python launched LIHW_citizen Llama.civvie FG Montgomery with 9 ships
Python launched LIHW_citizen Mule FG Montgomery with 5 ships
Python launched LIHW_citizen Koala.civvie FG Montgomery with 3 ships
Python launched LIHW_citizen Ox FG Montgomery with 5 ships
Python launched uln_citizen Entourage FG Taylors with 1 ships
Python launched uln_citizen Dodo.civvie FG Taylors with 3 ships
Python launched uln_citizen Llama.civvie FG Taylors with 1 ships
Python launched uln_citizen Gleaner FG Taylors with 2 ships
Python launched uln_citizen Mule FG Taylors with 2 ships
Python launched uln_citizen Koala.civvie FG Taylors with 11 ships
Python launched dgn_citizen Quicksilver.civvie FG Markov with 7 ships
Python launched dgn_citizen Koala.civvie FG Markov with 4 ships
Python launched dgn_citizen Ox FG Markov with 2 ships
Python launched dgn_citizen Dodo.civvie FG Markov with 2 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Llama.civvie FG (CivReg) Euphrates with 3 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Sartre.civvie FG (CivReg) Euphrates with 3 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Mule FG (CivReg) Euphrates with 3 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Kafka.civvie FG (CivReg) Euphrates with 21 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Ox FG (CivReg) Euphrates with 4 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Llama.civvie FG (CivReg) Ritchie with 12 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Sartre.civvie FG (CivReg) Ritchie with 11 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Mule FG (CivReg) Ritchie with 2 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Kafka.civvie FG (CivReg) Ritchie with 15 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Ox FG (CivReg) Ritchie with 3 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Sartre.civvie FG (CivReg) Bonaventure with 1 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Kafka.civvie FG (CivReg) Bonaventure with 4 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Ox FG (CivReg) Bonaventure with 1 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Llama.civvie FG (CivReg) Salem with 7 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Sartre.civvie FG (CivReg) Salem with 5 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Mule FG (CivReg) Salem with 3 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Kafka.civvie FG (CivReg) Salem with 16 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Ox FG (CivReg) Salem with 1 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Llama.civvie FG (CivReg) Styx with 9 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Sartre.civvie FG (CivReg) Styx with 12 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Mule FG (CivReg) Styx with 5 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Kafka.civvie FG (CivReg) Styx with 3 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Ox FG (CivReg) Styx with 1 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Llama.civvie FG (CivReg) Turkish with 3 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Sartre.civvie FG (CivReg) Turkish with 5 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Mule FG (CivReg) Turkish with 4 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Kafka.civvie FG (CivReg) Turkish with 12 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Ox FG (CivReg) Turkish with 3 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Llama.civvie FG Kirk with 1 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Sartre.civvie FG Kirk with 10 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Mule FG Kirk with 1 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Kafka.civvie FG Kirk with 14 ships
Python launched klkk_citizen Ox FG Kirk with 5 ships
Python launched mechanist_citizen Llama.civvie FG Lawrenceville with 2 ships
Python launched mechanist_citizen Koala.civvie FG Lawrenceville with 7 ships
Python launched mechanist_citizen Kafka.civvie FG Lawrenceville with 1 ships
Python launched mechanist_citizen Mule FG Lawrenceville with 4 ships
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Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:40 pm
Location: LS87, Buenos Aires, República Argentina

Re: vega strike under mandriva 2010.1

Post by klauss »

Is that 0.5.x or SVN?

You might create a ticket in the SF's bug tracker, in any case, we'd need a stack trace.

Try running VS with gdb and "--debug" arguments, it will help track down where it crashes. If you can, also, try building it with debugging symbols (for more meaningful stacktraces).
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