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New Weapons

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:00 pm
by PaulB
If you add new weapons to VS 0.5.1 r1 - how do you make them purchasable?
For that matter - even if I manually add the new Guns to mounts on the ship in the units.csv they won't show up when you go to the ship dealer and examine the Ship to buy it.
If I had regular VS weapons they will show up in the description.

I followed the 1st 3 steps in ... ke_Weapons under 2 Creating a weapon upgrade but can't do step 4 (units/factions/upgrades/) because there IS NO such folder in VS 0.5.1 r1.

These are my entries in master_parts_list:

Code: Select all

"Tachyon_Cannon","upgrades/Weapons/Mounted_Guns_Medium",20000,0.01,1,"@upgrades/tachyon.image@Tachyons have interesting properties, like negative mass, increasing energy at decreasing velocities, and a mathematically imaginary relationship to the passage of time. We shouldn't have to tell you that anything this weird doesn't react too well with the hull of spaceships."
"Plasma_Gun","upgrades/Weapons/Mounted_Guns_Medium",65000,0.01,1,"@upgrades/plasma.image@Plasma guns use induced magnetic containment to fire globs of superheated plasma at enemies. No screwing around with exotic sub-atomic particles here: these weapons just burn and abrade their way through anything in your crosshair."
And these are entries in weapon_list.xml:

Code: Select all

<Bolt name="Tachyon" mountsize="Medium">
<Energy rate="0.5" stability="6" refire=".2">
<Damage rate="300" longrange="0.9">
<Distance speed="3000" radialspeed="1" radius="1.2" length="10" pulsespeed="15" range="5000" >
<Appearance file="weapons/tachyon2.texture" soundwav="Tachyonppg.wav" r="1" g="1" b=".8" a="1" >

<Bolt name="Plasma" mountsize="Medium">
<Energy rate="6" stability="6" refire=".3">
<Damage rate="500" longrange="0.9">
<Distance speed="3300" radialspeed="1" radius="1.4" length="12" pulsespeed="15" range="6000" >
<Appearance file="weapons/plasma2.texture" soundwav="Plasma.wav" r="1" g=".8" b="1" a="1" >
and in units.csv:

Code: Select all

"tachyon_cannon__upgrades",,"Tachyon Cannon",,"Weapon",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"{Tachyon;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;1}",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"plasma_gun__upgrades",,"Plasma Gun",,"Weapon",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"{Plasma;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;1}",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Is there something else that has to be done?
Anyone got any ideas?


Re: New Weapons

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:47 pm
by loki1950
You also have to define where you can buy that item ie. base type it goes into the export column IIRC it has to be added to each base type individually,so you can make it available only at border stations or only at a specific factions bases etc.This is all in units.csv in the base entries.This should become easier as we have split the file up in svn ATM so there will be less chance of borking the whole file with an edit,their are still a few issues that klauss is working on but it will be part of our next release.

Enjoy the Choice :)

Re: New Weapons

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:33 am
by TBeholder
He used an existing category, so it should have been there.
PaulB wrote:If you add new weapons to VS 0.5.1 r1 - how do you make them purchasable?
Before CSV-split, trade data is in data/master_part_list.csv, post-split in /data/parts/*.csv.
PaulB wrote:For that matter - even if I manually add the new Guns to mounts on the ship in the units.csv they won't show up when you go to the ship dealer and examine the Ship to buy it.
If I had regular VS weapons they will show up in the description.
Weapons are not properly shown if they aren't upgrades, but have to be present - eject, buy a new ship and look at escape pod: HandLaser should be there, but isn't. Yet it exists on an actual lifepod. So if you don't a weapon on list while in cockpit, you didn't refer correctly or something.
PaulB wrote:I followed the 1st 3 steps in ... ke_Weapons
See the main page - it's a relict not yet turned into redirects. The new one is - not that it's all updated yet.
PaulB wrote: under 2 Creating a weapon upgrade but can't do step 4 (units/factions/upgrades/) because there IS NO such folder in VS 0.5.1 r1.
And no need for it, long ago. Also, to be used as pre-mounted weapon, it needs only a correct entry in data/weapon_list.xml and correct reference in Mounts - see e.g. HandLaser. The rest is creating an upgrade.
PaulB wrote:

Code: Select all

"Tachyon_Cannon","upgrades/Weapons/Mounted_Guns_Medium",20000,0.01,1,"@upgrades/tachyon.image@Tachyons have interesting properties, like negative mass, increasing energy at decreasing velocities, and a mathematically imaginary relationship to the passage of time. We shouldn't have to tell you that anything this weird doesn't react too well with the hull of spaceships."
Isn't WC stuff already written into WC mods?
Data seems legit. I'd rather do it step by step and start with cloning an existing weapon, then tweak it after it works, though. Otherwise there's more than just identifiers - files given in Appearance may or may not exist, etc.

Re: New Weapons

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:19 pm
by PaulB
I did clone. I copied the laser and just made changes - but I think I got it working. I think the problem was some partly uppercase/lowercase differences plus an incorrect name in the mount field.
The Tachyon and Plasma and proton torpedo are all working now..

I've still got to figure out the maneuvering and mass and speed settings. Ships just don't react anywhere near the same in VS as they do in PPG. In PPG it feels like I'm flying a ship, in VS if feels like I'm sailing a barge down a river.

I need to fly around a couple of VS ships and see how they react and then adjust my Galaxy settings accordingly.
I wish I could have kept the Galaxy Cockpit files but some VS HUD things don't work with it.

Re: New Weapons

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:18 pm
by TBeholder
PaulB wrote:I've still got to figure out the maneuvering and mass and speed settings. Ships just don't react anywhere near the same in VS as they do in PPG.
And not supposed to. Again, why won't you start with existing WC/Privateer mods? They are supposed to be as close to WC-verse look&feel as possible.
PaulB wrote: In PPG it feels like I'm flying a ship, in VS if feels like I'm sailing a barge down a river.
Dunno, to me WC style feels a bit like bumper cars or easy-mode flight sim. Matter of taste.
PaulB wrote:I need to fly around a couple of VS ships and see how they react and then adjust my Galaxy settings accordingly.
What ships you tried in VS?
E.g. Dostoevsky (if you play fair, it's probably the first Heavy-armed craft worth trying) is maneuverable, more so Rlaan ships. To the point that mapping direct thrust and using it a lot is a good idea.
PaulB wrote:I wish I could have kept the Galaxy Cockpit files but some VS HUD things don't work with it.
Probably can be done. What things?
The worst part where VS really falls behind WC is the component/repair system - constantly discussed, but still implemented only very roughly.

Re: New Weapons

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:00 am
by PaulB
Regardng the Galaxy Cockpit - if I use it I get on rear Radar view like regular VS (with "No Cockpit"). Also the guns don't fire the same as they do in PPG (You get 2 shot firing out below the cockpit and slightly to the left and right - rather than just a single shot effect from the VS crosshair. Also I think a few other things I can't put my finger on right now (L J S E) and Capacitor I think are missing.
Oh yes - Spec on/off Clk ECM not showing if I use the Galaxy Cockpit.
Not sure if I can one of the few VS cockpits like medium_cockpit.cpt or not.
The coding is quite different?

Code: Select all

<Cockpit front="galaxy-cockpit.spr" left="galaxy-cockpit-left.spr" right="galaxy-cockpit-right.spr" back="galaxy-cockpit-back.spr" ViewOffset=".2857" CockpitOffset="0.4625">
<Crosshairs file="crosshairs.spr" xcent=".0001" ycent=".276" height=".55"/>
<Radar file="" xcent="-.7979" ycent="-.2122" width=".209" height=".3359"/>
<ShieldF file="shieldf.spr" xcent=".6475" ycent="-.056" width=".1816" height=".0599"/>
<ShieldB file="shieldf.spr" xcent=".6475" ycent="-.3659" width=".1816" height=".05999"  GaugeDown="1"/>
<ShieldL file="shieldl.spr" xcent=".5322" ycent="-.2109" width=".0371" height=".2708"  GaugeRight="1"/>
<ShieldR file="shieldl.spr" xcent=".7627" ycent="-.2109" width=".0371" height=".2708" GaugeLeft="1" />
<ArmorF file="armorf.spr" xcent=".6475" ycent="-.1315" width=".08" height=".0703"/>
<ArmorB file="armorf.spr" xcent=".6475" ycent="-.293" width=".08" height=".0703" GaugeDown="1"/>
<ArmorL file="armorl.spr" xcent=".5781" ycent="-.2109" width=".043" height=".151" GaugeRight="1"/>
<ArmorR file="armorl.spr" xcent=".7148" ycent="-.2109" width=".043" height=".151" GaugeLeft="1"/>
<WarpEnergy file="fuelstat.spr" xcent="-.7402" ycent="-.6001" width=".1445" height=".039" GaugeLeft="1"/>
<Energy file="blasterpower.spr" xcent="-.792" ycent="-.5052" width=".2441" height=".052" GaugeLeft="1"/> 
<MissileLock file="locklight.spr" xcent="-.6807" ycent="-.2161" width=".0175" height=".151"/>
<Speed file="radar.spr" xcent=".2407" ycent=".16" width=".0996" height=".0442"/>
<SetSpeed file="radar.spr" xcent="-.4409" ycent=".16" width=".0996" height=".0442"/>
<Auto file="auto.spr" xcent=".6484" ycent="-.5052" width=".2813" height=".052"/> 	
<VDU TextRows="15" TextCols="25" type="Objectives View Weapon Nav Target Damage Manifest COMM TargetManifest" file="lvdu.spr" xcent="-.3770" ycent="-.2358"/>
<VDU  TextRows="15" TextCols="25" type="Target Weapon View Nav Objectives Damage Manifest COMM TargetManifest" file ="rvdu.spr" xcent=".2227" ycent="-.2358"/>
<!-- <VDU TextRows="15" TextCols="25" file="blank.spr" xcent=".664" ycent="-.263" width=".5508" height=".6979" type="Target Weapon TargetManifest Nav Target Damage COMM"/> -->
<VDU TextRows="10" TextCols="30" type="Message" file="mvdu.spr" xcent="-.3" ycent=".6505" width="1.3" height=".5938" network="true"/>
<!--<VDU TextRows="10" TextCols="30" type="Weapon" file="mvdu.spr" xcent=".6836" ycent=".1305" width=".6328" height=".5938"/>	-->
<!--<FPS file="radar.spr" xcent=".8" ycent=".7" width=".018" height=".036"/>-->
VS Ariston.stock light_cockpit.cpt

Code: Select all

<Cockpit mesh="cockpit-light.bfxm" r=".5" g=".5" b="1">
   <Crosshairs file="crosshairs.sprite" xcent="0" ycent="0"/>
   <Radar file="radar.sprite" />
   <RearRadar file="radarr.sprite" />
   <Speed file="radar.sprite" xcent="-.23" ycent="-.52" width=".018" height=".036"/>
   <SetSpeed file="radar.sprite" xcent=".23" ycent="-.52" width=".018" height=".036"/>
   <WARPFIELDSTRENGTH file="radar.sprite" xcent="-.23" ycent="-.58" width=".018" height=".036"/>
   <Fuel file="fuelstat.sprite" GaugeRight="1" xcent="0" ycent="-.6"/>
   <Energy file="blasterpower.sprite" GaugeRight="1"/>
   <WarpEnergy file="jumppower.sprite" GaugeRight="1" xcent="0" ycent="-.55"/>
   <Lock file="locklight.sprite" xcent="0" ycent="-.82"/>
   <MissileLock file="missilelocklight.sprite" xcent="0" ycent="-.76"/>
   <ECM file="ecmlight.sprite" xcent="0" ycent="-.7"/>
   <Auto file="auto.sprite"/>
   <Jump file="canjump.sprite"/>
   <Eject file="eject.sprite"/>
   <FPS xcent="0.94" ycent="0.96" width=".018" height=".036"/>

   <ShieldF file="shieldf.sprite" GaugeDown="1"/>
   <ShieldB file="shieldf.sprite" xcent="-.765" ycent="-.567"/>
   <ShieldR file="shieldr.sprite" GaugeLeft="1"/>
   <ShieldL file="shieldr.sprite" xcent="-.665" ycent="-.700" GaugeRight="1"/>

   <ArmorFRT file="armorf.sprite" width="0.204"  height="0.136" GaugeDown="1" />
   <ArmorFLT file="armorf.sprite" width="-0.204" height="0.136" GaugeDown="1" />
   <ArmorBRT file="armorf.sprite" width="0.204"  height="0.136" xcent="-0.765" ycent="-0.632" />
   <ArmorBLT file="armorf.sprite" width="-0.204" height="0.136" xcent="-0.765" ycent="-0.632" />
   <ArmorFRB file="armorr.sprite" width="0.102"  height="0.272" GaugeRight="1" />
   <ArmorBRB file="armorr.sprite" width="0.102" height="-0.272" GaugeRight="1" />
   <ArmorFLB file="armorr.sprite" width="0.102"  height="0.272" xcent="-0.714" ycent="-0.700" GaugeLeft="1" />
   <ArmorBLB file="armorr.sprite" width="0.102" height="-0.272" xcent="-0.714" ycent="-0.700" GaugeLeft="1" />

   <TargetShieldF file="targetshieldf.sprite" GaugeDown="1"/>
   <TargetShieldB file="targetshieldf.sprite" xcent="0.765" ycent="-.567"/>
   <TargetShieldR file="targetshieldr.sprite" GaugeLeft="1"/>
   <TargetShieldL file="targetshieldr.sprite" xcent="0.865" ycent="-.700" GaugeRight="1"/>

   <VDU TextRows="30" TextCols="25" type="Weapon Manifest Damage" file="wvdu.sprite" xcent="-.8" ycent=".2"/>
   <VDU TextRows="15" TextCols="25" type="Target View TargetManifest Nav" file ="rvdu.sprite" xcent=".775" ycent="-.75"/>
   <VDU TextRows="15" TextCols="25" type="Shield  Manifest" file="lvdu.sprite"/>
   <VDU TextRows="14" TextCols="100" type="Message" file="mvdu.sprite"/>
   <VDU TextRows="30" TextCols="30" type="Objectives" file="objvdu.sprite"/>
   <VDU TextRows="15" TextCols="30" type="Comm" file ="commvdu.sprite" />
There are some things I like about the VS "No Cockpit" option.
It would be nice if I could have the Galaxy Cockpit configured to work (with all the VS Hud items) and have a key to turn Cockpit view on and off. I think Evochron Mercenary has that.

Re: New Weapons

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:28 am
by TBeholder
PaulB wrote:Regardng the Galaxy Cockpit - if I use it I get on rear Radar view like regular VS (with "No Cockpit").
You mean, 2xHemisphere projection rather than WC full-sphere bubble? Yeah, that's not supported, though probably will be added.
PaulB wrote:Also the guns don't fire the same as they do in PPG (You get 2 shot firing out below the cockpit and slightly to the left and right - rather than just a single shot effect from the VS crosshair.
They are on the sides. Try Llama with massdrivers in vanilla VS. Or even better, edit savegame for credits, buy Plowshare, install 2x Tractor 2xLightIonBeam and see how it loks if you fire them all.
You do realize that '<Crosshairs ... xcent="..." ycent="..." >' part only places crosshair sprite on the screen? Shots positions, of course, depend on the geometry in unit data - viewport settings for the ship itself ("CockpitX","CockpitY","CockpitZ") as well as placement of mounts as such.
PaulB wrote: Also I think a few other things I can't put my finger on right now (L J S E) and Capacitor I think are missing.
Oh yes - Spec on/off Clk ECM not showing if I use the Galaxy Cockpit.
It got Energy, but yeah, MCLOAK, MECM, MSPEC, ECM are absent. Again, clone-and-tune may be the best approach (see below), it would mostly need adjustment for custom sprites.
PaulB wrote:

Code: Select all

<Cockpit front="galaxy-cockpit.spr" left="galaxy-cockpit-left.spr" right="galaxy-cockpit-right.spr" back="galaxy-cockpit-back.spr" ViewOffset=".2857" CockpitOffset="0.4625">
<Crosshairs file="crosshairs.spr" xcent=".0001" ycent=".276" height=".55"/>
<Radar file="" xcent="-.7979" ycent="-.2122" width=".209" height=".3359"/>
<Energy file="blasterpower.spr" xcent="-.792" ycent="-.5052" width=".2441" height=".052" GaugeLeft="1"/> 
...<Auto file="auto.spr" xcent=".6484" ycent="-.5052" width=".2813" height=".052"/> 	
<VDU TextRows="15" TextCols="25" type="Objectives View Weapon Nav Target Damage Manifest COMM TargetManifest" file="lvdu.spr" xcent="-.3770" ycent="-.2358"/>
<VDU  TextRows="15" TextCols="25" type="Target Weapon View Nav Objectives Damage Manifest COMM TargetManifest" file ="rvdu.spr" xcent=".2227" ycent="-.2358"/>
<VDU TextRows="10" TextCols="30" type="Message" file="mvdu.spr" xcent="-.3" ycent=".6505" width="1.3" height=".5938" network="true"/>
Also, what's with VDU having exactly the same modes in different order?
PaulB wrote:VS Ariston.stock light_cockpit.cpt

Code: Select all

<Cockpit mesh="cockpit-light.bfxm" r=".5" g=".5" b="1">...
"Ariston.stock"? :? Also, if there are too many differences, you may want to compare a cockpit written as 2D with another 2D cockpit rather than mesh-based. Namely, "disabled-cockpit.cpt" used as default.
PaulB wrote:There are some things I like about the VS "No Cockpit" option.
It would be nice if I could have the Galaxy Cockpit configured to work (with all the VS Hud items) and have a key to turn Cockpit view on and off. I think Evochron Mercenary has that.
VS kind of (as in, "you can disable HUD for chasecam, or disable VDU only and leave crosshairs") does. Also, kind of (as in, "I got it crashing the last time, but it used to work just fine") allows to switch between the ship's custom cockpit and default.