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VS "Time is money " MOD

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:58 pm
by ezee
*** Vegastrike "TimeIsMoney" edition ***

Hi pilots .
I just decided to work in a mod of VS , to help me to focus in the Economical/Political
gameplay of Vegastrike . ( and also to concentrate my ideas/posts somewhere , to not
disturb the general mood ( good nickname also :lol: ) of the forums .

Okay , what is planned ?

_ Have a working VC9 solution for windows 32 bits with the last svn head .
DONE ! :wink:
_ Rethink the global distribution of units , taking care of their homelands :
( i updated the wiki with a title CHANGES to help for the navigation : ... #CHANGES_:
One of the major changes to the game is in the dynamic generation of the universe. That relates to the population distribution. At present, it is all random. To facilitate the dynamic economy being usable each faction needs a homeworld. Populations than diminish as you go outward from them. Another change to the universe populating process needs to look at the number of habitable planets in a system, asteroids and nebulae to determine population and what base types there are.
_ Make real NPC ( with persistent characters ? )
( i created a wiki page to expose the idea : )
I 'm working in the integration of aiml agents :
_ Political context : You choose a faction , each of them have different political views
( conquish , trade , etc ... ) . Old concept , the FAI :
The factions needs credits to achieve their goals :
that's where the economic system rules .
The first faction that reaches X credits win the campaign !
_Economical system :

I will not invent the wheel , but try to build one . :lol:
The wiki is a very cool mine of ideas , i will also try to use some ideas/requests from the wish list ( ... ussions...) , to make a cool addon/mod .

I know Ogre3D a bit ( , and so
will try also to work in the 3d engine port .
edit : a good start -> ... 65#p135465

Re: VS "Time is money " MOD

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:59 pm
by klauss
ezee wrote: _ Make real NPC ( with persistent characters ? )
That's a neat idea, even separate of both AI and economy.

It should be simple deriving a state-machine-powered version of the NPC classes in modules/fixers. Have you taken a look at how that works?

Re: VS "Time is money " MOD

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:53 am
by ezee
Have you taken a look at how that works?
I've started to translate in french the campaign , so that gives me an idea yeah .
Also with the quests , with the tutorial in atlantis , good to understand the sync with
animation .
There is a ? wait ...

Ah , yeah -> fixers lib doc

I was thinking at that yes , the AI will be able to discuss , and propose deals .
When the player answers " yes " to " you want to do that mission for me ? " , then the
traditional script for missions is used . Something like that .

AIML is very cool XML script langage , and in our case the interpreter is python with
PyAiml . Cool features :

You store datas by sessions ( one session = while you stay in the bar ) or even write to disk . You can have topics too, with conditions , and drive the dialogs this way .
you'll see ...