
Find any bugs in Vega Strike? See if someone has already found it, or report them here!
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Post by Dyskord »

If i get this right, the new collider is the default one in the recent svn-builds?
If not, then you can ignore the post, i guess.

So far what ive experienced:

Generally it seems to work as expected, if i collide with something, i bounce off or explode, depending on my speed and so on.
But sometimes it seems, when a ship with greater mass rams me, while i have little speed, that i get bounced off in a weird way. Sometimes i just "spin" around a few meters away from the position the collision happens. Spinning as in, the stars are circular lines around me, for several seconds, rendering my ship totally out of control [also happend when colliding with the inner part of the docking section from an asteroid fighter base].
Then sometimes, same case with ships with greater mass, i bounce off kilometers, very rarely though. Happend when my Llama collided with a Mule, with relatively low speed, below 100. After collision i found myself 120km away from the position i was before, in a "spinning" state.

Next thing, but im unsure if this was related to the collider in any ways:
Lured some Aeran fighters into an asteroid field near a mining base. When i entered the field, everything was normal, but as soon as the fighters entered it, it became laggy as hell, FPS below 10, often below 5.
As far as i know, at least some Uln ships (they seem to be everywhere) collided with some of the asteroids, and exploded. Even after the fight, when all aeran and uln ships were destroyed, the fps stayed below 10, even after exiting the asteroid field. Only thing that helped, was restarting the game.

Hope it helps a bit, dont know if / how the collider outputs some relevant information you could use. And sorry if my description is a bit crappy, dunno how to express that stuff :)
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Post by safemode »

From your description, everything seems to be working as normal. The spinning may be caused by your ship's computer trying to keep your speed at what it was set at (assuming you have it active and not off with tilde). That's just a wild guess, as what the game does with that data from the collider is not part of the collider. It could also be that you have it disabled, and thus the computer doesn't try to stop the spinning. It could also be that you are being hit on a part of the ship that it's normal vector would be perpendicular to the direction you are facing, hence spin.

In any case the only thing that has the possibility of being at fault as far as OPCODE is concerned is returning the wrong collided vectors. I really dont see that happening. The most troubling thing in this post is that you could be knocked a kilometer and not die. But again, that's not collider code.
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Post by safemode »

Edit: someone tell slashdot to lend sourceforge some much needed bandwidth. Slashdot is just a complete waste anyway.
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