Load Saved Game from Command Line?

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Load Saved Game from Command Line?

Post by eracc »

I have used "vegastrike --help" to check this for years now. If there is a way to load a saved game from the command line, why does it appear to not be documented here? Also, what is the "magic incantation" for that?

If there is NOT a way to load a saved game from the command line, I respectfully request that someone of the developer group please add that. TIA :)
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Re: Load Saved Game from Command Line?

Post by TBeholder »

eracc wrote:I have used "vegastrike --help" to check this for years now. If there is a way to load a saved game from the command line, why does it appear to not be documented here? Also, what is the "magic incantation" for that?

If there is NOT a way to load a saved game from the command line, I respectfully request that someone of the developer group please add that. TIA :)
Hey, a good point. I just looked into sources - it's not yet implemented, and loading is performed from Python interface assuming everything's already running, so no one-minute solution, but... VS chooses a mission from command line and it seems easy to craft a mission that just loads some pre-defined savegame on start.
This means launching VS with this mission will auto-load savegame - "Autosave" or intentionally saved under the name e.g. "Continue".
But there's more to it. An external launcher could craft such a mission (simple output-to-file, it's just a small XML text) using its own command line argument to define savegame name constant, and then launch VS with this mission as a command line argument. However, i doubt such a dynamic variant is very useful, since this means you still have pick a savegame you feed to it - so why not pick from load game menu?..
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Re: Load Saved Game from Command Line?

Post by eracc »

I run a local compiled copy of VS that is not in my X menus. Here is the "myvs" bash script I use to run VS:

Code: Select all

cd ~/VegaStrike/vegastrike && ./vegastrike && echo || echo
It would be nice to be able to use "./vegastrike -savegame=mysave" instead of having to click click click on the menus every time. Then I could have a script for individual games that are for different play styles. Again, just loading these from the CLI with a script would be faster than wearing out my mouse hand with more clicking. :)
http://www.eracc.com/ - Linux, Unix, eComStation (Get rid of proprietary Microsoft and Apple!)
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Re: Load Saved Game from Command Line?

Post by TBeholder »

eracc wrote:I run a local compiled copy of VS that is not in my X menus. Here is the "myvs" bash script I use to run VS:

Code: Select all

cd ~/VegaStrike/vegastrike && ./vegastrike && echo || echo
Mine's more like

Code: Select all

MY_DIR=`dirname "$0"`
cd $MY_DIR
taskset 02 bin/vegastrike $@  2>$HOME/.vegastrike/vegastrike_err.txt 1>$HOME/.vegastrike/vegastrike_out.txt
- so, any entry in ~/.local/share/applications/ can run the compiled SVN version with its own parameters. And to get logs not overwriten until the next launch, instead of having output all over .xsession-errors, ever-bloating as it is (BTW, same goes for Nexuiz - it spams generic log with all console messages). :wink:

Code: Select all

		<var name="mission_name" value="Continue Game" />
		<var name="system" value="Special/Empty" />
		<!-- need at least one, to avoid messing with the engine -->
                <flightgroup name="Shlimazel" faction="privateer" type="dumbfire" ainame="default" waves="1" nr_ships="1">
			<pos x="119990000000" y="-9000000" z="-109990000000.0"/>
import VS
- save in data/mission/load_continue.mission, add mission/load_continue.mission to the end of command line, and if this file exists, it will be loaded. Or replace "continue" with "Autosave".
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Re: Load Saved Game from Command Line?

Post by eracc »

Okay, I tried this using my saved game "mysave". It did load my saved game as far as I could tell. BUT, my Vigilance that I was using when I last saved was back to STOCK. All the customizations were GONE. Needless to say, but I'm saying it anyway, I quit without saving so it would not dink up my ship.

Here are the only changes I made:

Code: Select all

      <var name="mission_name" value="My Save" />
      <var name="system" value="Special/Empty" />
      <!-- need at least one, to avoid messing with the engine -->
                <flightgroup name="Shlimazel" faction="privateer" type="dumbfire" ainame="default" waves="1" nr_ships="1">
         <pos x="119990000000" y="-9000000" z="-109990000000.0"/>
import VS
http://www.eracc.com/ - Linux, Unix, eComStation (Get rid of proprietary Microsoft and Apple!)
Custom Built, Preloaded PCs, Workstations and Servers - Business, Home and Gamer systems
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Re: Load Saved Game from Command Line?

Post by klauss »

Wouldn't mind a feature request in SF's bug tracker...
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