Observations on Cargo Wingmen

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Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by athomic1 »

I'm not sure where best to post this. I think it would fit in a few different forums besides User Help: Future Development, Bug Triage, possibly even Gameplay Tactics. However, I think User Help covers the bulk of this topic, though it's probably a bit advanced for the beginner.

Note that this is NOT a request for help, but an offer, more or less. I hope that this overview of my own recent investigations will help others interested in what seems a little used, largely undocumented, and generally not well understood feature: Cargo Wingmen. I would personally like to see some more development in this area, as I think it opens up a wealth of new possibilities for the enterprising player. Here's hoping a few of you agree... :)

Observations on Cargo Wingmen

If you've already played Vega Strike (and who here hasn't?), you already know about the wingmen you can hire at the mission computer. For small fee, you can hire a few ships to fly with you to your next point of call, and help you keep out of trouble, or make trouble, if that's your thing. Hiring them is as simple as accepting a wingman mission, then hooking up with your new crew when you leave dock. They'll hang with you, following your orders (mostly) until you dock again, at which point the contract is complete. Not a bad deal for a couple of kilocreds. However, there's another way to add a few dogs to the pack, provided you've got the kennel.

Why Cargo Wingmen?

Whereas the regular wingman is hired at the mission computer, you "hire" a cargo wingman at the trade center, simply by buying a starship. In fact, this is the only reason to buy a starship there, because there's no profit in reselling them; they cost exactly the same no matter where you find or take them. They're deployed in flight by ejecting them as you would any other cargo, the difference being that as members of your flight group, they behave just like regular wingmen, following your orders, defending you and attacking your targets just the same.

Of course, they cost a bit more. As much as a whole ship, in fact, which gets to be mighty steep if your tastes run to the fancier styles. That doesn't even include the cost of outfitting them, which you will have to do, after you've deployed them. If you don't, they won't have any weapons to defend you with, nor shields protecting them! Given the extra trouble and expense, on top of the need for a carrier ship, why bother?

Well, there are a few benefits.

For one thing, cargo wingmen stick around. They won't bolt on you at your next port of call like the hired guns you met through the mission computer. They're with you for the long haul, for better or worse, at least until you sell them off, or manage to lose them somehow.

You also get to pick the ships. The mission wingmen come with whatever ship they brought to the battle. I remember finding myself leading a couple of Plowshares into an escort mission once. There went ten grand well spent! :roll:

Finally, while you do have to drop some coin on weapons and upgrades, and it really is a pain to dock and outfit each one individually, again, the choice is yours. Wouldn't you like to make sure your friend isn't bringing a knife to a gunfight? And, even better, make sure it's the right kind of gun??

So, are you sold on the notion? NO??? Well, pretend you are, so I don't have to think it's been a complete waste of time, okay? Oh-KAY!!! :D

Key Bindings and Setup

The manual indicates the following assignments for US keyboards:
  • ] = Switch/Cycle turret control.
  • [ = Switch/Cycle control through ships in flight group.
These assignments are not correct. It is in fact the "[" key which cycles through turrets, and "]" doesn't cycle through anything. It brings up a chat line prompt, instead.

Key bindings are defined in vegastrike.config, and may be changed by the user. On my system, the user's copy is stored in the "hidden" user directory, ~/.vegastrike. Other systems probably put it in a similar location. Here is the relevant section of mine, with changes:

Code: Select all

  <bind key="[" modifier="none" command="TurretControl"/>
  <!-- <bind key="]" modifier="none" command="TextMessage"/> -->
  <bind key="]" modifier="none" command="SwitchControl"/>
Note that I chose to keep the turret control switch as it is, and to comment out the original binding for "]", rather than just delete it. In addition, I added a new binding for another command not available in the standard keymap: the "dock with me" wingman order. Here is that section:

Code: Select all

   <bind key="F" modifier="alt" command="CommFormUp" />
   <bind key="B" modifier="alt" command="CommBreakForm" />
   <bind key="H" modifier="alt" command="CommHelpMeOut" />
   <bind key="D" modifier="alt" command="CommAttackTarget" />
   <bind key="S" modifier="alt" command="CommDockWithMe" />
My addition is the last line (I picked "S" for "Stop!"). I also followed the convention of the other wingman bindings: a capital letter combined with the "alt" modifier, requiring a <shift>-<alt>-<key> combination to issue orders to wingmen. The system recognizes a few other orders not bound in the standard layout, but they're not relevant to this topic, and I have no idea how well they work. If they're anything like "dock with me," well... we'll get to that.

A Note on Command Names

For those who might be wondering, the command names assigned to keys and other controls in vegastrike.config are defined in the source file, config_xml.cpp, located in the main subdirectory, src. A very useful file to know about, it defines, among other things, a global command map. Just look for this line:

Code: Select all

  CommandMap initGlobalCommandMap() {
followed by a LOT of lines like this:

Code: Select all

As you might be able to see, this one assigns the name CommDockWithMe to the DockWithMe method of class FireKeyboard. Or something like that. For the most part, you can probably tell from most of the names what their associated function or method is SUPPOSED to do. Here's the line for SwitchControl:

Code: Select all

There's really not that much to it, eh?

Cargo Wingmen: How They Work...

Now that we're set up, let's look at how all this is SUPPOSED to work.

Besides buying and flying them, starships may be carried as cargo by other ships large enough to hold them. Only a few of the available craft have sufficient hold capacity, including the Clydesdale, the Ox, the Mule, and the Plowshare. The Llama can squeeze in a Robin or Dosto in a REAL pinch, but I'd only do that on a real lark. BUT I digress!

When carried as cargo, ships may be launched, that is, jettisoned, the same as any other cargo:
  1. Cycle your left VDU, using the 'm' key, to bring up your cargo manifest.
  2. Scroll the manifest using the keypad '3' and '9' (PgDn/PgUp) keys until the ship you want to eject is at the top.
  3. Press Shift-z to eject the ship.
That's it! You've just deployed your first cargo wingman! Now, things start to get interesting.

First of all, you want to order your wingman to form up IMMEDIATELY. The key combo, if your configuration looks like mine above, is alt-shift-f. You want to do this right away, before your new companion bolts for the black. We'll talk about that later. For now, let's review orders.

The standard keyboard bindings give you four orders you can issue to your wingmen: Besides forming up, you can order them to break formation (b, but DON'T, right now!), attack your target (d), and come to your assistance (h, and remember, these are alt-shift- commands). In addition, cargo wingmen are supposed to be able to dock with you, and be loaded back into your hold. That's what the "dock with me" order is for, but as already mentioned, it doesn't have a standard binding. I assigned it to alt-shift-s, partly because alt-shift-d was already taken. You might have a better idea. In any case, feel free to give it a try now, but be ready to order your wingman back into formation. Watch his distance and direction, and you'll soon see why.

Okay, now we've had some fun ordering our little friend around, let's try taking over his craft. Nothing easier, if you've added the necessary binding! Just hit the button, and suddenly you're flying HIS craft, instead of your own. In fact, if you had him on your wing, you should be able to see "yourself." You might have to turn a little, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to try to target "yourself", too, before "you" get away.

When you've switched, you'll very likely see the mother ship sliding away from you. This is because the AI takes control of any ship you're not flying directly, and is probably trying to do the same thing it was doing as your cargo wingman: get the hell away from you! Before things get out of hand, you'll want to either match speed with it, order IT to form up (sounds strange, maybe but it actually works), or retake control of it. Note that if you've launced more than one wing ship, or have regular wingmen with you, you'll have to cycle control through ALL of them before you get back to your own ship. Keep a close eye on your shield status, as the ship it displays will match whatever type you're presently flying. That way, you'll know when you're back on the mother ship.

...Or Don't

Right, then! We've launched a wingman or two, maybe ordered him about a little, took over for a bit... now, let's get the little bugger inside again, shall we? Well... that may be a little tricky.

Here's the problem: the AI that flies these ships doesn't seem to want to be anywhere NEAR you if it can help it, although it WILL stay in formation when told. In fact, the only time it WILL hold position is when it's on your wing, at which time it will do everything it can to stay there. That means, if you try to point yourself at it to tractor it in, it will dutifully pull around to stay on your wing. You can try to keep turning, hoping to eventually catch it, but because most small vessels generally move faster than the larger ones can turn, odds are you're not going to win that race.

This is what the "dock with me" order is for. In theory, this directs your wingman to park itself in front of you, in order to be tractored in. In fact, that's the message you see when you issue the order. Problem is, that ain't what the little bugger does when you tell him! Just like "break formation," he hits the throttle and bolts for the black, not to return unless you order him back!

I've tried several ways to drag one of these guys back in, with no success so far. I've taken one over and placed it in front of my Mule before switching back, hoping to haul him in with the tractor before he could break loose to get back to my wing. I've ordered one to dock, then ordered him back to my wing when he bolted, again hoping to haul him in on the beam. I've managed to hold them for a SHORT while, trying to ease them in and land them like fish, but eventually they manage to slide out of the tractor's cone. That's with an AUTOTRACKING tractor beam LOCKED ON, mind you! There is just NO WAY to do it without a working "dock with me" order, and even if there were, it's WAY more trouble than it ought to be. The most RIDICULOUS part of this mess is the way YOUR OWN FLIGHTGROUP tries to get away from you as possible at the first opportunity. I mean, I don't know about you, but I do try to get a shower in each day...


So the cargo wingmen features ARE available, but they need a bit of work before they're ready for prime time. Most important, the "dock with me" order needs to be ironed out. It seems to me the simplest thing might be to recode it based on the "form up" order, since that seems to keep the wingmen fervently on your flank. All that's needed is to change their preferred position to one directly in front of you, and, one hopes, not too determined to keep a minimum distance. Of course, it would also be nice if my own flightgroup tried to stick together with its purported leader, rather than scatter to the four (metaphorical) winds for lack of orders to the contrary.

A Few More Thoughts

I'm curious on at least one other point. When control has been switched to a cargo wingman, you can dock the ship and upgrade it just like your primary vessel. You can also carry any number of the same ship class (as long as the mother ship has room in the hold), deploy them all, and upgrade each individually. What I don't know, and probably won't be able to find out unless I can get one of these wingmen back onto the primary, is whether each ship's individual upgrades is retained.

Here's the thing: when I bought several Dostos and Hyenas, just two lines showed on the manifest, listing the ship type, and its quantity. As near as I can tell, you don't get to pick WHICH of either set gets deployed when you eject one; the game just chucks one out there. SO... does the game remember what each ship had when you tractored it in, or... not? If not, I think we have more more serious issue to address.

I really like the potential flight group aspects of this game. The thought of running a working fleet, over and above the single lone vessel tooling about from place to place, has a certain appeal to me. If the AI situation were straightened out, along with tracking multiple ship loadouts, that could make this a much greater possibility.
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by redpirate37 »

Yep, thats the same experience i made so far.
The best is to give the form on wing command, fly to the next planet, wait for the wingman and bring it in a lower orbit so SPEC is not available for it to run away so fast.

:mrgreen: and dont think the wingman will be there when a save game is made and reloaded, no, it is gone, thats the
meaning of a savegame in vegastrike , loosing stuff like 11+X Million goddard wingmans .... :mrgreen:
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by athomic1 »

UGH! You mean you lose any cargo wingmen you haven't hauled back in? That's even worse! But, not entirely unexpected, I guess, given the way VS repopulates a system when you visit.
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by Genghis Prawn »

Nice treatise on the current state of cargo wingmen. I had tried using them a while back and got nowhere and gave up on it. Your breakdown of the commands and why I was unable to switch control to the wingman clears up one of the problems I had when I originally tried it. Good Job! Thanks.
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by athomic1 »

My pleaure! I'm glad I could help! I'd been making noises about it before, with nothing but what I read from the manual to fall back on, and finally decided I just need to try it out, and see how it REALLY works. Turns out it's a LITTLE different from the manual, huh? :D

I think the biggest problem is this "Run away! Run away!" response the AI seems to like so much. I just tried running a couple of cargo missions, for the first time in months last night, and I'm SURE it was the same damn thing happening: the moment I got into the destination system, I was assigned a target vessel, and I'd SWEAR it bolted the moment it was assigned! I'd comb every planet and jump gate, and while I could find other members of its flight group, that ONE SHIP was nowhere to be found! :evil:

Sorry, completely different topic, but I think some serious work needs to be done on the AI. I guess this one does belong in Bug Triage. :mrgreen:
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by Genghis Prawn »

My solution to the missing cargo delivery target is to dock (planet or base) in the delivery system. Then save the game. Then quit the game. The restart the game. I may have to quit and restart a couple of times before I finally get a "delivery address" that exists. I have begun to notice that when this occurs it is usually because I am delivering a cargo to a ship of an enemy to the faction that owns the system (and many times that delivery point ship belongs to a faction with a negative reaction to me). I found they tend to have the higher payment for delivery. If I take the missions that have a smaller payment . . it is usually easier and goes to a planet or base (as long as the system is owned by the same faction that owned the originating system). I think that is the key. Making sure that the faction owning the target system is the same as the one owning the originating system.
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by athomic1 »

Genghis Prawn wrote:My solution to the missing cargo delivery target is to dock (planet or base) in the delivery system. Then save the game. Then quit the game. The restart the game.
That's not a solution; it's a hack. That's what I wound up doing to complete the two cargo missions I took on for the Uln, but you really need to be able to complete a mission without restarting the whole game. As for relationships between factions, if enemies aren't supposed to trade with each other, the game shouldn't generate missions that require it. It shouldn't be generating any missions that can't be completed, let alone so many!

A mission to deliver cargo implies that someone on the other end is expecting to receive it. Said someone should be waiting, patiently or no, for delivery, and not go bolting for the black at the first sign of the "Wells Fargo wagon!" I don't care who's sending what to whom. I agreed to deliver it, so HOLD STILL, DAMMIT!!! :evil:

Actually, I think, if you hit alt-0 the moment you jump into the system, you might get your target to stop and wait for you. I'll have to check it out, but I think the first ship that comes up when you jump in is (or becomes) your delivery target, and should stop when you send a docking request. Then, you just need to keep hitting it until you can get there. I'll have to try that and see.

Of course, it doesn't explain cargo wingmen at all! They're part of your flight group, members of your faction... your own damn people! There's no reason they should be running from you! Unless you've been shooting at them, your own faction should be 100% favorable with itself, just like all the others. It is amusing to think you might reduce relations with your own faction by firing on members of your flight group... but, somehow, that strikes me as a Very Bad Idea.

In any case, while there is at least one way to complete these cargo missions, it really is a problem. It needs to be addressed, because I suspect it affects a lot of missions, and wingmen! Cargo wingmen, anyway. Might be interesting to see what the "hired guns" do...
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by Mets »

You don't know how relieved I am to know that I'm not the only one...I've had an identical experience with "cargo wingmen." I find it the most frustrating thing in VS for any experienced player.

To me, this is part bug/part feature request. I say bug because it's basically advertised that cargo wingmen are possible, when we all know that, truly, they are not. Hence the keybindings. I say feature request because some work here would go a long, long way in retaining players..

A comparable game I play is X3: Terran Conflict, which, by the way, will spoil you if you learned to fly in VS. For wingmen, switching between crafts is seemless, and every ship's weapon loadout is tracked. Wing commands are followed perfectly. They use a static universe, and every place you've visited is stored on your nav computer (which makes returning only a matter of a few clicks), but you can send individual ships of your flight group all across the universe to different sectors with a few single clicks, and recall them the same way. No fighting the AI, and no bolting across the universe.

X3 is far from perfect of course, and I still love VS, but X3 does excel in this area. Your cargo wingmen should NOT act like incompetent escapees upon being released. It's almost impossible to run large cargo missions right now due to the fact that capital trading ships are slow and not built for dogfights, and you end up with no way of defending yourself. I'm sure I'm not the only person who has blown up an Ox with a Plowshare. The prospect of flying large ships and doing huge cargo runs seems to be the natural conclusion of the game, but if you can't protect yourself, you're doing a lot of work only to be blown up by a lonely pirate Hyena.
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by snow_Cat »

^- - ^ In the major release before 5.0 the game definitely did not remember what was in those ships.
  1. I crippled one ship (w/ tractor beams and a plowshare onboard) then...
  2. launched the plowshare that would spawn with random cargo
  3. cycle into the plowshare
  4. dock the plowshare
  5. sell all the cargo and enough parts to cripple the plowshare
  6. launch the plowshare
  7. cycle back into the mothership
  8. recapture the plowshare
  • {repeat}
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by cacahuete »

Reviving a one year old thread...

Cargo wingmen sounds like a great feature but, according to what I read in the forum, they are not working properly and it seems difficult to bring them back in the main vessel. I wasn't able to test how cargo wingmen work now, was there any improvement on the wingmen's behavior since the last post?
Atmospheric Pilot
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by DethBrand »

Really!? This is still messed up!?
I haven't played this game in years long long before 0.5.0, back before anyone was messing with trying to get online play working and it's actually the reason I stopped playing in the first place.. All I wanted was my own pirate fleet. =(

I remember having most of the problems listed above, except I never knew how to bind a dock with me key but that doesn't seem to help anyway.
Anytime was was able to tractor them close enough all that ever happened was the ship I pulled in would just bounce repeatedly off the hull of my ship until it either exploded or I got tired of hearing the sound of hit hitting me.
Really hope this has been fixed since then otherwise I probably wont be playing 0.5.1 for to long. =/
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by TBeholder »

athomic1 wrote: A mission to deliver cargo implies that someone on the other end is expecting to receive it. Said someone should be waiting, patiently or no, for delivery, and not go bolting for the black at the first sign of the "Wells Fargo wagon!" I don't care who's sending what to whom. I agreed to deliver it, so HOLD STILL, DAMMIT!!! :evil:
It would make sense to have an explicitly stated deadline for the mission, though.
Maybe it would be a good idea to assign it to all missions, but with a generous leeway in most cases and maybe additionally marking the exclusions as urgent (the payment should be noticeably different too, of course).
athomic1 wrote:Actually, I think, if you hit alt-0 the moment you jump into the system, you might get your target to stop and wait for you. I'll have to check it out, but I think the first ship that comes up when you jump in is (or becomes) your delivery target, and should stop when you send a docking request. Then, you just need to keep hitting it until you can get there. I'll have to try that and see.
Did the same for defence missions. In that crushing the attackers with the help of a station is easier than having to chase one fleeing target all over the system while others are free to attack the "defended" ship.
athomic1 wrote:Of course, it doesn't explain cargo wingmen at all! They're part of your flight group, members of your faction... your own damn people!
BTW, hired guns also are "in your faction" while in flightgroup.

As to the skittish wingmen - there's no good reason why you have to tractor them in the first place. The sane solution, of course, would be to ensure docks work properly via use of path-flying AI. But that depends on AI code improvement, which is one of main problems of VS.
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by athomic1 »

Turbo Beholder wrote:As to the skittish wingmen - there's no good reason why you have to tractor them in the first place. The sane solution, of course, would be to ensure docks work properly via use of path-flying AI. But that depends on AI code improvement, which is one of main problems of VS.
I was thinking that's the way docking works: one ship positions itself at another's docking point, and the other tractors it in. Same between ship and station. Of course, as I consider it, that means any ship acting as a carrier HAS to mount a tractor beam in one (or more) of its weapon slots, doesn't it? Not an easy situation for a ship with few of those to start with.
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Re: Observations on Cargo Wingmen

Post by TBeholder »

athomic1 wrote:I was thinking that's the way docking works: one ship positions itself at another's docking point, and the other tractors it in. Same between ship and station. Of course, as I consider it, that means any ship acting as a carrier HAS to mount a tractor beam in one (or more) of its weapon slots, doesn't it? Not an easy situation for a ship with few of those to start with.
No, if it got a dock, it got to have a docking module assumed to have different type of tractors. No reason not to have all this built-in.
"Two Eyes Good, Eleven Eyes Better." -Michele Carter
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