Vegastrike War Stories

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Vegastrike War Stories

Post by IxianMace »

Sorry if this has been posted before, I did a quick search to see if there were any threads that went along similar lines but didn't find much, so here goes.

Does anybody have any good Vegastrike war stories they'd like to share? Any interesting/funny/amazing missions or incidents happen while travelling in space?

Last night, I blew up an shmrn factory in the Crucible/Everett system. What happened was I was initially engaging a flight of Luddite Redeemers and happened to be a little too close and pointing in the wrong direction when I destroyed one... I accidentally hit the factory with the beams on my llama.

So of course, the factory targets me and starts yelling abuse. After polishing off the Redeemers, finishing my bounty mission, and almost ending up dead in the process (I was in overload, with barely any hull left and no forward armour remaining), I repaired my ship, and spent the next 20 minutes hitting the '1' key communicating friendly thoughts to the factory. Nothing seemed to be working though, the factory seemed to have an everlasting grudge against me. Eventually, it got to the stage where the factory said:

"I'm going to kill you and everyone you know", which ticked me off a little. :D

So... after saving up some cash, I went out and purchased a Goddard. Fitted it with a cloaking device, and numerous other enhancements, and came back to the Crucible/Everett system. The factory was still yelling abuse at me. I didn't need to, but I thought I'd blow it up for fun to silence it once and for all. :twisted:

I must have emptied over 300 Friend or Foe missiles and at least 100 torpedoes into the factory before it gave way, judging by how many times I had to reload. Out of all the weapons I tried, a bombardment of Friend or Foe missiles and torpedoes seemed to be most effective at getting the factory's hull down, and it took quite some effort. Overall, it was very satisfying seeing the factory break into little bits and pieces and 'fall away'. :lol:

I was thinking that if a factory was that difficult to destroy with all the punishment I was dishing out, an Aeran capital ship, and perhaps even a Kahan may be impossible to tackle.

I'll probably try tackling a mining base in an Aevant the next time I try something like this.
Last edited by IxianMace on Thu Sep 02, 2004 1:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by hellcatv »


I keep telling jacks the capships are too solid ;-) but perhaps the factory is just not balanced ;-)

now that we have things in the csv though it should be easy to tweak units en masse
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Post by Sneemaster »

Hey I once was trying to get a bounty on a lonely pirate corvette (or so the mission said, no escorts it said :roll: ). So I go to the system, find it, attack from behind, and blow it up close range with a torpedo. Easy, I say to myself. Unfortunately, just then about 20 pirate corvettes jumped in, as well as some other faction(confed I think?). Well I got stuck in the middle of this fight and unfortunately I didn't last long :x . Corvettes, fighters, a capship or two, all shooting at each other with me in the wasn't pretty. Not too mention my frame rate went way low with so many ships, so I couldn't dodge fast enough to get out of the way, even with my Franklin with turrets and everything. Damn I need a cloaking device next time.
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Post by IxianMace »

Hmm, sounds nasty. I think I've been in similar situations before, with lots of beams and missiles flying around my ship. The first thing I do when that happens is engage the cloaking device (if I'm not already cloaked, and if I have it), and target the nearest jump point or planet and in-system warp to it to quickly get out of harms way. Without a cloaking device, taking on an enemy that is superior in number and/or hardware gets a little hairy. :)

The power of Penetrators:

Today, I went on a bounty mission fetish. :twisted: After finding and docking with an Aeran Yavok, I purchased an Aelar.blank and an Aevant.blank.

Flew around looking for Aeran installations and capital ships in order to purchase weapons. I managed to pack 5 Aera military spec Penetrator guns on my Aevant. After upgrading all the weapon mounts with autotracking, and filling the missile mounts with torpedoes and heatseekers, I accepted a bounty mission to destroy a Luddites unit, with an escort of roughly 18 craft.

Went to the system, cloaked, then found the target. From then on, it was a complete slaughter. With 5 autotracking Penetrator guns, I was able to destroy the entire flight of Redeemers even faster than I could do it in a military spec Goddard! :shock: :twisted:

One shot (that's all 5 Penetrator guns firing and hitting their target all at the same time) was enough to completely collapse the shields on one side of a Redeemer, and severely damage the hull, which was already quite 'red' after one direct hit.

Later on, I tried the same thing with the Aelar, only this time I only had 4 Penetrator guns, and 2 Photon Guns, which were all autotracking. Along with that, all the special missile mounts were packed full of hail ammunition, again all mounts were autotracking.

The hail shots seem to do much more damage per hit then the other types of mini-missiles (Swarm, Photon-Swarm, etc), and I almost didn't take any fire from the enemies that I ambushed, due to them being completely destroyed before even managing to turn around and shoot. I've finally found the firepower I need. :D :lol:

Total war in Crucible/Oldziey!

Awhile later, I read some news regarding the Oldziey system, and how the Aera had taken it over. Decided to check out the system, and found an Aeran starfortress and a mining base there. :shock: That was the first time I'd ever seen an Aeran starfortress, it was a very interesting site. Docking with it was a pleasure. :D

Beefed up every single ship I had purchased with various items from the starfortress, then headed out around the planets with my cloak de-activated (hoping to get ambushed by some enemies).

Suddenly, an Andolian Archimedes capital ship jumped in, along with some Confederate Lancelots, LIHW Llamas, and some Merchant Mules... I saw them for a brief moment, before they all jumped to elsewhere in the system. The next thing I know, I see several messages detailing the destruction of Aeran starfortresses. Four Aeran starfortresses were destroyed in the space of about 2 minutes according to the messages I saw. :shock: That would have required a huge amount of firepower to destroy the starfortresses that quickly... I've never seen an Aeran starfortress using its turrets, but I imagine it would have returned fire. Apparently, not one ship from the attacking fleet was lost.

So far, control of the Oldziey system seems to have switched from the klkk, to the Aera, and then back to the klkk (with assistance from an Andolian strike force).
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Post by Charlie »

I once came across a confed astroid fighterbase AND an Aera astroid fighter base, in the SAME group of astroids. Now this was a very interesting site! Unfortunately this was shortly after I had started out, so I was still in my Llama with very little additions indeed, so I made sure I didn't hang around :?

This did make me wonder how do new fighter bases (and well, everything) get created during the game? Do they just appear, or is there some construction process or something?

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Post by coppercore »

I myself would like to know about this as well... how do fighterbases and the like just appear?
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Post by hellcatv »

there is a construction process from time to time...
but ya it'd be cooler to save "partially under construction" before making totally under construction bases...
Vega Strike Lead Developer

Post by Zel »

Hidden enemy

It was a rainy day on the small agrarian colony in the war system. I just had finished breakfast at the local bar when the alarm sounded. Wantin to know what was going on I accessed the newsterminal. News reported that an arean ship of unkonown origin had just entered the system and according to the local militia vanished from their sensors soon after. They believed it could be a heavy fighter with a cloaking device. A general warining was announced to all freighting captains that the ship was believed to be still in the system.

Feeling quite unsafe on the planet, not knowing if the arean would launch some kind of WMD on the colony I got into my new pacifier and set course to the next friendly system. I closely watched the spec drive warming up as I left the influence of the planet behind me. Dots stars turned to streeks as I raced to the small moon the jump gate was orbiting. A few minutes later my ship closed in on the small moon already seeing the the small mealstorm of the opening wormhole as a quite large ship entered the system.

The dot that appeared on my sensors was quickly identified as a standard mule transport. Shields were still down when suddenly the mule was shaken by a huge explosion that ripped a gigantic hole into the side of the freighter. Loosing parts of ist freight the large ship drifted manouverless into the gravity of the small moon. Still several 100 klicks away I watched in horror as a small ship appeared from behind the wormhole and fired its weapons on the helpless ship. The SOS calls soon died as the mule started to disintegrate on its way down to the moons surface.

The small ship turned twowards me and kicked in the afterburners. My targeting computer had a difficult time to get a lock on the ship as it seemed to disappear and reappear every now and then. Knowing exactly that this probably was the ship the local militia had been warning all day and still under the impression of this horrific attrocity I decided it was on me to stop this arean scum. My shields still recharging I brought all weapons online.

The vessel closed in quickly. 50 klicks, 40 klicks, 30 klicks. I accomplished to get a constant sensor lock on him when he only was 10 klicks away. Sending off 2 IR missiles as I closed in I watched in horror when the arean ship just disappeard letting my missiles lose their lock. Suddenly all hell broke loose around me as the arean vessel opened fire sending a hail of missiles and bolts against my shield. My starboard shields and hull failed to protect my ship and only a quick turn saved me from getting toasted right away. But luck came back to me as I my targeting reticle centered on the arean when I came around the my quick turn. Still drifting backwards with my engines on full speed I fired a salvo into his stern. His aft shields collapsing he turned back and faced me directly. Still firing I drained his front shields now. Hammering away the protecting field I was able to get off another IR missile that directly hit him on the front hull. Then destructive salvo hit me. My front shield failed and the hull took severe beating as I turned to protect myself with the board shield. The salvo ripped away the board shield and the hull beneath it damaging some of my systems. When I came around I again aimed on the aft section of the arean ship. Having lost the autotracking of both Heavy Ion Beams I wasnt able to dish out too much damage.

Not beeing convinced that it was the right day to die I kicked in the spec drive. Unfortunatly the arean seemed to be quite pissed on me and I couldnt get much distance between us as he started to chase me through the system. Abbruply stopping my ship the arean overshot and presented his back for another volley of my remaining weapons. Lining up my Heavy Ions on him too I was able to breach his hull on the still shieldless ship. His cloaking device malfunctioning and his shields still down I pumped my remaining IR missiles into him. He barely was able to turn around when the first missile hit the ship bathing it into flames. Multiple explosions erupted when the fire reached his missile racks and fuel tank. The end came when another salvo from my Plasma gun ripped open the cockpit and turned the remains of the ship into smoking slug.
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Post by IxianMace »


Crucible/Maat system. I had just finished watching some Luddite Redeemers and Plowshares get hosed by Kahan. I then proceeded to dock with the Kahan. Upon docking with the Kahan, I loaded up on some Friend or Foe missiles, checked my ship stats for damage, then went to see what kind of work I could find. An In System Defend job got my attention.

The mission was asking to 'defend Confed from Shmrn' forces. The reward was a little over 110,000 credits per fighter. Normally, I wouldn't lay a Disrupter beam on any Shmrn forces, but what got me interested was the mission briefing. According to the mission briefing, Shmrn Dodos had jumped in and were attacking a Confederation Starfortress, in the Crucible/Maat system. A starfortress?!?! Absolute suicide, I thought. I guess I wouldn't have to do anything, since a human type Starfortress packs enough firepower to duke it out with swarms of enemies, and even hold up against capital ships for awhile. Dodos could be considered a laughable threat against anything more than another Dodo!

Amused, I accepted the mission. Upon returning to my ship and leaving the Kahan, I noticed that I had to fly to a Mule ship. There was already a normal Starfortress in the system that I thought was the target of the attack (and which I was supposed to defend), and I never expected to have to defend a Mule...

When I reached the Mule (which was cruising near the Starfortress in the system), I almost jumped out of my skin... for what appeared next would have obliterated both my ship and the Mule within a few seconds, had they unleashed their firepower.

I happened to be looking in the right direction when three starfortresses appeared out of nowhere!

Quickly engaging reverse thrust, I backed up some distance away just in case the starfortresses decided to light me up with their turrets. :shock:

Strangely, they attacked neither myself, nor the Mule I was supposed to protect, which proceeded to cruise nonchalantly away from the scene.

There was no way I was going to take on just one of those Starfortresses, even in my decked out llama. At that stage, I quit the game. :D

This was a very rare and interesting spectacle to witness. One can only wonder how many more surprises lurk in the vast universe of Vegastrike (this event occured while playing Vegastrike 0.4.2).

Post by mikoo »

I created a cluster bomb via editing xmesh files etc.
It fires a 10x10 or so grid of motified torpedos (dumb torpedos) at whatever direction you fired. Takes down factories like a champ :).

If the VS team would like it I'll zip it up and send. Also made a lazer guided large nuke... not as practicle.

Post by mikoo »

So I'm in my pirate goddard (with edited textures to match) flying around. I am lost in area space and have destroyed about every Rllan base in existance (those things are easier than a dodo to kill) and I have no idea how to get back to confed space and waste them. I am a friend of the area but have no enemy to kill. I do have a cloaking device tho....

I need blood, I need supplies. I have to kill something. I target some area mining bases, say nice things to them, decloak, fire a couple of clustermissles at them, they die, say nice things to the fighters, make area happy again. So I'm lost in area space flying around cloaked... I see a target, an area fligth group of 3 or 4. I decloak and engage! I fire 1 cluster missle, then press A and fire another, and then another. I keep pressing A to stay on tail with these area birds. I see in the remote viewer explosions infront and to the side of the ships... they cannot escape the salvo... they all soon die as the 2nd missles hit!

I am SMUG. I look at the ruins hoping for pilots or merchandise to capture. Then I see red cluster missles streak across my bow. Then more! These are the same WCDumbfireTorpedos that the WCCluster missle releases. More red missles streak by. I think to myself "oh shit oh shit, they doubled back after loosing the target".... then I thing "calm down, youve been in the middle of a missle hailstorm before. I hope that the missles will pass me un noticed as has happened before. It is frightining to be in the middle of your own missle field but usually the missles don't explode on their friend. Ive survived this before, my hull is thick aswell...

2 missles broadside me.


I'm dead. No escape pod either. You can't survive a malestorm of WCDumbfire Torps (Only found in WCCluster Missles)

Want the files btw?

BTW We NEED seamless planetary flight. Where is the guy that was coding it?
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Aera Assault

Post by Space Pirate »

Well, here's my war story. It happened in the Dakota system, which was near the center of the galaxy, judging from it's vivid background full of stars that made my ships look great because of the reflections. The Shrmn citizens of the system always looked up into the beautiful sky whenever nightfall came. There were commercial stations there like MiningBases and Refineries. The Shrmn there never expected the devestation that would come next :twisted:

A massive Aera assault wing jumped into the system, consisting of countless squadrons of Nicanders, Artisons, and Aerus'. They swarmed around a Refinery as the station's defense turrets were blasting away at them in a desperate effort to ward them off. Alarm bells filled the air in the station while the air was escaping in whilte jets created by the Aera fighter's blasts. Crowds of panicing refinery workers rushed under the descending automated air-tight doors. But, the fates of the Shrmn on the stations were sealed when the entire sky seemed to fill up with metal. The massive Aeran capitol ship hurled its immense bolts of plasma at the station, creating a massive hull breach that sucked out all the air of the station, and a second later another bolt came and it hit the ammunition stores, causing an explosion which reduced the once-great station to a floating pile of rubble and scraps of twisted metal. Later, after eliminating all the other stations in the system, the Aera constructed two MiningBases and several other stations in the system. Then, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I cruised to the Aera MiningBase in my Goddard, and my beams easily sliced through and disabled its three automated defense turrets. Then, I unloaded my aresenal of torpedos from my Goddard, some of which had hit the heavily reinforced MiningBase. Just as the first torpedo hit, a squadron of Aeran fighters came in to intercept me. I cloaked and silently flew away from the station, engaging my state-of-the-art Ecm3 system. The Aera thought that I was gone for good, when I decloaked and immediately fired another torpedo at the station from the other side. The explosion caused the asteroid's already weakened structure to collapse, as I watched it disintegrate into peices. I engaged SPEC just as the station exploded, sending shrapnel and asteroid fragments flying in all directions. Most of the Aeran fighters around me were caught in the blast. I continued and killed another Aeran MiningBase, and went back home to the Oldziey system to get some rest and sunshine on an Agricultural planet. 8)

Well, it seemed like my effort blowing up MiningBases had paid off when I returned to the Dakota system. It was under massive Confed assault. The swarms of dots on my radar that were Aeran fighters were gone, and were replaced by Derivatives, Gawains, and countless other Confed fighters, There was only one Aera installation left; it was a research station. From a distance, I saw that several lines were protruding from the station. I engaged cruising mode on my Goddard and came closer to investigate. It turned out that the Merchants were lending a hand as they were blasting the station with two Mules and an Ox along with the Confed fighters. However, their efforts were proving fultile because the Research station was attacking them with it's heavy beam arrays. I noticed that these beams were the "lines" I saw earlier. I sliced the arrays off with my beams, leaving the station defenseless, and reversed thrusters, watching my distance readings as I moved into an optimal position for a torpedo bombardment. But, I noticed that I forgot to equip my Goddard with Torpedos. I docked with the Ox and the Mules, looking for torpedos. No luck; they probably fired all availible torpedos blowing up the other Aeran ships and stations. Then, a thought popped into my head: Buy them from the Aera Research station! How original! :lol: Surprisingly, the Aera gave me docking clearance and I manuvered into the docking port. I bought all the advanced torpedos in the station and the Aera seemed perfectly happy to sell it to me, not seeming to know that they were selling the very weapons that would kill them. :twisted: I undocked from the station and shot two of the advtorpedos at it, and the station detonated. The explosion lit up the starry sky as the Aera on the Bio Simple planet below reeled in terror as they listend to the final screams of their comrades over the radio. The fall of the Aera research station marked the end of the Aera invasion of the Dakota system.

Later I came back and I found it to be a busy Confed system; the Andolians had set up a commerce center there. The Aera tried to take the sytem back, but the Confed forces kept them at bay. I was proud that I helped re-claim the Dakota systes and free its citizens from the terrifying Aera invaders.

EDIT: Some similar war stories can be found here: ... 92a8e1cf12
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Post by reaper »

Suicide Attack

Can't recall the system, but it was on the border of Aera/Confed space. Some Merchies tried to stomp on the Aera, because a Clydesdale jumped into the system near an Aeran commerce center and started whaling on it in front of two Aeran capships. The battle wasn't going well for the Clydesdale even though it had the commerce center's shields down, and so the captain obviously decided to take the center at all costs. (S)he chose a heading directly for the center and rammed at full speed into the mall I had just left. With a terrific explosion that rocked my hull 10 klicks away, the Clydesdale exploded and the center shattered into hundreds of pieces, including a large bit of debris that headed straight for me and disintegrated just before it hit.

There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.

--Mark Twain
Just a tourist with a frag'd nav console
Just a tourist with a frag'd nav console
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Privateer harsh reality

Post by Mitja »

I don't know whether this post should be in WCU forum or here, moderators move it accordingly :).

I'm beginner in Privateer, but played for a brief time Vega Strike few years back. So I'm not sure whether this is common or not: a small fleet of pirates attacked and successfully destroyed that beautiful shiny New Constantinople base. What a great base that was! And now is no more. Pity.

I see this topic is somehow covered here.
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Post by Halleck »

This happened a while ago, so it may be a little inaccurate on the details, but it's too good of a story to leave out.

Dock Fight

I was on mining base serenity taking some screenshots, and I decided to buy a Hyena. I departed the base, and there was a flight group nearby. I didn't care who they were, but I wanted a fight to photograph so I decided to pick one. I pissed them off pretty well, and decided to head back to serenity (which i was also firing at). I flew inside the docking bay for cover, but two fighters followed me inside! I proceeded to duke it out with them inside the mining base:<table border=0><tr><td>

It wasn't too long before my hyena was 0wnzed:

After purchasing another hyena, I departed. Finding myself in the docking bay again, I heard some clanging. Then the mining base EXPLODED.
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Post by FireCat »

The real "war story" will happened when you will decide to accept 'bounty mission' against 1 or 2 starships thinking "oh, it's a piece of cake with my heavy fighter!", fly to needed point... and will find there 1 or 2 CAPSHIPS that engage you.
Well, if you survive, it will be real war story! :)
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