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Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:52 pm
by chuck_starchaser
tiny paintings wrote:OT: chuck, did you play IL-2: Sturmovik? It's pretty hardcore - long (tedious) flights, manually adjusting fuel composition and rotor angle, visual target id, etc. It's pretty neat. All the planes are authentic ww2 aircraft, with authentic cockpits - it's a lot of fun reading out oil pressure and altitude from gauges marked in russian... (and it looks good, too)
Wow! Sounds like my kind of game...

@Fireskull: I totally agree. And with the buffer zone of unofficial systems we're talking about, we could even have a guild for pirates of sorts, if only in the furthest and best hidden pirate bases.
I'm thinking the pirate bases in the official systems now in game can be justified if we simply understand them as 'careful' pirate bases, with no obvert illegal activities. This would agree with the Keydence missions in which you are trying to implicate them for the militias.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:21 pm
by Captin cocksniff
I agree with fireskull. Though i think that any stroyline should follow the WC universe, the thing that keeps bringing me back to WCU (even though it is not finished) is the "freedoom". The centrally located pirate bases aree kinda silly, but it would be nice to find a way to keep the feds out of them, rather then takeing away those "memorable moments" of the dynamic universe.

When i said "guild", i also said "it is not quite the same but you get the idea", by which i ment it is not so much guilds as Gangs, so you would do missions for people like tayla and join their gang. I didn't elaborate on the idea much as i thought it was kinda obvious, and i didn't have much time when i was writeing it. :roll:

Fire, pirates shouldn'T get the state of the art milatry things, but if we set WCU after the battle of earth, then dureing the time of the false truce, lots of milatry vessels where mothballed, and no doubt some people would have seen this as an oppertunity. Not only that but after the battle of earth confed started replaceing their old (WC1/2) ships with the new (WC3). Pirates would no doubt have got their hands on at least a few of the "obsolite ships" which would proabbly have been on thier way to local militas, maby even the Landrich, (a similar situation to the talons). No paradigrams, or stelletos, mace nukes. More like WC1 ships, which have come onto the market due to the corruption of local governments (people like Mesnuch). Don't forget the talons are a milatry ship and at the moment pirates use them almost excluisivly, and confeds simply don't have the time to hunt them, militas don't have the experties.

I have said many times that the pirate factions should be segmented, but it's not up to me. I do agree that the non charted sectors should be mostly "ruled" by pirates, the central bases of PR have allways been a source of much confusion for me.

I get the point about sheer fire power, i never ment that pirates should be blowing away carriers, I just ment that confed destroyers shouldn't be blowing away "secret" bases that are essential to follow the plot!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:46 pm
by spiritplumber
I have half an idea about how to keep "the fuzz" out of pirate systems, I'll see if I can implement it :)

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:50 pm
by Fireskull
At the first episode of wc standoff the player is at a Gilgamesh destroyer who is about to be mothballed.

I dont remember exactly how, but in the first campaign the player goes against a bunch of pirates who somehow managed to steal a squadron of Sabre Heavy fighters. If confed didnt manage to destroy them, it would be a maaaaajor blow to morale.

My point is that when pirates steal military equip they draw way too much attention. When pirates draw too much attention they either must hide or get their asses kicked. If they destroyed that Gilgamesh cruiser somehow, then chances are confed would send a small battlegroup after them. My problem inst with pirates stealing confed equip, but its with them using them in a open battle against confed.

Talons are military ships, but they were a absolute failure on the front :P. Other old ships like the "raptor" would actually still be in use in backwater systems for security and such. Most old confed capships were destroyed at BoE, and those who werent were all sent to fleets that deal with system security. So you see, confed still is using their old capships, its just that they use them for system security instead of fighting kilrathi.So it wouldnt be a "piece of cake" to steal a old confed capship or starfighter.

Said all that, I think this scenario takes away most of the fun and potential that could exist in playing a pirate. But we must not forget that Gemini is pretty much the "wild wild west" of confed.

So, as I see it, just to make a pirates life more fun I can see them using some old confed light fighters, epees and ferrets come to mind. Caernavens are also available, and those are heavier than a corvette. In the near future we will have that pleasure cruiser which is about like a paradigm. Very very rarely, in some pirate bases, I can see a overpriced sabre or some other medium/heavy starfighter spawning.

Having written all that, I realise we are all on the same agenda here. We just have to put those ideas down and slowly implement them. The first priority should be to have it so confed dont show up with a whole battlegroup at supposedly hidden pirate bases.. mostly ones that are essential to the plot like pentonville :P

We could even have some kind of "major" pirate faction somewhere. I think it would make the life of a pirate more interesting if there were a bunch of smaller factions about, and one or two major ones which had a bunch of capships at their disposal, "Crime lords" of sorts.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:24 pm
by chuck_starchaser
I think of the Firekkan luxury ship (tiny painting's ship) as a very rare and ULTRA expensive ship. I was thinking of Kroiz having it at a secret base, but if he took over the business of Menesch and is supplying the pirates, then that hidden base might in fact be a hidden pirate base, and in fact the "capital", or most important base, of the pirates. As far as Pentonville, KM252 and the other pirate base in the West, forgot the name, I think we should think of them as like "head-shops" or pirate-slanted at the margins of the Law. This would agree with the Keydence missions, in which you are trying to get evidence to implicate them and justify an attack by the militias. Normally they shouldn't be attacked because there's not enough "proof". Perhaps we could say that their commodities rooms are consignatory only and take no responsibility for the items that are bought or sold. This could be explained or hinted at in magazine articles.
On the technical side, the problem is how to represent the fact that these three bases are "pirate bases" by concensus but not officially so enough to justify a militia or confed attack. I would suggest that somehow they should appear as grey dots in the radar. That is, they won't be attacked by militias, but forget about militias defending them from retro attacks...

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:33 pm
by Fireskull
The luxury yatch will be rare, but I think it should be buyable too.

And I see no reason, if we split up pirate factions, for a major pirate faction to not own one, or another capship bigger than a caernaven, as their flagship.

What are the Keydence missions? I cant remember those.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:57 pm
by Captin cocksniff
I guess there is some confusion.

I see it more like the mesnuch senario, a shipment of tallons is sent to local governments, but greedy non milatry types like mesnuch skim off the top.

the way i see it, no pirate would be stupid enough to seel something off the army or blow up a confed carrier, as that Would mean cirtan death, It would be done by contacts within the compnies that supply confed, much like it is done today. local orginasations (like police forces) are wrought with corruption, and pirates would (roughly) have acces to the same gear that milita have. there are so many places from production to delivery, when all it would need is a few people to "look the other way", and for the right price, most proabbly would, war is a very profitible buisness.

I get the point about the blow to morale, but my guess is that for a few fighters the troops would never find out! Propaganda has been, is and always will be extensivly used by governments, troops are feed propaganda, not the truth (and it is a very big universe). The way i see it, talons are still milatry ships and the public are not suposed to have them´, but essentially they suck, and that is why no one has payed much attention to pirates getting them, but if they can get talons, on the sly (ie not brasian raids on confed strongholds or scrap yards), then they can get other equipment too they just have to be carefull about what they take, so as not to attract too much attention. keeping in mind that they are not fighting a war, they kinda of benifit from confeds authority.

Anyways you are right we seem to be getting at the same thing, more milita equipment for pirates, not so much milatry?

My model of the pirates is more of a mafia and orginised crime, confrontations with authority are avoided at all costs, and they are more intergrated into socicity rather than at odds with, confed blockades keep contraband prices up for instance. I also see them kind of pirates of the 7 seas, that is why it would be nice to see like a pirate capship, like out in deep space, opperateing off a big ship makes more sence to me as a stationary base is very risky, and if it gets descoverd then you are in lots of troubble. Much like mordern gangs today, it would be cool if diffrent pirate factions "specilized" in cirtan areas, real piracy, Weapons, smuggling, slavery, extortion/blackmail.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:47 pm
by chuck_starchaser
Fireskull wrote:The luxury yatch will be rare, but I think it should be buyable too.
For sure! But I'd say, if a Paradigm costs 2 million, that ship should cost 20. Reasons being:
1) I'm thinking it would be extremely fast for a ship its size, like max speed 1500, if sluggish accelerating and turning.
2) Would have a "smart autopilot" built into it. Needs it because the ship has 3 turrets on the bottom side but non in the top, so it has to turn itself sometimes to aim its turrets; and being so fast it might as well avoid enemy shots and fly around when you transfer yourself to control one of the escorts. It would be the only "capship" capable of such things.
3) Its (Firekkan) manufacturer is something like the original Rolls Royce, a company that builds each ship individually (no assembly line) and each ship is customized and unique. (Tiny paintings gave us 2 models, and I could add some variations.)
4) This would be the only capship in game capable of planet-landings, due to its aerodynamics.

In sum, the only reason this ship is allowed to exist is the fact that it's so expensive nobody can afford it anyways; not even the Confed; --let alone pirates. But some politicians have it. Some corporations might have one, say Bronte, whose bases could all be in the unofficial gray zone. Someone like Kroiz, after taking over Menesch business and being the sole supplier of talons and spare parts for many pirate factions and retros, he could afford one. I'm not sure Lynch can afford one.
What are the Keydence missions? I cant remember those.
Go to the refinery in Tingerhoff, and speak to the hot chick sitting at a table at the bar... ;-)

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:40 pm
by Fireskull
No no, honestly I think what you want this ship to be would not fit in WC at all.

No capships with 1500 top speed... thats just throwing game balance off the hook. I know that in real space ships have no top speed limits, but in WC they -do- and a capship would really never reach more than 250kps.

I know you have a "vision" of what you want for this ship, but if its going to be buyable it cant be a super-capship.

It should have some turrets at the top, otherwise it will be too vulnerable. A total of four turrets at the botton and four at the top would work fine I think. And since you have got into this, let me bring another thing: That ship cant have this amount of turrents and be like 350 meters long.. that would make turret placement too sparce and the ship too vulnerable. At best the ship would end up somewhere in between a frigate and a destroyer, with about 180 meters. Thats about the size of a Kamekh and doesnt means the ship is weak.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:13 pm
by chuck_starchaser
Okay, I didn't know a Kamekh was so small. So the size of caernaven is what?, like 90 meters?

WRT the ship's speed. The reason I though of giving it very high speed is that you could do things with it that the Confed can't, like raid the kat capital system; --not by fighting your whole way there, but by simply ignoring squadrons along the way. This is not inconsistent with the real world: Militaries have budgets, and producing a ship of the highest technical refinement and the finest workmanship would be quite far beyond the point of diminishing returns in the cost/value curve. Thus, 10 Paradigms are a much, much more effective force than one of these ships, for the same cost. And a Paradigm's hull and armor would be like twice as strong as this ship's, so I'm not even sure you'd have an edge against even one Paradigm. Remember it is marketed as a "luxury yatch". Not that the salesman will make much of a secret of what it's capable of, if your credit line shows 20,000,000+ credits ... ;-)

And like I said, it would be sluggish accelerating and turning, as any capship should be; so it will take like 40 seconds to reach max speed.
If we keep only 3 turrets in the bottom, as it is now, I'd only argue for a somewhat faster roll speed so that it can flip its turrets side towards the enemy in a cinch. The other advantage it will have is a special thermal management coating that will allow it to fire its guns continously at a very high rate. So the 3 turrets could deliver a serious punch.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:52 pm
by Fireskull
I still disagree ( all that is written below is just my opinion and means no offense )

1) During the whole war confed has developed super fighters, like the excalibur. It has tried to build super-capships too, the concordia is a example, though it didnt work as well as they wanted. Later on there was the Vesuvius, but after the war. The kilrathi have build Dreadnaughts and super-capships too.

2) most important: The firekkans are on a lower technology level than confed. They dont have the techs to develop something that would be even as good as a paradigm, much less better than it. most of firekkans capships were "given" to them by confed ( think of confed as the USA )

3) "The reason I though of giving it very high speed is that you could do things with it that the Confed can't, like raid the kat capital system" Any ship who goes straight into Kilrah would be instantly vaporized by the large fleet they have there. There would be so many missiles fired against the capship in question that the only thing that could save it are phase shields. Which it doesnt has.

4)"Militaries have budgets," So do the firekkan. So, whats the reasoning for a technologically inferior race to develop such a ship? As matter of fact... whats the reasoning of anyone at all to develop such a ship since, given the amount of research, it would not give any profit?

5) "And a Paradigm's hull and armor would be like twice as strong as this ship's"

I have taken out a paradigms shield with two heat seeker missiles. The hull is much stronger... of course. But a destroyer with less than half a paradigm guns, half of its shields, inst a destroyer, its a frigate, and we already have a frigate: Caernaven.

6)"Okay, I didn't know a Kamekh was so small. So the size of caernaven is what?, like 90 meters?"

its about 150 I think. It can be upgraded to about 300, which is what confed uses. Capships in WC games are usually small. A carrier is only 600 meters long. The only bigger ships are like the concordia class ( which is listed as a dreadnaught in WCU ) and the kilrathi super carriers. The kilrathi dreadnaught is a monster of 22kms. On another hand.. Kilrathi older capships ( like the kamekh ) are usually smaller than confed capships. They only began to mass produce bigger ships later in the war.

7) About the ship speed again: The "physics" of WC somehow imply that ships in space have a speed limit, for them to have a better speed they need a better engine.. much like a atmospheric fighter. A veeeeeery fast starfighter has a afterburn speed of 1300kps. What you want is to give a small destroyer more speed than a stiletto. In a WC scale, if it had 250kps for a max speed it would be one of the fastest destroyers in the galaxy, having a speed that usually corvettes do, and there inst a WC engine that would give a capship a speed of 1500kps.

8)"I'd only argue for a somewhat faster roll speed so that it can flip its turrets side towards the enemy in a cinch."

I am all for implementing different defensive systems for capships. But what you have in mind just inst very capship like IMO. I do that kind of thing with a galaxy.. I roll so I face a enemy, that is lets say attacking me from below, with the side of my ship and can target him with both turrets. i bet you can do the same sort of manuever with a broadsword bomber too, but I just cant see a capship rolling all over in combat. Its much easier to just place turrets at its top.

9) "The other advantage it will have is a special thermal management coating that will allow it to fire its guns continously at a very high rate. So the 3 turrets could deliver a serious punch."

The reason I said 3 turrets arent enough inst because of firepower. Its mostly about covering all vulnerable areas. If you place two turrets at the front, then the back is vulnerable, if you place two at the back, the front is.. if you place one turret at the middle, other at the back, other at the front, then the middle is very well protected but the front and back are vulnerable. Do not forget that turrets can be destroyed too.

A way around this would be to make the ship smaller. That way the turret density increases. The ship you are talking about sounds a lot like a corvette.. fast and agile, ( for a capship ) but without a lot of firepower. Anyway or another, no matter how fast it is.. I would still place at least two turrets at the ships top, it would be just way too vulnerable to attacks otherwise.

I do know you mean it would have a slow acel and all that, to counterbalance its high speed. But there is no way to counterbalance that... its just too high of a max velocity. We had a example of this before: The razor light fighter. Spirit programed then to be very frail, but fast like hell. It turned out that you absolutely could not hit the things and they were just invulnerable.

About the special thermal management, there is a item in RF that helps to cool down your guns... so thats not special technology. I dont know if it can be equiped in turrets though.

IMO We should have this ship be a step ahead of the Caernaven, but still being "light" So, the closest thing to its class would be "Light Destroyer". Faster than the paradigm, but with less of a punch. I would have about 4 turrets at the top of the ship, spreading in a row along the center like a "spinal chord" and five turrets below too, two at the frong little wings, two at the back bigger wings and one at the very center of the hull.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 1:40 am
by chuck_starchaser
Allright, agreed.

If not the Firekkans, who should be the manufacturer? Landreich? Border Worlds? Steltek? Nephilim? I'm asking because it really doesn't look WC-human in style (not that there couldn't be a small company that specializes in finely crafted, custom ships, and who have a distinctive style).

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 1:59 am
by Fireskull
I dont see any problem with firekkan manufacting it as long as things are balanced.

If not firekkan.. we could have some human company too. Its not like humans have a "standard human culture". Just look at Russian culture and.. heck I dunno Mayan culture :P

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:55 am
by chuck_starchaser
Gee! Why am I limiting my imagination so much? The manufacturer could be a human firm that wanted to produce a super ship, super expensive, and got too much redtape from Confeds, so it was looking for a place out of strictly Confed space in which to operate more freely. Firekkans, realizing they were far behind human technology, and having heard about this company, offered them a sweet deal to relocate. When you go to this shipyard's showroom you're greeted by a human. Your character asks "You don't look Firekkan..." and the salesman tells you the whole story about the company.

At some point he mentions that ship's armor and hull are thick enough that they cannot be made of anything superior to tungsten while remaining legal within Firekkan space, and of nothing better than steel for Confed space export, and you could conceivably upgrade the armor (illegally), but not the hull, as the hull is cast in one piece. You'd have the chance to ask "what if I were to insist on isometal hull, or no deal?", and the salesman clears his throat and says "Your credit line is only 25 million, sir; you hardly have enough for the ship itself, plus basic systems. If you wish to discuss.. ahem.. 'unthinkable' customizations, you'd need far more credits than that...", or if you have a 40 million line of credit he might say "Our company, you understand, is a law-abiding company; and we would need.. ahem.. a 50% deposit before this conversation may continue any further along its present course...", and if you agree to the deposit, then "It's not every day we are visited by such serious and knowledgeable customers, you see? You've caught us a little unprepaired... You seem to really know what you want better than anybody else in recent months. Perhaps we could discuss... ahem... impossible... options in a better setting, then; would you please meet me at the bar...".

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:17 am
by Fireskull
Thats fine.

I just cant see any player getting up to 40 million creds :P I was thinking 14 million would already be a rip off and I dont understand why you insist this must be some "super ship". Inst it enough that it already looks very cool and is one more open option for player flyable capships?

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:41 am
by chuck_starchaser
Well, no; maybe you take pride on your skills; I have none, so when I played privateer the original I used to take pride of the ship I had. The centurion just kicked major ass. I want a ship that kicks major ass, not "just" a capship.
As for 40 million creds, no problem... Owning a whole system including an agricultural planet, a few asteroid mines, and a couple of industrial planets should do the trick ;-)

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:52 pm
by Fireskull
You have the wrong image about me Chuck.

For me this is just a game, there is no pride in being skilled in it. All my arguments are put here just to make this a good and balanced game. Its not about what I want, or what you want, its about what would make WCU a better game.

But I dont want to go into yet another topic.. if please, we could agree that this new ship inst going to be some kind of super capship, lets just put a end to this discussion.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:21 pm
by chuck_starchaser
Sorry, Fireskull, I can be persuaded through argument; I cannot be persuaded through impatience.
I think there's nothing wrong with owning a supercapship towards the end of the game, specially considering that your enemy has one. Same as when in Privateer you end the game with the Steltek gun. That was super fun.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:49 pm
by Fireskull
We have been discussing this for how long chuck? This kind of thing should be decided in like a day, at most. Its just a single ship.

I have given more than enough arguments, but then you just came up with a whole different manner to implement the ship. Its not that I dont have more arguments to talk with you...I am just expent. You win by AWOL. Implement the ship in whatever manner you want... I will just edit it back to numbers that make sence when I download my patch. I just find it sad that people who dont know how to edit the game will have to cope with a completely unbalanced ship if its released this way.

This is over for me. I wont be checking this topic anymore. I am sorry if you find me a idiot, or if this is just offensive... but I am expent. I wont enter in any future discussions with you either, sugestions sure.. but absolutely no discussions, they are just very very unproductive.

Let me say that at the impression you gave to me is that you want this to be a super cap ship no matter what. It doesnt matters if it will unbalance the game, or how it simply makes no sence. You want it and thats it. And if you want it, heck.. go ahead and get it. Its entirely possible I am completely wrong about you, but its what you made me think about you. Mostly with that first sentence of yours.

"Sorry, Fireskull, I can be persuaded through argument; I cannot be persuaded through impatience."

More arguments than I gave...? I dont know. It just seens to me that if I gave you even more arguments you would just come up with something else to implement the ship, then something else.. and then something else, as if you dont even acknoloadge my arguments as arguments, and lastly,do not confuse frustation with impatience... because I am not leaving this discussion out of impatience, it just has become very pointless to go on.

I am very aware some of this will sound offensive, but these are my thoughts and I am sorry I have them.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:06 pm
by chuck_starchaser
I listened to your arguments and in fact agreed.
You said no capship can do more than 250, so 1500 was unthinkable.
Okay, I was now thinking of 300.
Yes, I want a ship that will be better than any other ship in the game by the end. But like I said, I *can* be persuaded otherwise; I just need to hear a good argument why not.
By the way, I don't make any final descisions, here. I assumed you wanted to convince me of your perspective for its own sake. Just because I want the best ship in the game doesn't mean I'm going to get it. The only boss around here is Spirit, even if she doesn't want to be.

And why does it matter how long a discussion goes for? Is there a standard time limit written somewhere? I like it when discussions go for as long as it takes for all parties involved "seeing things the same way" or else understanding why their disagreement is fundamental and unresolvable. We are far from there yet. In any case, I thought all along we were having a friendly discussion, but you seem to see discussion as something evil or as a weapon or.. who knows? If you don't like to discuss thing you should have said so.

Fireskull, stop acting so childish. What do you gain from all this "won't talk to you anymore" stuff? That's absurd. I've given to your previous arguments, and what I'm still not convinced of is that having "the best" ship by the end of the game somehow throws the whole thing into an imbalance, considering that your enemy, which I assume to be Kroiz, has a similar ship. It's at the end of the game, man. Tell me why you think this would be no good, and if I see the reasons why you object I'll see them. Right now I can't see them since you haven't told me what your reasons are. Frankly I don't understand this. We've had a number of discussions before, on a range of things. Sometimes I convinced you, sometimes you convinced me. Why is this subject suddenly a reason for such a fuss?

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:53 pm
by klauss
@chuck: As an objective observer, it shows through your posts that you badly want that übership. That may be the problem. You were aiming always at getting it. Although you did agree to FS's arguments, you're (it seems) not willing to let go of the idea of a supership. And that's what FS is opposed to: a supership. Most superships bring imbalance. I can't see a way to include a supership without including imbalance. And... to be honest... you want that imbalance (as long as it imbalances things favourably to you - as a player).

That's the problem: you want imbalance, he doesn't, and nobody wants to change what he wants.

I think, although FS did make quite more a fuss than what the situation merited, FS's idea of "fixing it for himself" is not a bad one. If at all possible, it could be an option, that could be enabled through the config file. Like on "Easy" you get to be able to buy that thing, but it's the normal thing (not super). But, in "Easiest of all" you get to buy a variant, the supership.

But, it is a lot of work... but somehow I'm sure many people also want to be able to purchase a supership. It's like a grand prize: you get to prosper ingame so much, that you win the game, no matter what: you have a supership with which to do anything, with little (but some) work.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:58 pm
by klauss
@chuck: As an objective observer, it shows through your posts that you badly want that übership. That may be the problem. You were aiming always at getting it. Although you did agree to FS's arguments, you're (it seems) not willing to let go of the idea of a supership. And that's what FS is opposed to: a supership. Most superships bring imbalance. I can't see a way to include a supership without including imbalance. And... to be honest... you want that imbalance (as long as it imbalances things favourably to you - as a player).

That's the problem: you want imbalance, he doesn't, and nobody wants to change what he wants.

I think, although FS did make quite more a fuss than what the situation merited, FS's idea of "fixing it for himself" is not a bad one. If at all possible, it could be an option, that could be enabled through the config file. Like on "Easy" you get to be able to buy that thing, but it's the normal thing (not super). But, in "Easiest of all" you get to buy a variant, the supership.

But, it is a lot of work... but somehow I'm sure many people also want to be able to purchase a supership. It's like a grand prize: you get to prosper ingame so much, that you win the game, no matter what: you have a supership with which to do anything, with little (but some) work.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:48 pm
by chuck_starchaser
klauss wrote:@chuck: As an objective observer, it shows through your posts that you badly want that übership. That may be the problem. You were aiming always at getting it. Although you did agree to FS's arguments, you're (it seems) not willing to let go of the idea of a supership. And that's what FS is opposed to: a supership. Most superships bring imbalance. I can't see a way to include a supership without including imbalance. And... to be honest... you want that imbalance (as long as it imbalances things favourably to you - as a player).
True. Well, I wasn't thinking of it as "super"; in my mind it was just "superior", as in "marginally", but maybe I have the wrong picture of what constitutes "super". I think of "super" as 100% or 200% above. I was thinking at the beginning that high speed, like 1500, would be a serious advantage in one type of mission: deep raiding, but of no advantage in close fights. In my mind that would have made the ship "superior" but not necessarily "super", I would have considered that a +20% value overall, and my willing to give it weaker hull and armor would bring that back to like 10% superior, kind of thing; but maybe I'm out to lunch. And actually, I wasn't convinced at all by Fireskull's arguments, but I agreed to them because I was beginning to sense impatience, but later I regretted it. I'm not in a habit of giving up an argument unless I AM convinced. In any case, I kind of resigned myself to a speed a bit above 250, like 300, thinking he might find that acceptable.
That's the problem: you want imbalance, he doesn't, and nobody wants to change what he wants.
Very true.
I think, although FS did make quite more a fuss than what the situation merited, FS's idea of "fixing it for himself" is not a bad one. If at all possible, it could be an option, that could be enabled through the config file. Like on "Easy" you get to be able to buy that thing, but it's the normal thing (not super). But, in "Easiest of all" you get to buy a variant, the supership.
Actually, no problem with me personally; I'm used to cheating ... :D
It's more like I liked the ending of Privateer the original, when you have a superweapon. What I didn't like is that you couldn't take it to Kilrah, so I though, now that Kilrah is there, after the end of the game one could go on a destruction derby.. :D
But I can edit the unit.csv and do it; it's just a little less fun than if the game gives it to ya.
But, it is a lot of work... but somehow I'm sure many people also want to be able to purchase a supership. It's like a grand prize: you get to prosper ingame so much, that you win the game, no matter what: you have a supership with which to do anything, with little (but some) work.
Well, no, I just wanted to own a "supership" or "superior" ship (10% better than the second-best, say) at the end of the game, not throughout. Like, you can only afford the thing once you own a whole system and are building up in preparation for the final confrontation with Kroiz. He owns a whole fleet, say, with caernavens and hellcats and whatnot and one of these ships, and you'd better match and exceed his force. In my mind, you wouldn't be fighting anybody else at this time, just trying to max out income and grow stronger, knowing that Kroiz could knock on your door any minute.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:31 pm
by Fireskull
The fact is I am so busy RL that if I go to the bathroom at the wrong moment..I get late for my compromises.

I study 14 hours a day, sleep 6 or 4 hours a day, and I study even on sundays and holidays. I dont even have time to -shave- and the only reason I find time to work on this game is because I give myself a bit of freetime at weekends.

So I am expent. I cant continue with this discussion.. i dont have the energy to. My arguments are there, i dont need to repeat them. Discussions like these arent productive and dont go anywhere.

I knew I said i "would never check this post again" but you all know I was lying :P

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:47 pm
by mat_yarrow
Have you tried flying the delphinus? As of wcu alpha patch 11, one can only get it by editing a savefile.