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What does this do?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:41 am
by Silverain
It's coming...

The Privateer Remake Manual has arrived!

Downloaded Beta6 of the Privateer Remake and decided it needed a dedicated manual. 21.5 work hours and about 8 hours private time later, well, you be the judge. Its missing some artwork though.

P.S. the source word file will be up later.
P.P.S. The file is ~1.4Mb, so one tenth the file size of the beta.

As usual, comments, flames, additional information.


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:02 am
by MamiyaOtaru
I like it a lot.

There are a few locations that appear to me as "bookmark not defined"

You state that ships have fuel enough for 7 jumps. I am fairly sure it is only 6. It was in the original, and that is what it is supposed to be here. If it is in fact 7, I would still change it in the manual pending a fix of the game itself.

The pic of the mining base bar and fixers is good, though that particular combo of bar and fixer (hunter and mining base) has the fixer clipping the table a bit. No biggie, but perhaps it could be swapped. Of course it looks like that in game, so no reason to hide it ;)

The keyboard layout template on the last page is somewhat illegible, but I'm not sure much could be done about that.

Overall, very good. Very comprehensive. It should help out the people who write and ask things like what happened to the map :) Thanks a ton for the effort

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:38 am
by Silverain
Fuel: oops, just been reading something on Elite. Will fix.
Will keep an eye out for another mining bar pic.
Keyboard layout is from Shark. Will check.

P.S. re: map. We doing anything about having sector map display. Currently, mapscreen only gives the jump destination systems (unless there's a function I haven't found). Will I need to include sector maps somewhere?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:48 am
by hellcatv
you can press "up" in the interface
and if you want to get the whole gemini map at once without having to explore it
you just need to change


<var name="explore_for_map" value="true"/>
to be
<var name="explore_for_map" value="false"/>

in the physics section

or you could just fly to each of the 64 systems ;-)

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 5:05 am
by Silverain
Knew about up button - thanks.

Other concern was going on mission to xyz system - how do we find it. Then answered: the mission HUD gives the details.

0.02 up with corrections to fuel and errors.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 5:46 am
by MamiyaOtaru
hellcatv wrote:and if you want to get the whole gemini map at once without having to explore it
you just need to change
This would give you the whole WC Universe map actually :D
silverain wrote:Other concern was going on mission to xyz system - how do we find it.
In addition to the HUD telling you where to go, All the systems you will jump through will show up on the sector map, even if you haven't been there before. Rather decent of it.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:33 am
by Silverain
version 0.0.6 now up:

configuration and launching instructions
new and more information on game settings
IMPORTANT! and Introductions corrected
Mods section png'd the names
Included new key bindings thru manual and quick key guide including the multi function display - the big change
turrets section fixed
added Gemini sector

As always, comments, recommendations, flames etc.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:32 am
by Silverain
version 0.0.7 now up:

Updated MyFleet re: selling old ships
Updated Save/Load to incorporate new pilot function

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 4:56 am
by hellcatv
nice! committing it!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:06 am
by Silverain
version 0.0.8 now up.

Updated: multi function displays information
Updated: nav screens with the new functionality

Still needs review to pick up the small errors, and information for mac and linux users in the setup sections.

If no remaining comments though, will finalise it as version 1.0 for Privateer Remake v1.0 (soon to be released! YAY!)

Link to download and save to drive Privateer Remake Manual