Display bug

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Star Pilot
Star Pilot
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:04 pm

Display bug

Post by alfatrion »

The cursor (x marks the spot) en some display utilities disappears when I get busy changing camera's and am near a station.

I 'm under unix, and I've switch to the shell (alt-f2) to view the keys setup and this has the same effect. At the end most of the graphics dies. And I either crashes in to the station or manages to dock but then I find my self in a dark room and not being able to quit the game.

Code: Select all

 *** Python Warning 37!
Warning Traceback 37:
  File "oceandayklkk.py", line 6, in <module>
  File "b/ocean_lib.py", line 8, in MakeLandingAndConcourse
  File "m/dynamic_mission.py", line 757, in CreateMissions
  File "m/news.py", line 103, in processNews
    noos = dnewsman_.translateDynamicString(noos)
  File "m/dynamic_news.py", line 312, in translateDynamicString
    return self.translator.translateItem(item, varlist, self.dockedat_faction)
  File "m/dynamic_news.py", line 120, in translateItem
    self.item[i] = self.translateWord(self.item[i])
  File "m/dynamic_news.py", line 90, in translateWord
    return pre + self.formatText(self.lookupInfo(var, tagnopun)) + tag[len(tagnopun):]
  File "m/dynamic_news.py", line 67, in lookupInfo
    results = self.dynamic_data.getFactionData(self.vars[var]['faction'], tag)
  File "m/dynamic_news.py", line 154, in getFactionData
    debug.error("ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction %s variable %s" % (faction, variable))
Message: ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction merchant_guild variable nicks

 *** Python Warning 38!
Warning Traceback 38:
  File "oceandayklkk.py", line 6, in <module>
  File "b/ocean_lib.py", line 8, in MakeLandingAndConcourse
  File "m/dynamic_mission.py", line 757, in CreateMissions
  File "m/news.py", line 103, in processNews
    noos = dnewsman_.translateDynamicString(noos)
  File "m/dynamic_news.py", line 312, in translateDynamicString
    return self.translator.translateItem(item, varlist, self.dockedat_faction)
  File "m/dynamic_news.py", line 120, in translateItem
    self.item[i] = self.translateWord(self.item[i])
  File "m/dynamic_news.py", line 90, in translateWord
    return pre + self.formatText(self.lookupInfo(var, tagnopun)) + tag[len(tagnopun):]
  File "m/dynamic_news.py", line 67, in lookupInfo
    results = self.dynamic_data.getFactionData(self.vars[var]['faction'], tag)
  File "m/dynamic_news.py", line 154, in getFactionData
    debug.error("ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction %s variable %s" % (faction, variable))
Message: ERROR: FACTION LOOKUP ERROR faction merchant_guild variable nicks

 *** Python Warning 39!
Warning Traceback 39:
  File "m/privateer.py", line 34, in Execute
  File "m/random_encounters.py", line 288, in Execute
  File "m/dynamic_battle.py", line 33, in UpdateCombatTurn
    if (not SimulateBattles()):
  File "m/dynamic_battle.py", line 214, in SimulateBattles
    if (not attackFlightgroup (ally[0],ally[1],enemy[0],enemy[1],enemy[2])):
  File "m/dynamic_battle.py", line 564, in attackFlightgroup
    SimulatedDukeItOut (fgname,faction,enfgname,enfaction)
  File "m/dynamic_battle.py", line 441, in SimulatedDukeItOut
    allystats = faction_ships.GetStats(ally[allyvictim][0])
  File "m/faction_ships.py", line 593, in GetStats
    debug.error( 'cannot find '+name)
Message: cannot find Entourage.stock

 *** Python Warning 40!
Warning Traceback 40:
  File "m/privateer.py", line 34, in Execute
  File "m/random_encounters.py", line 288, in Execute
  File "m/dynamic_battle.py", line 33, in UpdateCombatTurn
    if (not SimulateBattles()):
  File "m/dynamic_battle.py", line 214, in SimulateBattles
    if (not attackFlightgroup (ally[0],ally[1],enemy[0],enemy[1],enemy[2])):
  File "m/dynamic_battle.py", line 564, in attackFlightgroup
    SimulatedDukeItOut (fgname,faction,enfgname,enfaction)
  File "m/dynamic_battle.py", line 447, in SimulatedDukeItOut
  File "m/dynamic_battle.py", line 417, in HowMuchDamage
  File "m/faction_ships.py", line 593, in GetStats
    debug.error( 'cannot find '+name)
Message: cannot find Entourage.stock
I have lots of these errors on the shell. I haven't restarted the game jet.
Star Pilot
Star Pilot
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:04 pm

Re: Display bug

Post by alfatrion »

It happens every time. :evil: I'm in a plowship full with books. I moved from the planet Atlantis to the relay station. It stops when i'm about 150 km away, so I manually use the SPEC drive. And when i'm about 20 km away the first sign of trouble shows it's self: I can no longer see what direction I'm flying since that part of the code has crashed. A little bit later another part crashed, and finally I crasher right in to the station. :evil:
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