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Custom ship: Can't repair/refuel, or re-buy sold items.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:24 pm
by DaveAshton
I've made a custom ship, and it works in game, but there are a couple of problems.

Firstly, I can't do a Basic Repair and Refuel, I just get the message "Your ship has no damage. No charge" despite the fact the fuel gauge shows as half-empty and that you'll normally be charged anyway, even if your ship is intact.

Also, by default the ship comes with a SkyScope Alpha. If I sell it, I can't re-buy it, the option is purple not white. I can buy the Alpha Plus and the Beta though (unless I'd already bought and sold one of those). The same goes for the reactor, armour etc. I can upgrade, but not downgrade or refit with an identical part.

I've attached a CSV of just that ship, where am I going wrong?

ETA: I've done further digging, and the problem seems to not relate to the specific ship, and more to the fact it's a NEW vessel. I copied the Llama.begin, pasted the identical entry back into Units.csv, renamed the ship (but kept all the other stats the same), edited the New Game file to point to the pseudo-Llama, started a new game... same problem.

I've also learnt that the problem doesn't apply to guns or missiles.

Re: Custom ship: Can't repair/refuel, or re-buy sold items.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:22 pm
by w03
There is a column labeled "upgrades" in your units.csv file (and the csv file for your vessel) that was not filled out. It needs to be filled with a list of the upgrades on your ship (the upgrade list must match with the ones in "cargo"). Format is {upgrade;;}. Example: {capacitor07;;}

Add this to the upgrades section for your vessel in units.csv, re-buy your ship, and it should work:

Code: Select all


Re: Custom ship: Can't repair/refuel, or re-buy sold items.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:57 pm
by DaveAshton
I got it working, thanks for your help w03.