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State of multiplayer?

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:39 pm
by slackhead
Is the multiplayer part of the game working yet?

Do I need to register somewhere to get a call sign and set a pass, or does it use the forum logins?

Any guidance would be great. Thanks.

Re: State of multiplayer?

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:32 am
by loki1950
There is no server active ATM as far as I am aware and it really only worked as a one on one affair so not really multi-player yet :(

Enjoy the Choice :)

Re: State of multiplayer?

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:33 am
by slackhead
Ok, thanks.

Re: State of multiplayer?

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:56 pm
by slackhead
Is there any space game with multiplayer working?

Preferably one that works with wine on linux.

Re: State of multiplayer?

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:07 am
by TBeholder
Freespace, apparently.

Re: State of multiplayer?

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:13 am
by slackhead
Thanks. I recently installed Diaspora which is based on freespace but I have some mouse issues which I need to solve before grabbing the full game. Good to know that there is a strong follwing though.

Re: State of multiplayer?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 7:30 am
by Eye~R
Lol. There was a server. Just taken it down to upgrade it's host. Was up for about two yrs. lol. Woulda provided more notice if more people than me actually used it.

It's best described as "LAN Deathmatch" ready, as opposed to "MMO". Needs much work. It's just about what the single player is - but online. A working product, ish, but lacking "features" to qualify as complete. Notably there's a lack of AI ships unless trigger missions that create them. I'll figgure that out eventually. As mulitple users (150? sure I see that somewhere, nt sure if hardcoded limit or dynamic based on system) can log into it at once it'll qualify as multiplayer from that aspect at least. Best of all it'll work with a native *nix client and won't require wine. There's a few bugs - like buying a new ship results in player death. Ghoulsblade kindly donated some code that makes it possible to adjust this via a HTTP interface, outside the game. Will impliment a "better" workaround eventually - hopefully learn from fix it.

Far too much effort, but it's back up =)

Little work to go yet, but can login n play. If that interests, slap Vegastrike.Armed.Me.Uk into browser - The signup tab would get you a form. Ship and faction selection not entirely operational as of yet, will get that right eventually, only fields it'd really needs is "Username", "Password", and "Email" to be accepted.

After that kick up your client, at the main menu hit "multiplayer" -> "Independant Server" - In the server field, enter: VegaStrike.Armed.Me.Uk the default ports should be good. Callsign wants to be the username you've just registered, using the password you'd used when creating. Both the username and password are case sensitive. Seems to have issues with "special" chars(symbols, etc), unsure which or for why, so for now just don't use.