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What are interceptors for? and how do fleets behave?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:18 pm
by Drak Zelthor
Their seems to be several main types of combat ships used in Vega strike. What I was wondering was what are their roles in fleet composition/combat and what sort of logic does the AI employ in their deployment. In particular what are interceptors for?
These are the roles that I have observed any ideas as to what actually happens with their utilization in game?
Capships- Dreadnought, battlecruisers, battleships
Smaller capships- Crusiers, destroyers

Re: What are interceptors for? and how do fleets behave?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:40 pm
by Deus Siddis
The huge capitalships are usually anti-capitalship, anti-station and/or anti-planet, as well as logistical support.

The big corvettes can be anti-capitalship and/or anti-strike craft (with either role probably being effective enough against other corvettes).

The small strike craft can be broken up into three roles, assault (aka bomber), interceptor or fighter, but there are also many multi-role strike craft that are a combination of these things. The assault roles attack corvettes, capital and stations, the interceptors try to intercept, attack and destroy the assault craft to defend those things, and the fighters try to destroy the interceptors to defend the assault craft.

Re: What are interceptors for? and how do fleets behave?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:19 pm
by -REBEL3-
Drak Zelthor wrote:Their seems to be several main types of combat ships used in Vega strike. What I was wondering was what are their roles in fleet composition/combat and what sort of logic does the AI employ in their deployment. In particular what are interceptors for?
I'll point you to this description by Turbo.
Turbo wrote: * interceptor (attack other fighters; light or medium size, fast, anti-fighter weapons)
Interceptors are fast anti-fighter ships. They are intended to be launched from capships or bases to intercept incoming enemy fighters or bombers. They typically are small, but have powerful engines, and ridiculously high acceleration curves.

Drak Zelthor wrote:These are the roles that I have observed any ideas as to what actually happens with their utilization in game?
Capships- Dreadnought, battlecruisers, battleships
Smaller capships- Crusiers, destroyers
Everything in your list is used in game-I don't really get what you mean by them being utilized in game. The AI engine doesn't use them like it should-it doesn't intercept bombers with interceptors-sometimes it spawns bombers of its own to try to kill the enemy bombers. Scouts don't scout-that style of AI functionality isn't in the engine yet. Carriers do carry, but sometimes act as battering rams.

One note to chuck_starchaser or klauss-we should add a feature where factions recon a system before attacking it. This would consist of the engine spawning more interceptors in the system a day or so before the attack.

Re: What are interceptors for? and how do fleets behave?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:44 pm
by Drak Zelthor
Thanks. With regard to the utilization question I was just asking what the AI did with them.

Re: What are interceptors for? and how do fleets behave?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:30 am
by TBeholder
Drak Zelthor wrote:Thanks. With regard to the utilization question I was just asking what the AI did with them.
I didn't dug dep, but there are class vs. class tables with tactics (data/ai/events script) choice in data/ai/VegaEvents.csv and priority in data/ai/VegaPriorities.csv
So interceptor as compared to fighter: attacks bombs at its second best priority as opposed to minimal, mines below ships as opposed to one notch above minimal, slightly less eager in attacking light ships as opposed to top priority, more apt to target point defence, less to target capships, and have bombers as top priority.
I.e. it's supposed to be a light fighter protecting bases and capships from bombers. a second thought, maybe recon really should be a separate class. Actively hunting mostly Scavenger and Shuttle. Let's face it, Schroedinger is fast, but not really close to Shizu that with its 2x Medium weapons can seriously harm capships (and could do more with 2x Ion Beam or Razor + autotracking).