A few questions

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A few questions

Post by Netherdrake »

I just downloaded Vega Strike and i have some questions:
1 - I installed Vega Strike on my C:\Program Files\Vega Strike directory. I read the "readme" file where it says "For windows users: run vegastrike", but there is not such a thing like "vegastrike.exe". The only file who is named like that is the .ico file, so.. how do i start the game on windows xp ?

2 - Can i start my own VS server ? If so - how ? Is there guide for that ?

That's it, thanks in advance.
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Re: A few questions

Post by ace123 »

Perhaps it meant from the start menu.

If you elected not to create start menu entries, you will need to open up the "bin" folder which has a lot of programs and dlls, and look for vegastrike.exe

For starting a server, you can create a simple one out of the box by running vegaserver.exe -- and connect to it by selecting Independent Server and typing in the IP address. (This process is shown in the Players' Guide with a couple screenshots)

More advanced servers require some technical knowledge to set up, but we have an online server at http://tharin.uni.cc/
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Re: A few questions

Post by Netherdrake »

Alright i learned how to start VS and run a server - good, but...
I downloaded the sources and see a lot of sources, but can't see the C++ project ? Am i need to create new C++ project and import the source files manually ? If so which sources ? If there is guide about that, please send the link - i searched and couldn't found anything about how to setup the server project and successfully compile it.

Also, the sources into the archive are only the server sources, or it containing the client sources too ? If no, where do i found the client sources, thanks for replying.
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Re: A few questions

Post by klauss »

The source tarballs/SVN include both the server and the client.

The project you can find at a higher level in the SVN tree (as vega-vcX), but beware that not all the project files there are properly maintained.
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Re: A few questions

Post by shenle »

The vega-vc9 project (for VC++ 2008) is well maintained and builds without a problem - both the server and the client/standalone. You should install a SVN client such as Tortoise SVN, then download the following SVN directories: vegastrike (the source code itself), vega-vc9 (the project and dev libs) and win32 (contains datafiles and required dlls). Then you can build your own up-to-date binary, and play it in the current data environment.

Or you could wait a few days, I smell a new beta release in a few days...
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