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Burners acting up. (probably me)

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:59 pm
by greens
Getting the hang of vega strike. I have a few ships now, and i use an exploit or two to make some faster money while trading.
i save and load to get full cargo and i also fly a small robin to and from and then have my plowshare transfered, i'm sure its common practice.

Anyway my issue is this.
Normally with all my ships i am able to warp in disengage autopilot, and tab (afterburners?) in. With my desired speed set to zero.
That is not what is happening anymore
I probbably pushed a button or something, but in my Robin now, it accelerates even if i have the desired speed set to zero.
What i actually have to do is use the backspace button as sort of a reverse thruster. If i hold backspace is brings me down to zero, the second i release it starts to accelerate (quickly in the robin i might add) so i am still able to dock appropriately like that but boy is that a pain. my tab button seems unresponsive, but its accelearting at full speed so i wouldnt notice... From what i can see my HUD shows no changes, and my desired speed is set to zero, even - doesnt work, and it happens in both travel and manuever.
I am almost positive i did something that could be easily fixed.

Edit: OH i also bought an upgrade, i dont remember the name, something about afterburners or thrusters or something, an increase in speed at a sacrifice is what it seemed to be. Maybe thats enabled?

Re: Burners acting up. (probably me)

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:36 pm
by MC707
It sounds like a problem of target velocity. Try resetting your velocity to match the local sun ('End' button). Other than that... I dunno. Hope that helps.

Re: Burners acting up. (probably me)

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:58 pm
by loki1950
The other thing you might try is setting your velocity relative to your actual target by using the "Home" key the "End" key resets it to the system primary(Sun) what you are doing is setting what you measure velocity relative too as in space every thing is moving so velocity is always relative to some other body,enough basic physics have fun :wink:

Enjoy the Choice :)