Two confed ships, and a kilrathi ship need to be fixed

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Two confed ships, and a kilrathi ship need to be fixed

Post by Fireskull »

The arrow and thunderbolt have their stats very wrong.

The arrow IG has a top speed of 400 kps and a afterburn speed of 1000

In WC3 the arrow, which is a upgraded ship from the one in armada by the way, has a top speed of 520 kps and a afterburn speed of 1400.

Its weapons in wc3 are two lasers and two ion cannons... yes, four guns in a light fighter. In our game it currently has only 3 guns, i dont remember which ones. Also, it has a whooping loadout of 8 missiles in wc3, and above all: It doesnt has a rear turret.

The thunderbolt. First, speed: Its top speed is right, but afterburn is wrong, we have it at 850 while it should be 1000.

Its gun ordnance is wrong too. At Wc3 it has two meson guns, two photon guns ( which we dont have :P ) and two plasma cannons. Mesons and photons are very close in Wc3 damage wise, so its almost right.. only thing is our thunderbolt has two ion cannons instead of two plasma cannons, what really lowers its firepower against heavier ships. Having six guns, I also believe this ship should have a better reactor than it does right now so it can put its six guns to good use, like in WC3.

Its rear turret has two neutron guns, at wc3 manual it says thunderbolts have mass drivers at the rear turret. Plus, it should have only one torpedo, not two.

The kilrathi Vakthoth is missing a gun. I checked it a while ago, so please slap me if it has been changed but it should have 2 plasma, 2 ion ( which it currently does ) and a tachyon cannon, the tachyon being the current missing gun. Oh by the way.. I dont remember if our Vaktohs carry torpedoes.. but they did not have them in Wc3, all kilrathi torpedo runs were done by Pakthans.

Yes, WC3 fighters are quite overkill :P I will test other fighters once I have the time to. Also, I do realise the Wc3 manual had some errors ( like the hellcat gun ordnance ) but I am checking more than one source to sort them out.
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