Brainstorming! What cargo in Vega Trek?

Discuss the Star Trek mod(s) for the Vega Strike Engine

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Post by peteyg »

Okay, the reason that I think that there should be an in-game difference between Type I and Type III is because developed worlds see a HUGE difference between the two categories, but undeveloped worlds do not see any difference at all. So they must be in separate categories so that we can have different planets have different demands.

That is the same reason Type III and Type IV should be different categories. Type III must be separate, beacuse on an undeveloped world Type I and Type III will be very closely related in price while Type IV will be completely different. On developed worlds, Type I will be the odd one, being almost worthless while Type III and Type IV are worth much more.
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Post by esgaroth »

Okay, I think I understand now better what you mean. On developed worlds, I completely agree. The only difference between our assumptions is that in my opinion on undeveloped worlds, I dont think that Type III will be so much cheaper, because due to the lack of replicator technology everything is "handmade" (and therefore relatively expensive compared to the worthlessness of replicated stuff on developed worlds), so I thought that Type 1 and type III are closely related in price but not on the cheap side of the spectrum (therefore, imho type I will be more expensive and not type III less expensive). Hey, this are off-world goods, replicated or not, that are usually not produced on that planet irrespective of replicator technology or not. Therefore I would assume that they are a kind of luxury (provided we dont have goods like timber or pencils). What do you think, if tomorrow a ferengi trading ship would land on earth and start selling stuff, would a simple wine glass made on Aldebaran IV be very cheap ? I dont think so, at least not as long as they dont drown earth with those glasses... :-)
But lets stop this discussion, I dont insist on having type 3&4 combined, I only thought that we may reduce working time by reducing the categories. If you like 4 categories, lets have them, they wont do any harm.
I have now worked out some more trading goods and would like to sort them according to the categories.
Is the category scheme you proposed a few posts ago still valid ?

Type III
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Post by peteyg »

Try this on for size. Type I and II would be just a mirror of these categories. This would fit pretty much anything I can think of... are there any items which might not fit into these categories?

Code: Select all

	Type III
	Type IV
		Raw Materials
		Refined Materials
		Manufactured Goods
		Medical Supplies

		Starship Components
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Post by esgaroth »

Sorry for the delay, I have a busy week....
Here is what I`ve got so far. I´ve added the contraband category to type IV and would suggest that it also is species-specific (however, what is contraband in the klingon empire ? pacifistic literature ? lol)
One also could dispute about medical stuff (at least the chemicals) in type III or whether tricorders are replicatable. Type I is still not very much and I am happy for suggestions. I also added holosuite programs, music discs etc. to type III. Although they are clearly replicatable, I guess they are protected under some intellectual property laws at least in the federation. Oldr Music/literature could be grouped into type I.

Type I
Starfleet emergency rations
Although well balanced and cholesterol free, the taste is only slightly better than that of its predecessors almost 500 years ago?.
Klingon ale. Strong and......special.
Dehydrated Bregit Lung
A klingon speciality.
Canned Karada Legs
The extremities of a klingon octopus-like creature.

Alcohol substitute invented by the Ferengi. Cheap and effective.
The old custom of having living animals on board of a spaceship as a source of fresh meat still has many friends among several species, especially among the klingons.
Purified Water
Filtered and sterilized water is still a ressource needed on mining asteroids or desert worlds.

Type II
Raw materials
The ubiquitous choice for cheap lightweight construction.
Iron has been vital in the histories of all of the spacefaring races. The prime variance is the ratio of cast iron cookware to iron and steel killingware.
Due to its exceptional melting temperature and continued tensile strength at high temperatures, tungsten is a vital part of the spacefaring industry.
Needed for almost all steel alloys.
Useful as an anti-corrosive coating, nickel is often mined in bulk from nickel-iron asteroids.
Once sought for his value, it is now primarily used as containment for latinum.

Refined materials
Although it has been surpassed in performance, when it comes to cost-performance, steel is always a contender, especially on less developed worlds
More carbon than steel, this substance consists of steel reinforced by countless carbon nanotubes.
Once refined, it is an exceptionally effective source of nuclear power on lesser developed worlds.

Type III
French Champagne
The original. Still only produced in a small region on Terra. Nowadays mostly used for starship christening except by a small group who actually insist in drinking it on special occasions.
German Beer
One of the few beverages that cannot satisfy the taste of the real gourmet if replicated. Brewed according to the german purity law from 1516 AD.
Scotch Whiskey
24 years old single malt scottish highland whiskey.
Aldebaran Whisky
Since centuries aldebaran farmers used to convert their perishable crops into the form of the somewhat more durable aldebaran whisky. Well, its strong and?.green.
Klingon Blood Wine
Death before Dishonour- the finest klingon Blood Wine brand in the alpha quadrant. Serve hot !
Klingon Alcoholic beverage

Maraltian Seev-ale
A green beverage from Quark's private stock.

Romulan Ale
The famous, blue brew from Romulus. Illegal on most worlds in the Federation.

Cardassian Canard.

A sweet Terran confection made from roasted & ground cacao beans
Unhatched fish eggs from several terran species.
Plomeek Soup
Vulcan orange vegetable soup. A vulcan speciality. Well, don´t need to say more.
Plok Tar
Vulcan Dish
Vulcan Molluscs
They are best sauteed in Rhombolian butter
A leaflike Betazoid delicacy.
A blueberry-like fruit found on Betazed

Klingon Gagh
Serpent worms in a thick sauce-maybe the best known dish of klingon origin. Considered best if consumed while the worms are still alive.
Andorian Blue Goo Dip
Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps specialty, served at Diplomatic Receptions
Denebia Quatlh Min
Denebian Slime Devil Eyeballs, this is a Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps specialty
Rokeg Blood pie:
Traditional Klingon Dish

A traditional Romulan food

Canned Lokar beans
A traditional Ferengi dish

Larish Pie
Few other live forms would consider this edible-yet the cardassians love it !
Taspar eggs
When boiled, it is considered a Cardassian delicacy, raw it is revolting

Artwork & Entertainment
Bajoran Earrings
Bolian Crystals

Klingon opera recordings

Holosuite programs
Music discs
Type IV
Raw Materials
Dilithium Crystals
Crystals of dilithium telluride. Multidimensional crystals that are a vital part of all warp drives because of their ability to focus energy.
Trilithium Crystals
Very instable, synthetic substance produced from dilithium and paralithium. Extremely effective in blocking fusion reactions or as explosive.
Monocrystal Cortenum
Component needed to produce Verterium Cortenide, which is a necessary component of warp coils.
Polysilicate Verterium
Component needed to produce Verterium Cortenide, which is a necessary component of warp coils.
Latinum ditensenide is a clear liquid with a silver shine. Mined from natural deposits, its scarcity and inability to be replicated made it the most popular currency at the frontier, in form of gold-pressed latinum.

Refined Materials
Verterium Cortenide
Important component of warp coils.
Very rare synthetic substance that reflects phaser fire back at the attacker.

Manufactured Goods
Phasers Type I
Basic hand-weapon of starfleet officers. Although outdated nowadays, they are still in use on backward worlds or on civilian crafts.
Phasers Type II
Modern hand weapon of starfleet officers.
Phaser rifle Type III
Sometimes referred to as assault rifles, the Type-IIIa and its companion the Type-IIIb utilise plasma acceleration to provide a powerful bolt of energy.

Medical Supplies
Medical tricorder
General examination tool. Basically a modified TR-580 with an extra external medical probe and scanner attachment.
Dermal regenerator
Starfleet medical instrument used to repair damaged epidermal tissue.
Neural stimulator
This device repolarizes the neural activity in the brain. Mostly used to stimulate the Central Nervous System of patients who have suffered some form of neuro-synaptic failure.
Bioregenerative field projector
Standard medical energy field projector to accelerate cellular growth and healing.
Genetronic replicator
A medical device used to stimulate the genetic code of an individual into growing whatever types of cells are needed by the patients.
Starfleet standard treatment against muscle spasms.
Well known stimulant of the cardiovascular system.
The most widespread used antibiotic in the federation.
Emergency medical hologram
The EMH is a fully functional holographic physician that utilizes current Star Fleet medical databases to render treatment

Starship Components
Isolinear optical chips
Primary software and data storage medium in federation computers.
Duotronic enhancers
Invented by Dr. Richard Daystrom. Although nowadays mostly replaced by isolinear technology on starfleet vessels, duotronic systems are often still in use on colonial worlds.
Optical nanoprocessors
On-board part of isolinear chips.
Reflex-quintronic systems
Highly sophisticated top notch computer systems incorporating duotronic drivers, isolinear chips, bio-neural gelpacks and diverse cytherian enhancers to create the best possible artificial intelligence systems.
Adaptive interface link
Computer connection used to exchange information between two computer systems of totally alien origin.
Cytherian processor enhancers
Advanced cytherian tool that improves the capacities of isolinear and bio-neural computers.


Biomimetic gel
Very hazardous substance that is necessary for the creation of biogenic weapons. Forbidden in the federation.
Bio-neural gelpacks
Component of a bio-neural computer system consisting of a flexible package containing synthetic neural cells in a gelatious organic matrix.
Bio-neural circuitry
This new technology uses synthetic neurons for much faster data processing. The most recent advance in computer technology combines the parallel processing and learning capacities of synthetic cerebral neurons with the optical chip technology.
Gelpack processors
Translates the neural impulses of bio-neural gelpacks and circuitry to the opto-electronic impulses of isolinear chips.

Romulan cloaking device

Borg biocybernetic neural set
Borg nano-probes
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Post by SkyAshton »

About the holosuite programs, EMH, and the other data related goods, they wouldn't need to be transported. You would probally pay for it, then recieve the data via subspace communication. Then you could just transfer it to an isolinier chip.
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Post by esgaroth »

Actually, you´re right, but I think its similar like nowadays software or music; what you pay for is mostly the licence to use it. The storage medium only adds minimal cost and therefore is added more or less for free. And at least the licenses I as a trader have to buy (and sell), whether they use "real" space in my cargo hold or only RAM in my computer doesnt matter for trading purpose.
I have more problems with medical substances, whether they should be grouped in type III or better in type I, and, after some thoughts, still with most goods of type I because I still think they will be replicated on the trading ship on demand and not bought somewhere (why use cargo space and taking the risk of not beeing able to sell the type I stuff for profit when I can use it better for type II to IV goods?).
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Post by esgaroth »

OK, we`re having almost all pictures for the first version of the cargo list. What we still need would be pictures of the following trade goods:
-bioregenerative field projector
-optical nanoprocessors
-biomimetic gel
-romulan cloaking device
-borg artefacts
So if anyone has something that would fit (or other stuff that would he would like to see as trading good) or any 3D modeller has some spare time please send me a note.
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Post by Silverain »

This is Biomimetic Gel as per the Economy Mod - any use?

I will show the other pics for economy cargo later, when I have time to change the cargo page.

This location Cargo Descriptions contains the economy mod descriptions and pictures.
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Post by peteyg »

Yes, we should definitely plunder as much stuff from Vega Strike as possible, just to save valuable time and effort. : )
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Post by esgaroth »

Nice ! I`m going through it and look what we can use !
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Post by esgaroth »

I`ve compiled what we have so far. The vega trek cargo vault can be seen at
As you can see, we´re still a bit weak in Type I cargo and the technobubble stuff, so more suggestions and better pictures are always welcome. Please also check the descriptions, as I`m no native speaker there may be some mistakes.
And, yes, the yellow background will be changed in the next days....
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Post by Daemonzi »

Dithium - Anti-Matter, without it the warp drive doesnt work, and thus you have no power.
Likewise, just because something can't be replicated doesn't mean it can't be transported. There are things that can't be transported for sure, but they are few, and probably aren't worth a whole nother category.
It does, because thats how the replecators work, by storing the atom patters of the item and reprodusing them on request, however large things take alot of energy to replecate (and size)(thats why industral replecators must be used from planets / space stations) as they must be made from scratch, they can be transported easally because they Re-use most of the energy from the dismatleing of the 1st copy.

And currency is in latinium units. (cant be replicated for some un-explaned reason)
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Post by peteyg »

Actually, the distiction between transporters and replicators is that transporters operate on a super-precise and complex quantum level, where replicators work on a very very simple and basic molecular level.

So that is why something that cannot be replicated (a living person) can still be transported.

FANTASTIC work so far on the cargo!!! I am very impressed! : D

Post by Guest »

How come arms, legs, lungs ect can be replecated then?
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Post by Daemonzi »

Wait, ye your right, they could not be replecated in TNG, because the computers wernt big enought, however i think voyager must have a lot more memory than the TNG enterprise as it can replecate bodyparts, ect...
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Post by peteyg »

It's obviously not a matter of memory capacity. The transporter's pattern buffer can hold all of the quantum-resolution data on many people. A starship's main computer system can hold that information too; take the episode of DS9 where there's a transporter accident, and the patterns of several characters are taken from the pattern buffer and put into the station's main memory. It takes nearly ALL Deep Space Nine's memory to do it, but that's not such a big deal since the computer systems are pretty crappy at that stage (before O'brien got them all fixed up and modernized).

Which episode of Voyager did you see the body part being replicated? Anyways, I really don't think that a dead body part can be compared to a complete living being.

Post by Guest »

Star Trek Voyager (S1E05) Phage.Avi - The doector pacificly says it neelix was a human he could replecate him a new pair of lungs, however because talaxian phisilogicaly hasnt been studied in deph, he cannot.

In TNG technical manual, it pacifically says the amount of information needed to define a living, thinking being at that level of detail is incredibly large, far surpassing the computer capacity of any 24th century database.
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Post by peteyg »

Well the TNG tech manual is superceded by canon, and DS9 is canon.
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Post by Daemonzi »

and Voyager is even more later than DS9, and there classing TNG technical manual as cannon too (eg the photon torpedo section)
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Post by peteyg »

The TNG tech manual isn't canon. It's backstage information that is almost as good as canon.
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Post by esgaroth »

Back from the holidays, back to work. Most pics should work now, except the nanoprocessors where I still have no satisfactory pic.
A general question: will we need pics for the technical stuff (upgrades of ship engines, weapons etc.) ?
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Post by peteyg »

We will at some point, yeah. For ships, we can just use the HUD image.
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Post by FrozenIceman »

Here are some more.

2)TYPE One Phaser (Hand held ones about halve the size of a computer mouse)
3)Kligon Food - pipius claw, racht, Kligon Skull Stew,
4) Rhuludian crystals (narcotic, contaband)
5)3D Chess
6) liquir - Saurian brandy
8)Somnetic inducer (helps one sleep)
9)Sonic Disruptor
10)Venus Drug (makes one more attractive, contraband)
12)Holodeck Programs
13)Environmental suit
14)Hyperspanner (generic tool)
15)jumja tea (Bajoran tea from jumja tree)
16)jumja (like a popsickle but from jumja)
17)Jem'Hadar Rifle, Jem'Hadar pistol
18)Isolinear Rods, Isolinear optical chips (cardasian=Rod, Federation-chip)
19)Ear Recevier (What Ahura used)
20)Dilithium crystal articulation (Device that hold Dilithium crystatl)
21) Cardassian Rifle and Pistol
23)Bajoran Pistol and Rifle
24) Antigrav Device
25) antimatter pod
26) antigravity generator
27)antimatter mines
28)medical kit
29)hand held medical scanner
30) mek'leth (thing Worf used on first contact on Enterprises Hull)
31)Tranya (beverage served by balok when encountered enterprise crew TOS, enjoyable)
32)Tube Grubs (Ferengi Delicacy)
33)ketracel-white (Stuff Jem'Hadar use)
34)hydronalin (drug used to treat radiation poisoning
35) Phaser Array power Cell
36) Water Pack

Also I would suggest getting the Star Trek Encyclopedia A reference Guide to the Future updated and expanded edition. This is what I found in a 10 minute search, and it comes with a CD Rom version of it too, has pictures I got mine a Barnes and Nobles.
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Post by esgaroth »

Thanx for the list,
a good part of them we do already have ( ), but there are indeed some things that I will add. What we are still in need of are pics of technical stuff (antimatter reactor, shield generator etc.) A few have been added to the list yesterday, but we are still missing a lot.
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Post by FrozenIceman »

Tricobalt Torpedo

Very well, I shall see what I can do
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