The joy of irc

Let the flames roll in...
Err... yeah, well I suppose you can talk about other stuff as well, maybe?

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Elite Mercenary
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The joy of irc

Post by charlieg »

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(23:46:12) mikeeusa: F u dog, F u
(23:48:36) charlieg: ?
(01:15:16) mikeeusa: sup
(01:15:35) mikeeusa: i wuz just sayinz
(01:27:30) charlieg: ?
(01:28:01) charlieg: this ain't the 'street' nor do you know us... 'f u dog' is not really appropriate...
(01:29:56) mikeeusa: so?
(01:30:05) mikeeusa: what you gunna do aboutz it fool
(01:30:18) mikeeusa: f u capacheo!
(01:30:41) charlieg: um, ok... +i mikeeusa ;)
(01:33:02) mikeeusa: ?
(01:33:06) mikeeusa: ignore
(01:33:15) mikeeusa: I'll come in with a nother nick
(01:42:52) charlieg: that would be manual ignore... nothing computerized
(02:03:06) mikeeusa: oo
(02:03:10) mikeeusa: man wtf
(02:03:16) mikeeusa: why are you so rasist
(02:03:22) mikeeusa: just because black
(02:06:12) charlieg: that would be you being the racist one given i made no comment nor mention regarding ethnicity
(02:06:14) charlieg: but nice try
(02:06:35) charlieg: ali g is funny, attempting to emulate him isn't the worst thing in the world
(02:06:48) charlieg: even if your attempt was so poor ;)
(02:08:08) mikeeusa: you're rasist
(02:08:14) mikeeusa: honky
(02:13:45) charlieg: you're funny
(02:13:47) charlieg: comedian
(02:14:38) charlieg: but that's ok
(02:14:46) charlieg: i'll just copy/paste this into the vegastrike forums
(02:14:52) charlieg: so everybody can appreciate your humour
(02:14:55) charlieg: you ok with that?
(03:02:38) mikeeusa: yea
(03:02:43) mikeeusa: put it in offtopic tho
(03:03:06) mikeeusa: "Opression hits the vegastrike chat room"
(03:03:15) mikeeusa: "Chatroom devided"
Yeah, mikeeusa... hilarious.
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Post by zaydana »

:shock: thats worse than the IRC server I hang around on :S

care to paste whatever ws leading up to that? But that is horrible.

Mike - please please stop bringing so much attention to yourself. Insulting people like that really is _not_ called for.

- zaydana

Post by mikeeusa2 »

Bringing IRC into the forums!

Now the forum has been polluted via the crosspollination via IRC... the wicked hive of scum and villinay has now taken over another corner of the interweb. Darn you charlieg!

Post by mikeeusa2 »

Anyone who is offended is a woman.
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Post by peteyg »

What a weenwapper.
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Post by charlieg »

Hehe, this ain't a big deal, it was kinda funny. Mikeeusa was probably either drunk or high and trying to be funny, and failing horribly. Nobody was offended, and I just thought it was amusing how foolish mikeeusa sounded. He dared me to post the conversation on the forums... so I did!

Zaydana: the conversation leading up to it was innocuous, which was why I complained at the rather crude comments. I'll just note that freenode is usually frequented by much more polite developer types. Who knows, maybe one day mikeeusa will be one of them.


Code: Select all

(17:18:00) mikeeusa: seamless platary flight!
(17:18:08) ***mikeeusa roots for the feature he wants
(17:22:15) jv: planetary ?:)
(17:26:10) mikeeusa: yes
(17:26:30) mikeeusa: like real planets you can fly around in
(17:41:03) jv: hm, that'd need different ships :)
(17:54:40) creche left the room (quit: "Leaving").
(19:47:50) creche [] entered the room.
(20:05:33) creche left the room (quit: "Leaving").
(22:33:44) mikeeusa: jv: no it wouldnt
(22:33:59) mikeeusa: spaceships can fly in the atmosphere
(22:34:04) mikeeusa: anti-grav
(22:34:09) mikeeusa: seamless platary flight!
(22:34:10) mikeeusa: seamless platary flight!
(22:34:11) mikeeusa: seamless platary flight!
(23:04:41) charlieg: no devs here!
(23:04:44) charlieg: no devs here!
(23:04:48) charlieg: no devs here!
(23:14:18) mikeeusa: so
(23:14:19) mikeeusa: so
(23:14:20) mikeeusa: so
(23:14:27) mikeeusa: where are the devs
(23:14:28) mikeeusa: where are the devs
(23:14:29) mikeeusa: where are the devs
(23:17:04) jv: There's no need in repeating the messages :)
(23:17:19) jv: mikeeusa: yes, but you still need to think about air
(23:17:38) jv: mikeeusa: or you want to fly into venus and get crushed ?:)
(23:39:18) mikeeusa: jv: anit-grav :P
(23:39:33) mikeeusa: acc that will be a good thing to add after it gets in
(23:39:40) mikeeusa: get it in then refine it
(23:46:12) mikeeusa: F u dog, F u
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Post by dfryer »

mikeeusa is also one of a select few who have had the privelege of being kicked/banned from #crystalspace on freenode as well :)

I didn't understand why so many people thought IRC was a complete cesspool until I wandered somewhere *other* than freenode. :D
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Post by zaydana »

i used to hang around on freenode, but it seems so hard to find people skilled in PHP and mySQL there. So now i hang around in That place is a weird mix, quarter are stoners, quarter are losers, quarter are coders, and quarter are just plain weird.

Of course, i could probably put another few quarters in there since those categories all overlap for about half of CA's population ;) For me, i like to think i just fit into the last two categories :)

But yeah, you get that on IRC. Its a pitty tho if it comes to vegastrikes tranquil community. Perhaps we should get a few ops in #vs sometime?

- zaydana

Post by mikeeusa2 »

I develop some perl games and php scripts. I also make some textures on which are GPL. I support VS because it is.
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Post by hellcatv »

I usually hang out at in #wing-commander
anyone is welcome to join and Vega Strike chat is encouraged...
however I hardly remember wherre all these fragmented vega strike channels actually reside
Vega Strike Lead Developer
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