Standoff Bombing

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Standoff Bombing

Post by SGCharest »

I recently found myself in Aera space for the first time. I was not on a specific mission and was flying empty(I was exploring since I had to reload the program & everything had changed). My Goddard was armed w/ heatseekers, dumbfire, and torpedoes, and the usual array of disruptors, antimatter beams, etc.

Since I'm already at -100 for the Aera, I decided to take a shot (pardon the pun) at attacking a fighter base. I brought engines to full stop and I stood off about 80,000 km and fired a few torpedoes. None hit.

I moved to 30,000 km, stopped engines again, and fired a few test dumbfires. Most of them hit. I then launched several salvoes of heatseekers, all of which scored. After a few minutes of that, I destroyed the station.

Feeling flush with victory, I then took on the nearby Aera relay using the same tactics. However, I made one mistake: I moved within 10,000 km of the station and all hell broke loose: every beam they had lit up space and I was dead meat before I could even start my engines.

Here's the thing I don't understand: When attacking a fighter base, I expected the base to launch fighters, or at least for other fighters to come to the rescue. Is this not written in the software? Not that I mind: if the base had launched fighters, I'd never have gotten the third torpedo off.

Please note, Your Imperial Project Managernesses, that I'm not trying to make the game harder. Just curious.

There I was, when the entire Aera, ULN, Luddite and Pirate fleets combined came out of nowhere. I only had one shot left. So I drank it.
To Megatherion
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Post by To Megatherion »

Yeah, there's a good chance that you cn fire away at a station and it won't shoot back, which seems to be all they're able to do. I _never_ saw aship being launched or others coming for help. I was in a Rlaan system recently and two Areus were flying around shooting at Rlaanbases. They just stood on a fixed position and fired away happily. The first base evaporated. The second reacted with counterfire, but only after it had already been heavily hit.
Another funny thing is that if you target a ship/base and someone else kills it you'll be mentioned in the news, but it won't be counted as kill thus not affecting relations. I was quite surprised when I read that I killed a mining base. Of course the press often does know things other ppl should've known before, but I guess it is quite unusual that they know things about you you were 100% positive didn't apply to you.
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Post by SGCharest »

This is one of the "things I'd like to see" in a "campaign" system for VS: the ability to yell "MAYDAY" when being attacked, and have any friendly vessels come to your aid, or at least to be able to use your own fleet as your own wingmen.(I'd look impressive as hell zipping through Aera space with a Goddard tailed by a Plowshare and a Llama...)
There I was, when the entire Aera, ULN, Luddite and Pirate fleets combined came out of nowhere. I only had one shot left. So I drank it.
To Megatherion
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Post by To Megatherion »

Is that irony? I think the Plowshare is the least impressive thing one could be tailed by. Well, the Dodo's a bit ugly, too, but they look quite nice when they're firing away with their heavy tractors, whereas a Plowshare is just a flying cube. My opinion.
But that MAYDAY would be nice, for oneself as well as for the enemy. I mean, how probable is it, that in a system that nearly bursts with ships groups can attack one of them and nobody comes to help?
Just like Lot's wife I could never look back

Megatherion - selling YOUR wines all over the Galaxy.
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Cooperative AI?

Post by Eirikr »

Dev-wise, how hard would it be to have that kind of cooperation built into the current system? I've not walked through the code, and I don't have the skills to understand it much if I do (C is currently beyond me, but Python maybe), but this might be an idea for future enhancements.
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Post by loki1950 »

this is AI programing guys and always tricky because most of the time each AI function interacts with others in any peticualar tree. and our AI guru is on sabatical :wink: so if you really need it it may mean learning & coding yuorself.

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Base killing

Post by Ramnath »

It's actually pretty easy to destroy a starfortress, medical station, mining base, or a fighter barracks. The fighter barracks and starfortresses take 6 torpedoes to destroy, the medbase only takes 2, and the mining base takes from 6 to 10 I believe. The easiest way is to fire the torpedoes at 20k meters or closer, 4 at a time.

The more difficult bases to destroy are the relay stations and the outposts; which can take around 20 or 30 torpedoes to destroy. You can easily kill the turrets by flying in close with your goddard and firing all of your guns at each turret as quickly as possible, but don't fire until you are 2 or 3 thousand meters away. After awhile the station or outpost will be a deep red color and a few more hits will destroy it.

Another thing you can do is fly into the enemy station when it is pretty badly damaged and buy more torpedoes because after awhile they will stop shooting at you because of damage or lack of turrets.
According to all the aera I have run into, I have no honor.
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Post by energyman76b »

Last night I was in a system with several andolian watsons.

A single Areus jumped in and destroyed one after the other - without any fight back of the watsons - seems, that the current svn-version have some 'hiccups' ;)
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