Trigger happy...

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Atmospheric Pilot
Atmospheric Pilot
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Trigger happy...

Post by ilive »

Ok, so, I am newish to Vega strike. I know my way around generally, and I've figured out a list of "Don't do these" and "Do these".

For the most part, my games usually end in a miserable failure, with me becoming the victim of some pirate or such. However, recently, I've had some success. I was hopping along, making credits, saving up for some ship with a heavy offensive capability (or another hauler, whichever presented itself to me first). Then, a pirate attacked my poor, pathetic llama. Me, having forgotten the "select nearest hostile target" key, was critically injured by the time I had him in my sights. But, in the end, a couple of dumbfire missiles goes a long way against a lone Hyena...

After making it to a factory, I discovered that, basically, the cost to repair my ship was... too much. So, I ended up purchasing a new ship, a Robin. I outfitted it with the best I could buy, loaded it up with some heat seeking missiles and some hail fire, and went off, going nowhere in particular. Well, little me decided to go pulverize some "hostile" target, a LIHW vessel. A moment of weakness, you know?

Well, now I am being hunted by squadrons of LIHW warships, most better or equal to my own ship. While I can appease (beg for mercy) them by continuously punching F1, I would like to know the best way to permanently raise my rep with them. Not that I don't enjoy the attention, but, at this stage in the game, this isn't very fun :wink:
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Re: Trigger happy...

Post by Primordial »

Kill some pirates.
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Re: Trigger happy...

Post by KillerB »

Do a mission for the LIHW. In-system escort missions are usually a piece of cake. 'Rescue' missions seem to raise your rep quickest, if you have a Tractor Beam installed; but if you fail a mission for a given faction, your rep goes DOWN. Best to make a 'save game' first just in case.
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